
name-(Optional,Deprecated)The name of the HaVip instance.associated_instances-(Optional)The ID of the instance with which the HAVIP is associated.ha_vip_id-(Optional)The ID of the HAVIP.resource_group_id-(Optional)The ID ...


time-The Representative of the Creation Time Resources Attribute Field.description-The Physical Connection to Which the Description.enabled_time-The Physical Connection to Which the Activation Time.end_time-The Expiration ...


description-(Optional)The description of the consistent replication group.destination_region_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the region to which the disaster recovery site belongs.destination_zone_id-(Required,ForceNew)The...


seconds-(Optional)The delay period after which a message sent to the queue can be consumed.Unit:seconds.Valid values:0-604800 seconds.Default value:0.maximum_message_size-(Optional)The maximum size of a message body that ...


js 1、集成SDK资源 sdk官网<script type="text/javascript"src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> const { Meshviewer } = TideWanhuatong;const { ...

Node.js SDK

本文介绍如何使用阿里云智能语音服务提供的Node.js SDK,包括SDK的安装方法及SDK代码示例。前提条件 在使用SDK前,请先阅读接口说明,详情请参见 接口说明。下载安装 说明 SDK支持nodev14及以上版本。请确认已经安装nodejs&npm环境,并完成...


disk_size-The system disk size of the intermediate instance.Unit:GiB.vswitch_id-The vswitch id.add_account-The IDs of Alibaba Cloud accounts to which the image was shared.to_region_id-The IDs of regions to which to ...


DEPRECATED:This datasource has been deprecated from version 1.129.0.Please use new datasource alicloud_ssl_certificates_service_certificate.Provides a CAS Certificate resource.->NOTE:The Certificate name which you want to ...


interface_id-ENI ID of multicast member.status-The status of the resource transit_router_multicast_domain_id-The ID of the multicast domain to which the multicast member belongs.vpc_id-The VPC to which the ENI of the ...


JavaScript API(JSAPI)是为 H5 应用提供原生能力的接口,您可以利用这些接口使用更多的原生能力和操控能力,提高 H5 应用的用户体验。H5 容器组件提供以下能力:丰富的内置 JSAPI,实现例如页面 push、pop、标题设置等功能。更多信息查看...


which is used to set the access permissions of the Mount point.alias_prefix-(Optional,Available since v1.218.0)The mount point alias prefix,which specifies the mount point alias prefix.description-(Optional)The description...


which is used to set the access permissions of the Mount point.alias_prefix-(Optional,Available since v1.218.0)The mount point alias prefix,which specifies the mount point alias prefix.description-(Optional)The description...


en:|-The type of the destination to which the backup set is downloaded.Valid values:OSS|URL Default:OSS TargetOssRegion:Type:String Description:en:|-The region in which the OSS bucket resides.This parameter is required if ...

部署Node.js环境(CentOS 7)

Node.js是一个基于Chrome V8引擎的JavaScript运行环境,用来方便快速地搭建易于扩展的网络应用。本文介绍如何在CentOS 7.x操作系统的ECS实例上,安装Node.js并部署测试项目。背景信息 Node.js使用了一个事件驱动、非阻塞式I/O的模型,使其...


zone_id-The ID of the zone to which the disaster recovery site belongs.disk_id-The ID of the primary disk.pair_name-The name of the asynchronous replication relationship.The length must be 2 to 128 characters in length and...


{"BandwidthPackageId":{"Description":"The ID of the bandwidth package which is associated","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["BandwidthPackageAcceleratorAddition","BandwidthPackageId"]} },"AcceleratorId":{"Description":"The ID of the ...


ids-(Optional,ForceNew)A list of WAF domain names.Each item is domain name.name_regex-(Optional)A regex string to filter results by domain name.instance_id-(Required)The Id of waf instance to which waf domain belongs....


id-(Optional,ForceNew)The parent asset ID of the data asset.resource_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The type of the service to which the data asset belongs.Valid values:MaxCompute,OSS,RDS.Argument Reference The following ...


the message is deleted no matter whether it is consumed.Unit:seconds.visibility_timeout-The invisibility period for which the received message remains the Inactive state.Unit:seconds.polling_wait_seconds-The maximum period...


group_id-(Optional,ForceNew,Available in 1.59.0+)The Id of resource group which the dns belongs.group_id-(Optional,ForceNew,Available in 1.87.0+)Domain group ID,if not filled,the default is all groups.key_word-(Optional,...


