
诊断 400 MissingParameter Specified parameter is missing.-诊断 403 MissingParameter The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.-诊断 403 Forbbiden.SubUser The ...

Quick BI仪表板图表报错“.which is not functionally...

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板图表报错“.which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause;this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by。问题原因 由于MySQL在5.7.5及以上版本,开启了ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY的设置...


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidOrganization.NotFound The organization is not ...


interval-(Optional,Available since v1.194.0)The frequency at which you want to perform a snapshot backup on the instance.Valid values:1:No backup frequencies are specified.30:A snapshot backup is performed once every 30 ...


id is required when the file_system_type is cpfs.vswitch_id-(Optional,Available in v1.153.0+)The id of the vSwitch.The vswitch_id is required when the file_system_type is cpfs.tags-(Optional,Available in v1.153.0+)A ...


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidOrganization.NotFound The organization is not ...

出错提示“Baota is installed”

本文主要介绍在Linux操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“Baota is installed”信息时的问题描述、问题原因及其解决方案。问题描述 在使用SMC操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“Baota is installed”信息。问题原因 待迁移的源服务器系统内...


诊断 400 MissingParameter Specified parameter is missing.-诊断 403 MissingParameter The input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.OwnerId和OwnerAccount参数值为空,请...


诊断 403 InvalidPaymentMethod.NoAccess No payment method is specified for your account.Please contact your Customer Manager or open a ticket.-诊断 400 InvalidOperation.InstanceFromPackageBuy This operation is not permitted...


诊断 403 InvalidPaymentMethod.NoAccess No payment method is specified for your account.Please contact your Customer Manager or open a ticket.-诊断 400 InvalidOperation.InstanceFromPackageBuy This operation is not permitted...


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidOrganization.NotFound The organization is not ...


Provides a RabbitMQ(AMQP)Queue resource.For information about RabbitMQ(AMQP)Queue and how to use it,see What is Queue.->NOTE:Available since v1.127.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_amqp_instance""default"{ ...


type-(Optional)IP Type:0:Automatic 1:IPv4 2:IPv6.is_open_trace-(Optional)Whether to enable link tracking.monitor_samples-(Optional)Whether the monitoring samples are evenly distributed:0:No 1:Yes.trace_client_type-...


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidOrganization.NotFound The organization is not ...


cloud_ssd","local_ssd","cloud_essd","cloud_essd2","cloud_essd3".commodity_code-(Optional,Available in 1.166.0+)The commodity code of the instance.Valid values:bards:The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance.This ...

Android SDK常见问题排查步骤

可以使用openFeedbackActivity(final Callable success,final Callable fail)这个方法,在调用前会显示“正在加载”提示,回调时关闭“正在加载”提示。Demo程序 若上述步骤仍未能定位问题,可以:加入钉钉群,群号:11711519。或者提交工...


UnsupportedOrderType 400 The order type is not supported 不支持的订单类型 EmptyPurchasesInfo 400 The order information is empty 空订单 MustModifyQuota 400 You must specify the quota 修改的配额信息不能为空 ...


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidOrganization.NotFound The organization is not ...


start[,count])CLOB Extract substring starting from start and going for count characters.If count is not specified,the string is clipped from the start till the end.SUBSTR('This is a test',6,2)is SUBSTRB(string,start[,count...


400 IllegalTimestamp The input parameter \"Timestamp\"that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.参数Timestamp不合法。400 IncompleteSignature The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards....


403 Forbidden.UserNotInCurrentOrganization The user is not in the organization and is not authorized to perform the operation.当前用户不在该企业中,无权进行操作。404 InvalidIdentifier.NotFound space id is error or not ...


SSLPub.MissingParameter An input parameter SSLPub that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied.400 SSLPub 参数缺失。SSLPri.MissingParameter An input parameter SSLPri that is mandatory for processing the ...


