
动作行为识别能力可以识别视频和图像中的人体动作...String accessKeySecret=System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET");com.aliyun.facebody20191230.Client client = RecognizeAction.createClient(accessKeyId,accessKeySecret);...


String accessKeySecret=System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET");com.aliyun.videoenhan20200320.Client client = GenerateVideo.createClient(accessKeyId,accessKeySecret);GenerateVideoRequest....


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


cd/root/cloudphone wget https://help-static-aliyun-doc.aliyuncs.com/file-manage-files/zh-CN/20230817/oeyy/platform_system_core-pie-platform-release.zip 执行以下命令,解压platform_system_core-pie-platform-release.zip文件。...


id-The ID of the File System.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when create the File System.update-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when update the File...


Provides a ECD Nas File System resource.For information about ECD Nas File System and how to use it,see What is Nas File System.->NOTE:Available since v1.141.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-...


ALTER SYSTEM 被用来在整个数据库集簇范围内更改服务器配置参数。简介 ALTER SYSTEM 被用来在整个数据库集簇范围内更改服务器配置参数。用 ALTER SYSTEM 设置的值将在下一次重载服务器配置后生效,那些只能在服务器启动时更改的参数则会在...


蜂窝模组 4.0.1 HaaS600-EC600U 是 蜂窝模组 4.0.1 HaaS600-N715 是 蜂窝模组 4.0.1 system.version()获取轻应用版本号。入参 无。返回 属性 类型 说明 version String 版本号。system.getSystemInfo()获取系统信息。入参 无。返回 Object...


Provides a DFS File System resource.For information about DFS File System and how to use it,see What is File System.->NOTE:Available since v1.140.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} ...


Provides a DFS File System resource.For information about DFS File System and how to use it,see What is File System.->NOTE:Available since v1.140.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} ...

Video Surveillance System

Video Surveillance System


A list of Ecd Nas File Systems.Each element contains the following attributes:capacity-The capacity of nas file system.create_time-The create time of nas file system.description-The description of nas file system.file_...

Database File System(DBFS)

Database File System(DBFS)


Key string 否 标签的键,目前允许添加的键如下 system.chipType system.dsw.cudaVersion system.dsw.fromImageId system.dsw.fromInstanceId system.dsw.id system.dsw.os system.dsw.osVersion system.dsw.resourceType system.dsw....


特征名 字段类型 特征说明 system_exp_time STRING 行为产生的时间,单位为“周天”,例如“星期一”,“星期二”system_terms2 STRING query分词列表的前15个词的截断 system_user_id STRING user_id system_raw_q_ultra STRING 分词前的...


id-The ID of the File System.file_system_name-The name of the File system.id-The ID of the File System.mount_point_count-The number of Mount points.number_of_directories-The number of directories.number_of_files-The number...


Alibaba Cloud Linux 3 sudo yum install qemu-img 说明 如果在安装qemu-img时报错,且没有明确提示缺少哪些依赖库,您可以根据cloud-init的requirements.txt文件里显示的库,并运行 sudo pip install-r requirements.txt 命令安装所有依赖...


while(rs.next()){ System.out.print(rs.getString(1));System.out.print("|");System.out.print(rs.getString(2));System.out.print("|");System.out.print(rs.getString(3));System.out.print("|");System.out.print(rs.getString(4));...


官方镜像有如下标签:system.official=true 目前支持添加的键如下:system.chipType system.dsw.cudaVersion system.dsw.fromImageId system.dsw.fromInstanceId system.dsw.id system.dsw.os system.dsw.osVersion system.dsw....


system-apiserver KubeClientCertificateExpiration warning kubernetes-system-apiserver KubeClientCertificateExpiration critical kubernetes-system-apiserver AggregatedAPIErrors warning kubernetes-system-apiserver Aggregated...


引擎与版本 ALTER SYSTEM语句适用于宽表引擎和时序引擎。重要 要求Lindorm SQL为2.6.3.2以上版本。如何查看Lindorm SQL的版本,请参见 SQL版本说明。语法 alter_system_statement:=ALTER SYSTEM SET configuration_identifier=...


standard.create_time-The create time of the Database file system.dbfs_cluster_id-The cluster ID of the Database file system.ecs_list-The collection of ECS instances mounted to the Database file system.ecs_id-The ID of the ...


md5="E3CCF7E2416DF04FA958AA4513EA29E8"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:file_system_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the file system.keytab-(Required)The string that is generated after the system ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


This data source provides the ALB System Security Policies of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.183.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_alb_system_security_policies""defaults"{ ids=["tls_cipher_...


本文列出图片处理服务各区域...目前,IMG有以下几个数据中心(Region)对公众提供服务,各区域的Endpoint设置如下:Region 中文名称 Region 英文名称 Endpoint 杭州数据中心 oss-cn-hangzhou img-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com 青岛数据中心 oss-...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


arena logs-f pytorch-topo-4-vgg16 预期输出:Model:vgg16 Batch size:64 Number of GPUs:4 Running warmup.Running benchmark.Iter#0:205.5 img/sec per GPU Iter#1:205.2 img/sec per GPU Iter#2:205.1 img/sec per GPU Iter#3:205.5 ...


This data source provides FileSystems available to the user.->NOTE:Available in 1.35.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_nas_file_systems""fs"{ protocol_type="NFS"description_regex="${alicloud_nas_file_system.foo.description}"} ...


} catch(AuthorizationFailureException e){ System.out.println("AK error,please check your accessId and accessKey");System.exit(1);} catch(ResourceNotFoundException e){ System.out.println("project or topic or shard not found...


系统错误 103 System.UrlDecodingError An error occurred while decoding the URL.Verify that the specified URL is encoded.URL编码错误 104 System.ParameterError Some required parameters are missing.参数错误 105 System....

使用Java SDK管理Project

String accessKey=System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET");输入Project名称。String projectName="ali-test-project;设置服务接入点。此处以杭州为例,其它地域请根据实际情况填写。String host=...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...

使用Java SDK管理Shard

for(Shard shard:response.GetShards()){ System.out.println("Shard ID is:"+shard.getShardId());System.out.println("Shard status is:"+shard.getStatus());System.out.println("Shard begin key is:"+shard.getInclusiveBeginKey());...

出错提示“It seems that your system install a GUI ...

本文主要介绍在Linux操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“It seems that your system install a GUI module”信息时的问题描述、问题原因及其解决方案。问题描述 在使用SMC操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“It seems that your system ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...

使用Java SDK管理消费组

for(ConsumerGroup consumerGroup:response.GetConsumerGroups()){ System.out.println("ConsumerName is:"+consumerGroup.getConsumerGroupName());} System.out.println(String.format("list consumergroup from%s success",projectName)...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Caught an ClientException,which means the client encountered"+"a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with OSS,"+"such as not being able to access the ...
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