JS错误率 JS错误率:JavaScript出错的比例。相比昨日均值:与昨日JavaScript平均错误率相比上升或下降的比例。统计图:最近1小时的JavaScript错误率曲线。页面错误率排行:JavaScript错误率排行。最近24小时告警 告警数量:告警的数量。...


id-(Optional,ForceNew)Domain group ID,if not filled,the default is all groups.key_word-(Optional,ForceNew)The keywords are searched according to the%KeyWord%mode,which is not case sensitive.lang-(Optional,ForceNew)User ...


action-The operation to be performed when a scheduled task is triggered.description-Description of the scheduled task.launch_expiration_time-The time period during which a failed scheduled task is retried.launch_time-The ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


The amount in bytes by which to increase a per-transaction memory pool which needs memory.See the description of transaction_prealloc_size.ParameterName string 参数名称。transaction_alloc_block_size ParameterValue string ...


The amount in bytes by which to increase a per-transaction memory pool which needs memory.See the description of transaction_prealloc_size.ParameterName string 参数名称。transaction_alloc_block_size ParameterValue string ...


The amount in bytes by which to increase a per-transaction memory pool which needs memory.See the description of transaction_prealloc_size.ParameterName string 参数名称。transaction_alloc_block_size ParameterValue string ...


The amount in bytes by which to increase a per-transaction memory pool which needs memory.See the description of transaction_prealloc_size.ParameterName string 参数名称。transaction_alloc_block_size ParameterValue string ...


The amount in bytes by which to increase a per-transaction memory pool which needs memory.See the description of transaction_prealloc_size.ParameterName string 参数名称。transaction_alloc_block_size ParameterValue string ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...



设备风险识别JS H5/web接入

嵌入JS SDK<script src="">注意:因js文件会定期更新,为避免js失效影响您的使用,请不要将js下载到本地服务器上引入。init接口 嵌入JS SDK之后,可以立即通过SDK收集信息(只需...


如果物联网应用开发(IoT Studio)平台提供的节点不能满足您的需求,您可以使用Node.js脚本节点,编写JavaScript代码来灵活定制功能逻辑。目前支持Node v6.10版本。编码说明 在业务逻辑编辑页面的 节点 中,选择对应功能节点配置业务流,...


download_link-The external URL from which you can download the cross-region data backup file.engine_version-The version of the database engine.cross_backup_set_file-The name of the compressed package that contains the ...


group_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of the resource group to which the security group belongs.server_group_names-(Optional,ForceNew)The names of the server groups to be queried.server_group_type-(Optional,ForceNew)The type ...


(Optional)The configurations of SLB attachment,which is supported for multiple configurations.See slb_configs below.slb_configs type-(Required)The type of SLB instance,values can be 'internet' or 'intranet'.name-(Optional)...

云数据库 Memcache 版 SDK for NodeJS 介绍

V8 JavaScript 引擎是 Google 用于其 Chrome 浏览器的底层 JavaScript 引擎。很少有人考虑 JavaScript 在客户机上实际做了些什么?实际上,JavaScript 引擎负责解释并执行代码。Google 使用 V8 创建了一个用 C++ 编写的超快解释器,该解释...


重要 JS-SDK V1.1.10及以上版本支持此功能。每个文档窗格只能有一个 Selection 对象,并且在整个应用程序中只能有一个活动的 Selection 对象。语法 表达式.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection 表达式:文档类型应用对象 示例 async ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


示例 YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:NatGatewayId:Description:en:The ID of the Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)NAT gateway with which you want to associate the CIDR block.Required:true Type:String ...
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