
} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Something wrong with the network connection between client and MNS service."+"Please check your network and DNS availability.");ce.printStackTrace();} catch(ServiceException...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Something wrong with the network connection between client and MNS service."+"Please check your network and DNS availability.");ce.printStackTrace();} catch(ServiceException...


} catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Something wrong with the network connection between client and MNS service."+"Please check your network and DNS availability.");ce.printStackTrace();} catch(ServiceException...


} } } } catch(ClientException ce){ System.out.println("Something wrong with the network connection between client and MNS service."+"Please check your network and DNS availability.");ce.printStackTrace();} catch...


null){/do something with the audio frame System.out.println("audio result length:"+result.getAudioFrame().array().length);} if(result.getTimestamp()!null){/do something with the timestamp System.out.println("tiemstamp:"+...


null){/do something with the audio frame System.out.println("audio result length:"+result.getAudioFrame().array().length);} if(result.getTimestamp()!null){/do something with the timestamp System.out.println("tiemstamp:"+...

Spark On MaxCompute访问Phoenix数据

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software ...


Provides a Api Gateway Plugin resource.For information ...(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when delete the Plugin.Import Api Gateway Plugin can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_plugin.example<id>


调用ijkplayer接口实现 超低延时直播 功能。创建ijkplayer mIjkPlayer=new IjkMediaPlayer();设置回调 mIjkPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(new IMediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener(){@Override public void onPrepared(IMediaPlayer ...


api_id-(Required,ForceNew)The api_id that plugin attaches to.group_id-(Required,ForceNew)The group that the api belongs to.plugin_id-(Required,ForceNew)The plugin that attaches to the api.stage_name-(Required,ForceNew)...


all the keys that the script uses should be passed using the KEYS array EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors UNKILLABLE Sorry the script already executed write commands against the dataset.UNKILLABLE ...


all the keys that the script uses should be passed using the KEYS array EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors UNKILLABLE Sorry the script already executed write commands against the dataset.UNKILLABLE ...


The ID of the Plugin.modified_time-The ModifiedTime of the resource.plugin_data-The definition statement of the plug-in.Plug-in definition statements in the JSON and YAML formats are supported.plugin_id-The first ID of the...


用户无权创建跨境routerInterface 400 InvalidRouterId.NotFound Param is not valid,this user does not have this router or aliuid bid regionNo and routerId must have something wrong.RouterId参数无效 400 InvalidCommodity....


用户无权创建跨境routerInterface 400 InvalidRouterId.NotFound Param is not valid,this user does not have this router or aliuid bid regionNo and routerId must have something wrong.RouterId参数无效 400 InvalidCommodity....

开源Elasticsearch FAQ

问题:ERROR:This plugin was built with an older plugin structure.Contact the plugin author to remove the intermediate"elasticsearch"directory within the plugin zip。解决方案:将elasticsearch改名为elasticsearch-repository-...


nil { log.Fatalf("create tracer error%v",err)} gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)r:=gin.New()/Use go2sky middleware with tracing r.Use(v3.Middleware(r,tracer))/do something } 重新启动应用。参考信息 Go2Sky的Agent属性配置表,NULL...


nil { log.Fatalf("create tracer error%v",err)} gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)r:=gin.New()/Use go2sky middleware with tracing r.Use(v3.Middleware(r,tracer))/do something } 重新启动应用。参考信息 Go2Sky的Agent属性配置表,NULL...


配置形式如下:listeners=协议:/内网IP:端口 advertised_listeners=协议:/内网IP:端口 DTS.Msg.OperationDenied.JobStatusModifying 报错场景:使用API调用ModifyDtsJob接口修改同步任务。可能原因:当前任务所属实例处于 修改同步对象 ...


开发参考 Apache Flink简介,以及它的体系架构、应用程序和特性功能等,请参见 Apache Flink介绍。Apache Flink V1.17业务代码开发,请参见 Flink DataStream API开发指南 和 Flink Table API&SQL开发指南。Apache Flink的编码、Java语言、...


类型 问题 云盘创建 动态创建PV失败且提示InvalidDataDiskCatagory.NotSupported 动态创建PV失败且提示The specified AZone inventory is insufficient 动态创建PV失败且提示disk size is not supported 动态创建PV失败且提示waiting for ...


