
创建服务关联角色。...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


[{"Error":"An error occurred while processing your request.","DirectoryId":"399*488-cn-qingdao","DeviceId":"348*380-cn-qingdao" } ]} JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"BEA5625F-8FCF-48F4-851B-CA63946DA664","Results":[{"Error":"An ...


400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...


查询云数据库...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...


} JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"64DB7F34-11A8-45DC-A421-40ACF446282C","Results":[{"Error":"An error occurred while processing your request.","DirectoryId":"399*488-cn-qingdao","DeviceId":"348*380-cn-qingdao" } ]} 错误码 访问 ...


系统错误 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required parameters are missing.参数缺失 105 10005 The specified ...


请求超时 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required parameters are missing.参数缺失 105 10005 The specified ...


系统错误 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required parameters are missing.参数缺失 105 10005 The specified ...


调用ModifyDBConfig...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


系统错误 103 10003 An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.原文解码失败,请检查原文是否UrlEncode 104 10004 Some required parameters are missing.参数缺失 105 10005 The specified ...

ApplyToken-创建临时访问 Token

400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...


400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....


创建冷存储。...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


修改集群配置。...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


内部错误:数据库查询错误 400 ErrorDBDelete An error occurred while deleting the database.内部错误:数据库删除错误 400 ErrorRecordLog An error occurred while updating the operation log.写日志失败 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误...


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....


系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-03-25 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更...


内部错误:数据库删除错误 400 ErrorDBInsert An error occurred while performing an insert operation in the database.内部错误:数据库插入错误 400 ErrorRecordLog An error occurred while updating the operation log.写日志失败 ...


400 Certificate.DecodeError An error occurred while decoding the certificate.证书解码失败。400 Certificate.FormatError The format of the certificate is invalid.证书格式错误。400 Certificate.MissMatch The certificate does ...


系统错误 500 System.LanguageDetectError An error occurred while detecting the language.语种识别错误 500 System.RequestTimeOut The request has timed out.请求超时 500 System.SubServiceFailed Sub-account service failed.子账号...


400 InvalidParameter.%s An error occurred while validating the parameter.The parameter may be missing or invalid.参数校验失败,可能缺失或者传入值非法。404 ApiNotSupport The specified API is not supported.当前接口不支持,请...


证书编码错误 400 Certificate.DecodeError An error occurred while decoding the certificate.证书解码失败 400 Certificate.FormatError The format of the certificate is invalid.证书格式错误 400 Certificate.MissMatch The ...


内部错误:数据库查询错误 400 ErrorDBDelete An error occurred while deleting the database.内部错误:数据库删除错误 400 ErrorRecordLog An error occurred while updating the operation log.写日志失败 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误...


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....


系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-03-25 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更...


系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-03-25 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更...

ListGroupId-查看某实例下的所有 Group ID

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...

CreateGroupId-创建 Group ID

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 InvalidParameter.%s An error occurred while validating the parameter.The parameter may be missing or invalid.参数校验失败,可能缺失或者传入值非法。404 ApiNotSupport The specified API is not supported.当前接口不支持,请...


查看迁移记录。...系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....


账号服务没有开通或者欠费 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105...


400 InvalidParameter.%s An error occurred while validating the parameter.The parameter may be missing or invalid.参数校验失败,可能缺失或者传入值非法。400 Customauth.over.capacity Over custom auth capacity.自定义权限数量...


系统内部错误,请稍后重试 503 ServiceUnavailable An error occurred while processing your request.系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-03-22 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更...


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....


账号服务没有开通或者欠费 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105...


400 InvalidParameter.%s An error occurred while validating the parameter.The parameter may be missing or invalid.参数校验失败,可能缺失或者传入值非法。404 ApiNotSupport The specified API is not supported.当前接口不支持,请...
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