
Using this data source can open Cloud Sso Service automatically.For information about Cloud SSO and how to use it,see What is Cloud SSO.->NOTE:Available in v1.148.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...(Required)Setting the ...


This data source provides the Ecd Ad Connector Office Sites of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.176.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_ecd_ad_connector_office_sites""ids"{} output"ecd_ad_...

Salesforce International Edition(International ...

1.Prerequisites Before purchasing,you must have an Alibaba Cloud account and have completed real-name Verification.If you need to register an account,please refer to the following document Register and log on to an Alibaba...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.3

The Terms for Alibaba Cloud Products and Services attached hereto are the general terms applicable to Alibaba Cloud Products/Services.In case of anything not covered in the terms for specific products and services,the ...


This data source provides the Express Connect Virtual Border Routers of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.134.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_express_connect_virtual_border_routers""ids"{} ...


passing in this parameter means performing data migration or synchronization across Alibaba Cloud accounts,and you also need to pass in the source_endpoint_role parameter.source_endpoint_role-(Optional,ForceNew)The name of...


This resource will help you to manage a Edge Kubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service,see What is edge kubernetes.->NOTE:Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access internet while creating ...


This resource will help you to manage a Kubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service,see What is kubernetes.->NOTE:Available since v1.9.0.->NOTE:Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access ...


false Type:Boolean CloudHoneypot:Description:en:The cloud honeypot feature can capture attacks in a timely and efficient manner.You can use the feature to protect your core assets and detect attacks in attack and defense ...


公测期间优惠*instance_type 计算实例类型 ECS定价 公测期间,新用户7折优惠,活动详情请查看 产品公告 cpu 核数 0.17640 元/核/小时 mem 内存 0.02207 元/GiB/小时 cloud_efficiency 高效云盘 0.0005 元/GiB/小时 cloud_ssd SSD云盘 0....


This data source provides Cloud Monitor Service Metric Rule Black List available to the user.What is Metric Rule Black List->NOTE:Available in 1.194.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cms_metric_rule_black_lists""default"{ ids=...


Provides a CEN Route Service resource.The virtual border routers(VBRs)and Cloud Connect Network(CCN)instances attached to Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)instances can access the cloud services deployed in VPCs through the ...


Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Metric Rule Black List resource.For information about Cloud Monitor Service Metric Rule Black List and how to use it,see What is Metric Rule Black List.->NOTE:Available since v1.194.0....


Available since v1.113.0)The region ID of the cloud resource instance to be bound.You can only bind cloud resource instances in some regions.You can call the[describeanystserverregions](~171939~)operation to obtain the ...

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

1.Overview 1.1 Introduction GISV On-cloud Migration Service provides consulting and implementation services based on Alibaba Cloud's product system during the cloud migration process of customers' core systems.This service...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Express Syncs of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.144.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_express_syncs""ids"{} output...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been renamed to alicloud_alidns_domains from version 1.95.0.This data source provides a list of DNS Domains in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters.Example Usage data...


This data source provides a list of Alidns Domains in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters.->NOTE:Available in 1.95.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_alidns_domains""domains_ds"{ domain_name_regex="^...


This data source provides Ebs Dedicated Block Storage Cluster available to the user.->NOTE:Available in 1.196.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_ebs_dedicated_block_storage_clusters""default"{ ids=["example_id"]name_regex=...


The expiration time of the dedicated block storage cluster,in the Unix timestamp format,in seconds.performance_level-Cloud disk performance level,possible values:PL0.-PL1.-PL2.-PL3.>Only valid in SupportedCategory=cloud_...


通过包年包月付费方式您可以提前预留资源,同时享受更大的价格优惠,帮您最大程度的节省成本。具体计费详情,请参见 企业铂金版计费说明。全球消息路由 全球消息路由为 云消息队列 RocketMQ 版 的高级功能,若您开通了全球消息路由功能,云...


Provides a ACK Nodepool resource.This resource will help you to manage node pool in Kubernetes Cluster,see What is kubernetes node pool.->NOTE:Available since v1.97.0.->NOTE:From version 1.109.1,support managed node pools,...

