NET SDK 加载报错的解决方法

NET SDK 加载报错如下:Could not load file or assembly‘Enyim.Caching’or one of its dependencies.Strong name signature could not be verified.The assembly may have been tampered with,or it was delay signed but not fully ...


人工干预操作对象错误 问题现象 节点触发错误:can not trigger activity when topology is PAUSED or CANCEL 节点恢复错误:only allowed to resume PAUSED trigger instance 节点重试错误:activity instance could not be retried which...


18015 xxx is the dimension table group,could not be used.自定义表组不能使用系统默认维度表组名,请修改。18016 NA NA 18017 Exceed the tables limitation(xxx)of database‘xxx’目标数据库下的表数量已经到上限,不可继续建表,请...


StackNotFound The Stack({name})could not be found.404 资源栈不存在,name 为资源栈名称或 ID。ActionInProgress Stack {name} already has an action({action})in progress.409 资源栈在变更中,name 为资源栈名称或 ID,action 为变更...


ChangeSetNotFound The ChangeSet {ID} could not be found.404 更改集不存在,ID 为更改集 ID。StackNotFound The Stack({name})could not be found.404 资源栈不存在,name 为资源栈名称或 ID。ActionInProgress Stack {name} already ...


通过指定模板、资源栈、资源栈组、更改集其中任意信息查询模板资源详情。...404 TemplateNotFound The Template { ID } with version { version } could not be found.模板或指定版本不存在。ID 为模板 ID,version 为模板版本。


为指定模板设置共享或取消共享。接口说明 本文将提供一个示例,将 ID 为 5ecd1e10-b0e9...404 TemplateNotFound The Template { ID } with version { version } could not be found.模板或指定版本不存在。ID 为模板 ID,version 为模板版本。


HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 404 ChangeSetNotFound The ChangeSet({name})of Stack({stack})could not be found.更改集不存在。name 为更改集名称或 ID,stack 为资源栈名称或 ID。404 ChangeSetNotFound The ChangeSet {ID} could not...


HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 404 StackNotFound The Stack({name})could not be found.资源栈不存在。name 为资源栈名称或 ID。404 ResourceNotFound The Resource({name})could not be found in Stack {stack}.资源栈中不存某资源。...


404 ResourceNotFound The Resource({name})could not be found in Stack {stack}.资源栈中不存某资源。name 为资源名,stack 为资源栈名称或 ID。404 StackNotFound The Stack({name})could not be found.资源栈不存在。name 为资源栈名称...


变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 404 TemplateNotFound The Tempalte({ ID })could not be found.模板不存在。ID 为模板 ID。404 TemplateNotFound The Template { ID } with version { ...


取值范围:200 DeviceNotFound InstanceAlreadyBind DeviceDeleteError SystemError Description String SUCCESS 状态的描述,取值范围(和Code一一对应):SUCCESS The relevant device information could not be found Device is already...


对资源进行偏差检测,以便确定资源是否已偏离其预期的模板配置。调试 您可以在OpenAPI ...404 ResourceNotFound The Resource({name})could not be found in Stack {stack}.资源栈中不存某资源。name 为资源名,stack 为资源栈名称或 ID。


通过指定模板生成模板所需的策略信息。接口说明 如果模板所需的策略中包含企业级分布式...404 TemplateNotFound The Template { ID } with version { version } could not be found.模板或指定版本不存在。ID 为模板 ID,version 为模板版本。


资源栈创建失败后,继续创建资源栈。接口说明 本文将提供一个示例,对杭州地域 ID 为 4...404 TemplateNotFound The Template { ID } with version { version } could not be found.模板或指定版本不存在。ID 为模板 ID,version 为模板版本。


.tunnel_id-The tunnel id of the OTS which could not be changed.tunnel_rpo-The latest consumption time of the tunnel,unix time in nanosecond.tunnel_stage-The stage of OTS tunnel,valid values:...


变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 404 StackNotFound The Stack({name})could not be found.资源栈不存在。name 为资源栈名称或 ID。400 NotSupported {feature} is not supported.不支持 ...


