
400 ImageCacheNotSupport Image cache is not available for all users.If you want to enable this function,contact us.镜像缓存功能还未全网开放,如果有需要请联系我们。400 EipAddressPoolIpNotEnough The ip address of specified ...


1#The date and time when the Backup is eligible for garbage collection.expiration:null#The current phase.Valid values are New,FailedValidation,InProgress,Completed,PartiallyFailed,Failed.phase:""#An array of any validation...


["pods"]verbs:["list","watch"]#Controller needs cluster access to all of the CRDs that it is responsible for#managing.-apiGroups:[""]resources:["tasks","clustertasks","taskruns","pipelines","pipelineruns","runs",...


诊断 400 PAY.QUERY_QUOTA_BOOK_FAILED Pay failed for querying quota book failed.-诊断 400 PAY.PAYMENT_PARAMETER_INVALID Pay failed for payment parameter not failed.-诊断 400 PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERROR Pay failed for getting pay ...


诊断 400 ORDER.NOT_ENOUGH_ACTIVITY_STOCK The order activity stock is not enough.订单库存不足。诊断 400 ORDER.SYS_CONSTRAINT_INVALID The order system constraint is invalid.订单中商品属性约束校验不通过。诊断 400 ORDER....


which is used to mark the traffic processed by WAF.the format of this parameter value is[{"k":"key","v":"value"}].where_key_represents the specified custom request header field,and_value_represents the value set for this ...


18011 SUBPARTITION is not supported by DIMENSION table.维度表不支持二级分区,请修改。18012 TABLEGROUP must not be specified for DIMENSION table.维度表建表语句不能指定表组,维度表均归属于系统默认维度表组,请修改。18013 The ...


String","Description":"The format of the data to be processed by the rule.You must specify the format of device data to be processed for this parameter.Valid values:JSON:JSON data BINARY:binary data Note If you ...


forwards data in the topics that have been processed by the rule engine to Message Service(MNS)for message transmission.FC:forwards data in the topics that have been processed by the rule engine to Function Compute for ...


示例:ERR-CODE:[TDDL-4403][ERR_MISS_SEQUENCE_TABLE_ON_DEFAULT_DB]Sequence table is not in default db.无法在后端的数据库里访问名称为 sequence 或者 sequence_opt 的数据表。TDDL-4404 ERR_SEQUENCE_TABLE_META Sequence数据表结构...


示例:ERR-CODE:[PXC-4200][ERR_GROUP_NOT_AVALILABLE]The TDDL Group*is running in fail-fast status,caused by this SQL:*which threw a fatal exception as*.说明:当分库包含的数据节点出现访问异常,并且分库下没有其他可用数据节点...


诊断 400 PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERROR Pay failed for getting pay url error.支付地址错误导致付款失败。诊断 400 PAY.NO_CREDIT_CARD Pay failed for no credit card.没有信用卡导致付款失败。诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_INCONSISTENCY Pay failed...


诊断 400 PAY.GET_PAY_URL_ERROR Pay failed for getting pay url error.支付地址错误导致付款失败。诊断 400 PAY.NO_CREDIT_CARD Pay failed for no credit card.没有信用卡导致付款失败。诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_INCONSISTENCY Pay failed...

MySQL 8.0 Server层最新架构详解

Query_expression:m_root_iterator=CreateIteratorFromAccessPath(.)unique_ptr_destroy_only<RowIterator>CreateIteratorFromAccessPath(THD*thd,AccessPath*path,JOIN*join,bool eligible_for_batch_mode){.switch(path->type){ case ...


[WARN]GPFS is not active on:hostname.Consult the install toolkit logs for possible errors during install.The GPFS service can also be started manually by running GPFS command 'mmstartup-N Node[,Node.]'[FATAL]GPFS NOT ...


403 Zone.NotOnSale The specified zone is not available for purchase.创建实例的可用区已经关闭售卖,请更换其他可用区。或者无法在该可用区使用指定 VPC 的虚拟交换机。403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation has been identified ...


400 ImageCacheNotSupport Image cache is not available for all users.If you want to enable this function,contact us.镜像缓存功能还未全网开放,如果有需要请联系我们。400 EipAddressPoolIpNotEnough The ip address of specified ...


400 ImageCacheNotSupport Image cache is not available for all users.If you want to enable this function,contact us.镜像缓存功能还未全网开放,如果有需要请联系我们。400 EipAddressPoolIpNotEnough The ip address of specified ...


the operator must review the inputted records to ensure the correctness.The review operation can be performed by another operator or a validated application.You can configure the review feature for a system if necessary....