基于自建Spring Cloud Gateway或Zuul网关实现全链路...

cloud-a 1/1 1 1 66s deployment.apps/spring-cloud-b 1/1 1 1 74s deployment.apps/spring-cloud-c 1/1 1 1 83s deployment.apps/spring-cloud-gateway 1/1 1 1 57s 步骤三:部署spring-cloud-c、spring-cloud-a应用的灰度版本 登录 容器...


587 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3C83E","PriceInfo":{"Rules":{"Rule":[{"Description":"买满1年,立享官网价格8.5折优惠。RuleId":587 }]},"Price":{"OriginalPrice":4368,...


Machine)设置临时的环境变量(仅当前会话有效):$env:ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID="LTAI4GDty8ab9W4Y1D*"$env:ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET="IrVTNZNy5yQelTETg0cZML3TQn*"在PowerShell中,执行 Get-ChildItem env:ALIBABA_CLOUD_...


debug_level string in|out 0、1、2、3、4、5 日志等级 0:verbose 无过滤 1:debug 2:info 3:warning 4:error 5:关闭日志 error_msg string out 错误信息 在调用接口发生错误时,获取详细的错误信息。建议用户在打点时重点考虑该信息...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录

一、适用范围 本附录构成您与阿里云计算有限公司(以下简称“阿里云”)签署的Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud框架服务协议(以下简称“主协议”)的一部分,适用于阿里云在向您提供Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud产品(以下简称“SFDC中国产品...


This data source provides the Ecd Simple Office Sites of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.140.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_ecd_simple_office_sites""default"{ ids=["example_id"]status=...

如何使用KMS域名激活VPC网络中的Windows实例 美国(硅谷) 美国(弗吉尼亚) 马来西亚(吉隆坡) 印度尼西亚(雅加达) 英国(伦敦)


root,此种方式推荐处理大规模数据使用 runtime { disks:"local-disk 100 cloud_ssd,/cromwell_root/500 cloud_ssd"} 注意:平台兼容社区WDL中的HDD和SSD关键字,HDD对应高效云盘(cloud_efficiency),SSD对应SSD云盘(cloud_ssd)docker 可...


Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Hybrid Monitor Fc Task resource.For information about Cloud Monitor Service Hybrid Monitor Fc Task and how to use it,see What is Hybrid Monitor Fc Task.->NOTE:Available since v1.179.0....


This data source provides availability zones for RDS that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data...


This data source provides availability zones that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:If one zone is sold out,it will not be exported.Example Usage#Declare the ...

使用Cloud Shell管理日志服务资源

Type"help"to learn about Cloud Shell Type"aliyun"to use Alibaba Cloud CLI You may be interested in these tutorials below.-|-SLS 日志下载|cloudshell:/tutorial/sls-download-log 使用 Aliyun CLI 来管理云资源|cloudshell:/...


This data source provides availability instance_types for HBase that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.106.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_hbase_...


This data source provides the Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Control Policies of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.194.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_control_...


Provides a Cloud SSO Directory resource.For information about Cloud SSO Directory and how to use it,see What is Directory.->NOTE:Available since v1.135.0.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...0:1 } Argument...


Provides a Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway Block Volume resource.For information about Cloud Storage Gateway Gateway Block Volume and how to use it,see What is Gateway Block Volume.->NOTE:Available since v1.144.0.Example ...


CentOS系列 rpm-qa|grep-i cloud-init pip list|grep-i cloud-init Ubuntu系列 dpkg-l|grep-i cloud-init pip list|grep-i cloud-init 若无任何输出或版本低于社区0.7.9版本:您需要 步骤二:安装cloud-init。说明 0.7.9版本初期的社区版...

Linux实例的自定义数据(user-data)...user(scripts in

本文介绍Linux实例的自定义数据未生效,系统日志提示"Failed to run module scripts-user(scripts in/var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts)"错误时的问题原因及解决方案。问题现象 Linux实例设置自定义数据并重启实例后发现自定义数据未生效,...
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