
please delete them first.400 InvalidDomain.Repeated Specified domain is repeated.400 InvalidProduct.NotFound Cannot find product according to your specified domain.404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please ...

‘area_test’is not defined”错

问题描述 Quick BI进行QueryDataService调用时报错,The specified Conditions is ...‘area_test’is not defined。问题原因 参数使用得符号是中文单引号导致的。解决方案 将中文单引号修改为英文双引号就可以了。适用于 Quick BI 公共云

Quick BI提供的接口在调用的时候报错:"api is not ...

问题描述 调用Quick BI接口报错:"Exception in thread"main"com.alibaba.quickbi.openapi.core.exception.ClientException: error response: errorCode: OE10010106,errorMsg:api is not authorized,traceId:9e5eccff-8f26-4ab5-b48d-40cb...

Dataphin中python脚本导入odps包后...is not defined

问题描述 Dataphin的python脚本中,导入odps包后,使用odps.execute_sql()时报错"name 'odps' is not defined。问题原因 用户使用的Dataphin是2.9.1版本,此版本使用odps包时需要先手工添加odps的AK信息去获取实例,不能直接使用。解决方案...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 NoSuchResource The ...


InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.404 请检查调用的API是否正确,需注意大小写。InvalidProtocol.NeedSsl Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.404 API配置只支持HTTPS协议:...


404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的 API。请检查调用的 URL 和方法。您调用的 API 不存在。请检查 API 的名称是否正确,请注意确认大小写。404 InvalidResourceType....


400 NotAuthorized This API is not authorized for caller.-400 MissingParameter Absent some mandatory parameter for this request.-400 InvalidParameter This request contain some invalid parameter-400 InvalidOwner The ...


InvalidFormat%s The specified parameter%s value is not well formatted.400 参数格式错误 建议根据实际返回提示,查看%s的格式要求,修改后重试。Duplicate%s The specified parameter%s value is duplicate.400 参数重复 某请求参数不...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...


无效的成员角色,请检查参数 400 InvalidUser.NotFound The user that is invoking the API service is not a registered user.调用 API 的用户,未注册为云效用户 400 InvalidUser.ResourceMemberCouldNotDeleteOwner Resource owner ...

在 Visual Studio Code 中使用 Alibaba Cloud API ...

本文为您介绍在 Visual Studio Code(VS Code)中使用 Alibaba Cloud API Toolkit 插件。安装插件 在 VS Code 编辑器左侧导航栏中,单击 图标。在搜索框中输入Alibaba Cloud API Toolkit,单击 Install。安装完成后,在左侧导航栏会显示 ...


诊断 500 SystemCopyIsNotAllowed System copy is not allowed for this api.-诊断 400 BackupSourceGroupTooManyMembers Too many backup sources are added to backup source group-诊断 400 CannotBackupAllDatabase Cannot backup all ...


诊断 400 InvalidRamUser.NoPermission Ram user is not authorized to perform the operation.诊断 400 InvalidRamRole.NoPermission Ram role is not authorized to perform the operation.诊断 500 InternalError The request ...


常见问题 出现“Name Error:global name 'ID' is not defined.”错误,怎么办?出现“SDK.InvalidRegionId.Can not find endpoint to access.”错误,怎么办?出现...


产品code 云产品 aegis 安骑士 alidns 云解析 arms 应用实时监控服务 batchcompute 批量计算 ccc 云呼叫中心 cdn CDN cds CodePipeline chatbot 云小蜜 cloudapi API网关 cloudauth 实人认证 cloudphoto 智能云相册 cloudwf 云 API cms 云...


400 Invalid.Parameter.Conditions The specified Conditions is invalid.%s is not defined.参数 Conditions 错误:%s 未在模型中定义。400 Invalid.Parameter.ReturnFields The specified returnFields is invalid.%s is not defined....


400 InvalidDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter"DiskCategory"is not valid.-400 InvalidPerformanceLevelParam.Mismatch The specified parameter PerformanceLevel should be null when DiskCategory is not cloud_...


诊断 400 Topic.Existed The topic already exists.Topic已经创建 诊断 400 TopicStatus.notRunning The topic is not running.Topic状态不在运行中 诊断 400 TopicCount.Limited The topic quantity over limit Topic数量超出容量 诊断 ...


云调用是基于EMAS Serverless的云函数来使用支付宝小程序开放接口的能力,可以方便的让开发者在小程序中直接调用支付宝的后端开放接口,不需要关注服务端的相关配置,极大的减小了接入的流程,进一步降低了支付宝小程序的开发门槛。...


Using this data source can open Cloud Sso Service automatically.For information about Cloud SSO and how to use it,see What is Cloud SSO.->NOTE:Available in v1.148.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...(Required)Setting the ...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.3

If Party A has otherwise subscribed for an Alibaba Cloud savings plan,it may apply either the concessions under the savings plan or the preferential policies under this Agreement,whichever is more favorable,but not both of...


or this API doesn’t support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 InsufficientBalance ...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...
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