403 Zone.NotOnSale The specified zone is not available for purchase.创建实例的可用区已经关闭售卖,请更换其他可用区。或者无法在该可用区使用指定 VPC 的虚拟交换机。403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation has been identified ...


COMPILER_OPT')is not None def print_rank_0(message):"""If distributed is initialized,print only on rank 0."""if torch.distributed.get_rank()=0:print(message,flush=True)def print_test_update(epoch,step,batch_size,loss,time_...


400 ImageCacheNotSupport Image cache is not available for all users.If you want to enable this function,contact us.镜像缓存功能还未全网开放,如果有需要请联系我们。400 EipAddressPoolIpNotEnough The ip address of specified ...


enabled is false(indicating that IPv6 is not enabled)and the value of protection_resource is share(indicating that a shared cluster is used).focus_https - Whether to enable the forced jump of HTTPS. This parameter is used ...


400 ImageCacheNotSupport Image cache is not available for all users.If you want to enable this function,contact us.镜像缓存功能还未全网开放,如果有需要请联系我们。400 OperationConflict Request was denied due to conflict ...


403 Zone.NotOnSale The specified zone is not available for purchase.创建实例的可用区已经关闭售卖,请更换其他可用区。或者无法在该可用区使用指定 VPC 的虚拟交换机。403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation has been identified ...


pathman_config_params CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pathman_config_params(partrel REGCLASS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,-主表oid enable_parent BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,-是否在优化器中过滤主表 auto BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,-...


pathman_config_params CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pathman_config_params(partrel REGCLASS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,-主表oid enable_parent BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,-是否在优化器中过滤主表 auto BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE,-...


403 Zone.NotOnSale The specified zone is not available for purchase.创建实例的可用区已经关闭售卖,请更换其他可用区。或者无法在该可用区使用指定 VPC 的虚拟交换机。403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation has been identified ...


you are currently not eligible to purchase or renew a cross-border bandwidth package.Please contact online customer service or your business manager for consultation.根据运营商及中国大陆法律法规的要求,您当前暂不符合购买/...


本文为您介绍如何通过即席查询来验证本教程开发的数据模型是否符合预期。即派生指标是否能够统计到 最近1天西湖龙井品类订单总金额。操作步骤 在Dataphin首页,单击顶部...SELECT*FROM LD_dataphin_tutorial.dws_all WHERE ds IS NOT NULL;


本文为您介绍如何通过即席查询来验证本教程开发的数据模型是否符合预期。即派生指标是否能够统计到 最近1天西湖龙井品类订单总金额。操作步骤 在Dataphin首页,单击顶部...SELECT*FROM LD_dataphin_tutorial.dws_all WHERE ds IS NOT NULL;


but these solutions are costly and have high O&M requirements.Therefore,this solution is not suitable for small-scale edge applications.However,without such virtual infrastructures,it is also very difficult to scale ...


403 AccessDenied.Unpurchased Access to model denied.Please make sure you are eligible for using the model.客户没有开通此商品 404 WorkSpaceNotFound WorkSpace can not be found.用户空间信息不存在。404 ModelNotFound Model can ...


letter queue.The ARN feature is supported by the following queue types:MNS and Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ.targets-param_list The param_list supports the following:resource_key-(Required)The resource parameter of the...


the subsequent value of this field will be processed by default according to the billing method selected for the first time.Optional values:BandwidthByDay:Daily peak bandwidth 95bandwidthbymonth:95 peak bandwidth.internet_...


that messages remain invisible.Messages return to active status after the set period.polling_wait_seconds-Long polling is measured in seconds.When this attribute is set to 0,long polling is disabled.When it is not set to 0...


调用CreateContainerGroup创建一个ECI实例(即容器组)。接口说明 调用 CreateContainerGroup 创建 ECI 实例时,系统将自动为您创建一个服务关联角色 AliyunServiceRoleForECI,用于访问 ECS、VPC 等相关云服务。更多信息,请参见 弹性容器...


instance:The image is already in use and running on an ECS instance.none:The image is not in use.dry_run-(Optional,Available in 1.95.0+)Specifies whether the image is running on an ECS instance.Default value:false.Valid ...


.zip":raise RuntimeError('{} filetype is not zip'.format(object_name))"start to decompress zip file={}".format(object_name))lst=object_name.split("/")zip_name=lst[-1]PROCESSED_DIR=os.environ.get("PROCESSED_DIR...


调用GetLogs接口查询指定Project下某个Logstore中的原始日志数据,返回结果显示某时间区间中的原始日志。...400 ParameterInvalid ErrorType:OLSQueryParseError.ErrorMessage:offset is not available for pagination in sql ...
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