工作原理 RAM凭据插件根据凭据名称,从KMS获取RAM凭据值并缓存在应用程序的内存中。应用程序使用阿里云SDK时,通过RAM凭据插件本地缓存的AccessKey向云产品发起请求。当由于凭据轮转等原因导致RAM凭据插件本地缓存的AccessKey失效时,RAM...

Nginx Ingress异常问题排查

将LoadBalancer的Service中 externalTrafficPolicy 修改为 Cluster,但应用中会丢失源IP。如果是Terway的ENI或者ENI多IP的集群,将LoadBalancer的Service中 externalTrafficPolicy 修改为 Cluster,并且添加ENI直通的Annotation,可以保留...

Nginx Ingress异常问题排查

将LoadBalancer的Service中 externalTrafficPolicy 修改为 Cluster,但应用中会丢失源IP。如果是Terway的ENI或者ENI多IP的集群,将LoadBalancer的Service中 externalTrafficPolicy 修改为 Cluster,并且添加ENI直通的Annotation,可以保留...


api/供上层应用开发调用的用户编程接口,移植时可以不用了解其细节 该部分的移植,主要是实现breeze.mk(与编译控制相关)和HAL(与芯片蓝牙协议栈相关)的部分。实现breeze.mk。说明 示例BK7231U基于GCC交叉编译工具链,采用.mk 的...


So turn this option on is a good choice.service_cidr-(Optional)The CIDR block for the service network.It cannot be duplicated with the VPC CIDR and CIDR used by Kubernetes cluster in VPC,cannot be modified after creation....


Failed to create the job graph for the job:4b12318d861041ccb14d6e32bae9cec7(message=0:0-0:0,Translating the JobGraph for this deployment failed before.Please delete the JobGraph before requesting a new translation 报错:...


{"Ref":"ApiId"} } } },"Outputs":{"PluginId":{"Description":"The plugin id.","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["PluginAttachment","PluginId"]} },"ApiId":{"Description":"The api id.","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["PluginAttachment","ApiId"]} } ...

手动搭建LAMP开发环境(Alibaba Cloud Linux/CentOS 7...

The 'validate_password' plugin is installed on the server.The subsequent steps will run with the existing configuration of the plugin.Using existing password for root.Estimated strength of the password:100 Change the ...

部署LAMP环境(Alibaba Cloud Linux/CentOS 7.x)

The 'validate_password' plugin is installed on the server.The subsequent steps will run with the existing configuration of the plugin.Using existing password for root.Estimated strength of the password:100 Change the ...


ALIYUN:ApiGateway:Plugin类型用于创建API网关插件。语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:ApiGateway:Plugin","Properties":{"PluginName":String,"Description":String,"PluginData":String,"PluginType":String,"Tags":List } } 属性 属性名称 类型 ...


specific settings can be passed in by prefixing the Converter's setting with the converter we want to apply#it to key.converter.schemas.enable=true value.converter.schemas.enable=true offset.storage.file.filename=tmp/...


the provider supports disabling internet load balancer for API Server by setting false to slb_internet_enabled.->NOTE:If you want to manage Kubernetes,you can use Kubernetes Provider.->NOTE:You need to activate several ...


role":"user"}]} }' 响应示例 JSON {"output":{"text":"Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province,is a city with a rich history and culture,known for its beautiful scenery and interesting places to visit.Here are some of ...


role":"user"}]} }' 响应示例 JSON {"output":{"text":"Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province,is a city with a rich history and culture,known for its beautiful scenery and interesting places to visit.Here are some of ...




NOTE:Available since v1.26.0.->NOTE:It is recommended to create a cluster with zero worker nodes,and then use a node pool to manage the cluster nodes.-NOTE:Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access ...


VSwitch Zone ID VpcId:Type:String Default:Null AssociationProperty:ALIYUN:ECS:VPC:VPCId Description:Please search the ID starts with(vpc-xxx)from console-Virtual Private Cloud Label:Existing VPC ID VSwitchId:Type:String ...


阿里云视觉智能开放平台视觉AI能力API接入、接口使用或问题咨询等,请通过钉钉群(23109592)加入阿里云视觉智能开放平台咨询群联系我们。能力介绍 关于人体分割的功能介绍以及具体调用参数说明,请参见 人体分割。SDK包安装 常见语言的SDK...


Signature appKey does not match with the users.900 appkey不是当前用户创建,请检查appkey是否正确或是否存在子账号权限问题。Signature token does not match with the users.900 token与前端获取sig的token不一致。请检查接入代码,在...
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