LOCK()Whether the named lock is free IS_IPV4()Whether argument is an IPv4 address IS_IPV4_COMPAT()Whether argument is an IPv4-compatible address IS_IPV4_MAPPED()Whether argument is an IPv4-mapped address IS_IPV6()Whether ...


Provides a RabbitMQ(AMQP)Exchange resource.For information about RabbitMQ(AMQP)Exchange and how to use it,see What is Exchange.->NOTE:Available since v1.128.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_amqp_instance"...

Quick BI报错“column xxx is ambiguous”

产品名称 Quick BI 产品模块 数据集、仪表板 问题描述 数据集预览报错,报错内容是“column xxx is ambiguous”问题原因 添加计算字段时,字段名是手动填写的,数据集又有表关联的操作,关联的表里的某个字段与原表字段名重复,无法识别...


Provides a Lindorm Instance resource.For information about Load Balancer Forwarding Rule and how to use it,see What is Rule.->NOTE:Available since v1.6.0.A forwarding rule is configured in ...rule_name vswitch_id=alicloud_...


the Period range is 1 to 5.If the value of the InstanceChargeType parameter is PrePaid,this parameter is required.If the value of the InstanceChargeType parameter is PostPaid,this parameter is not filled in.pricing_cycle-...


updating_failed:The cluster failed to be upgraded.-scaling:The cluster is being scaled.-waiting:The registered cluster is waiting for connecting.-disconnected:The registeredcluster is disconnected.-stopped:The cluster is ...


错误格式 当 PDS 在处理请求时,若发生异常,SDK返回值形如 {"Message":"The input parameter file_id is not valid.","RequestId":"772328B2-E5F4-453C-9C23-CCCCCCCC","Code":"InvalidParameter"} 且 HTTP 状态码也会相应变化。...


Provides a VOD Domain resource.For information about VOD Domain and how to use it,see What is Domain.->NOTE:Available since v1.136.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=....example.com. . sources - ...


true:The Auto Delete attribute is configured.If the last queue that is bound to an exchange is unbound,the exchange is automatically deleted.false:The Auto Delete attribute is not configured.If the last queue that is bound...


Provides a DBS Backup Plan resource.For information about DBS Backup Plan and how to use it,see What is Backup Plan.->NOTE:Available since v1.185.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...


诊断 400 QUOTA.DIMENSION.UNSUPPORT The entered quota dimension key is not supported.输入的配额维度key不支持。诊断 400 QUOTA.DIMENSION.VALUE.UNSUPPORT The entered quota dimension value is not supported.输入的配额维度值不...


400 InvalidCidrBlock Specified parameter CidrBlock is not valid.Configs.Networks.VPC.CidrBlock is not valid.无效的CidrBlock。403 QuotaExhausted.MaxClusterCount The MaxClusterCount({value})quota is exhausted.Cluster数量不能...


this parameter is valid only when the CAType parameter is set to aliyun.ssl_enabled-(Available in 1.124.1+)Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled.Valid values:on:enabled off:disabled server_ca_url-(Available in 1.124....


Provides a VPC Traffic Mirror Filter resource.Traffic mirror filter criteria.For information about VPC Traffic Mirror Filter and how to use it,see What is Traffic Mirror Filter.->NOTE:Available in v1.140.0+.Example Usage ...


刷脸超时 500 TooLong.UserId The maximum length of the UID is exceeded.UID太长 500 TooManyServicesProvided The maximum number of customized services is exceeded.The maximum value is 10.自定义服务超过上限 500 TypeError.DID ...


InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist.403 检查AccessKey ID是否正确。InternalError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息服务MNS 技术支持。InternalServerError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息...


This data source provides details of the Rds specifications of current Alibaba Cloud users.For information on RDS class details and how to use it,please refer to What is RDS class details.->NOTE:Available since v1.209.0+...


there is no data damage or loss,so as to avoid log rollback during database startup and ensure that the application is in a consistent startup state.Valid values:true,false.snapshot_group-Whether to turn on file system ...
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