UnknownHostException 或 failed to could not be resolved。可能原因:客户端无法正常解析 Redis 实例的域名地址。解决方案:请设置正确的DNS服务器地址,更多信息请参见 解决因域名解析失败导致的...


UnknownHostException 或 failed to could not be resolved。可能原因:客户端无法正常解析 Tair 实例的域名地址。解决方案:请设置正确的DNS服务器地址,更多信息请参见 解决因域名解析失败导致的连接...


400 InvalidBootMode.NotSupport The specified parameter BootMode can not be BIOS for arm image.-400 MissingParameter An input parameter"RegionId"that is mandatory for processing the request is not supplied.-400 ...


InvalidObjectName The Object name can not be empty 错误原因:未指定Object名称。解决方案:按照Object命名规范指定Object名称。The Length of Object name must be less than 1024 错误原因:Object名称超出长度限制。解决方案:确保...


name-The OTS instance name.table_name-The table name of the OTS which could not be changed.index_name-The index name of the OTS Table which could not be changed.index_type-The index type of the OTS Table which could not be...


name-The table name of the OTS which could not be changed.tunnel_name-The tunnel name of the OTS which could not be changed.tunnel_id-The tunnel id of the OTS which could not be changed.tunnel_rpo-The latest consumption ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


the attributes ram_role_name and disk_device_mappings will not be fetched and output.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after running terraform plan).Attributes Reference The following ...


诊断 400 PAY.INVALID_CREDIT_CARD Pay failed for credit card invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.PAY_ORDER_FAILED Pay order failed.-诊断 400 Unknown.Exception The Request Server Is Error Or The Response Can Not Be Null.-诊断 400 ...


name-The OTS instance name.table_name-The table name of the OTS which could not be changed.index_name-The index name of the OTS Table which could not be changed.create_time-The creation time of the index.time_to_live-TTL ...


spec=""#version can not be defined in"1.26.3-aliyun.1"worker_vswitch_ids=length(var.vswitch_ids)>0?split(",",join(",",var.vswitch_ids)):length(var.vswitch_cidrs)[]:split(",",join(",",...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.3

and shall not be resold to any third-party directly or indirectly,and shall not be used for making profits by take advantage of price difference.Otherwise,Alibaba Cloud shall have the right to terminate this Agreement ...


May 21 10:55:25 debug sshd[1337]:error:Could not load host key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key May 21 10:55:25 debug sshd[1337]:error:Could not load host key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key May 21 10:55:25 debug sshd[1337]:error:Could...

使用Jedis连接池模式报错Could not get a resource ...

本文介绍报错Could not get a resource from the pool的原因和解决方案。问题现象 使用Java运行环境Jedis连接池模式遇到报错 Could not get a resource from the pool。可能原因 Redis白名单配置错误。其他错误。解决方案 首先,在Cause ...


创建一台或多台按量付费或者包年包月ECS实例。接口说明 准备工作:通过实名认证。...成本估算:了解云服务器 ECS 的计费方式。更多信息,请参见 计费概述。产品选型:调用 DescribeInstanceTypes 查看目标实例规格的性能数据,或者参见 选型...


A list of tables.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the table.The value is<instance_name>:<table_name>.instance_name-The OTS instance name.table_name-The table name of the OTS which could not be ...

Dataphin 即席sql报错Could not initialize class org...

问题描述 Dataphin 即席sql报错Could not initialize class org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.type.HiveDate。问题原因 插入数据后,查询表报错,表结构有date字段,输入类型有问题。解决方案 把表字段改成string类型,然后重新插入数据查询...

Could not load JDBC driver class...

问题描述 Quick BI新建PolarDB MySQL数据源连接报错:"Could not load JDBC driver class[com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver]。问题原因 数据库的版本选择异常导致的。解决方案 将数据库版本修改为5.7版本。适用于 Quick BI 公共云

Dataphin的API服务使用Postman调用时报错“Could not ...

问题描述 Dataphin的API服务使用Postman调用时报错“Could not get any response”是什么原因?问题原因 请求URL中使用的Host地址不正确。解决方案 修改请求URL中的Host地址,使用服务-平台管理-网络管理中配置的二级域名作为Host。适用于 ...
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