
400 NATGATEWAY_FINANCIALLOCKED The NatGateway has expire,cannot do bind operation.-400 InvalidParameter.InstanceTypeNotSupport The specified instance type is not support.-400 QuotaExceeded.NumberOfTrafficEip The number of ...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 ResourceConfiguring The ...由于流控策略,请求被拒绝 诊断 403 FORBIDDEN.ACTION You are not authorized to access the current API operation.您没被授权访问当前API。诊断


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 DBClusterNotSupported The requested operation can't be performed while the cluster is not sale.-诊断 403 InvalidHamode.Malformed The specified parameter"HAMode"is not valid.-诊断 400 ResourceGroupId.InValid The ...


诊断 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceStatus The operation is not permitted due to status of instance.-诊断 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceType The operation is not permitted due to type of instance.-诊断 403 OperationDenied....


400 OperationDenied.RouteTableTypeNotPermitted The operation is not allowed because the type of route table is not permitted.指定路由表类型不允许创建路由条目 400 MissingParam.NewNextHopId The parameter NewNextHopId is ...


400 OperationDenied.RouteTableTypeNotPermitted The operation is not allowed because the type of route table is not permitted.指定路由表类型不允许创建路由条目 400 MissingParam.NewNextHopId The parameter NewNextHopId is ...


400 DiskCategory.OperationNotSupported The type of the specified disk does not support creating a snapshot.当前磁盘类型不支持此操作。400 Duplicate.TagKey The Tag.N.Key contain duplicate key.标签中存在重复的键,请保持键的...


403 ChargeTypeViolation The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance.付费方式不支持该操作,请您检查实例的付费类型是否与该操作冲突。403 OperationDenied The specified instance is out of usage.指定的实例...


400 InvalidOperation.OnlineModificationUnsupported Online modification of instance type is not supported for the specified instance due to its CPU topology.当前CPU拓扑类型不支持热变配 403 OperationDenied.NoStock The ...


诊断 403 OperationDenied.DBNodeType The operation is not permitted due to type of node.操作失败,节点类型不允许此操作。诊断 403 OperationDenied.LockMode The operation is not permitted due to lock of cluster.PolarDB集群当前...


400 InvalidInternetMaxBandwidthOut.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter"InternetMaxBandwidthOut"is not valid.-400 InvalidSystemDiskCategory.ValueNotSupported The specified parameter"SystemDisk.Category"is not valid.-...


400 ChargeType.NotSupport The specified charge type is not support.-400 InventoryNotEnough The inventory is not enough.-400 UnnecessarySslConnection The SSL connection is unnecessary for ssl vpn disabled.-400 ...


404 EndpointType.NotFound The specified endpoint type is not found.操作失败,未知的代理终端类型,请检查终端类型。404 EndpointConfig.Invalid Please check the endpoint config parameter.代理终端配置不正确。请检查参数是否正确...


404 EndpointType.NotFound The specified endpoint type is not found.操作失败,未知的代理终端类型,请检查终端类型。404 EndpointConfig.Invalid Please check the endpoint config parameter.代理终端配置不正确。请检查参数是否正确...


404 EndpointType.NotFound The specified endpoint type is not found.操作失败,未知的代理终端类型,请检查终端类型。404 InvalidReadDBInstance.NotFound The specified read only database instance does not exist.只读实例未创建或...


404 EndpointType.NotFound The specified endpoint type is not found.操作失败,未知的代理终端类型,请检查终端类型。404 InvalidReadDBInstance.NotFound The specified read only database instance does not exist.只读实例未创建或...


404 EndpointType.NotFound The specified endpoint type is not found.操作失败,未知的代理终端类型,请检查终端类型。404 InvalidReadDBInstance.NotFound The specified read only database instance does not exist.只读实例未创建或...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


409 PaymentAccountEnterpriseVerifyError The type of the payment account is not enterprise verified.结算账号不是企业实名类型。409 PaymentAccountFinancialRelationshipVerifyError The payment account must not be the ...


诊断 403 OperationDenied.DBInstanceType The operation is not permitted due to type of instance.-诊断 403 OperationDenied.LockMode The operation is not permitted due to lock of instance.-诊断 400 InvalidDBInstanceClass....


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


security_group_id-Security Group ID.desktop_access_type-The method that is used to connect the client to cloud desktops.desktop_vpc_endpoint-The endpoint that is used to connect to cloud desktops over a VPC.dns_address-...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 NoPermission You are not authorized to access the specified API operation.没有当前操作权限。诊断 400 DryRunOperation The specified operation is a dry run operation.当前...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...

ModifySAGAdminPassword-修改 SAG 管理员密码

403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...


400 SecurityGroupType.NotSupported The specified security group type is not supported.安全组已经被托管,不能使用 400 SecurityGroup.NotExist The specified security group is not exist.安全组不存在于此VPC。400 OperationFailed...


400 SecurityGroupType.NotSupported The specified security group type is not supported.安全组已经被托管,不能使用 400 SecurityGroup.NotExist The specified security group is not exist.安全组不存在于此VPC。400 OperationFailed...


or set the parameter AutoPay as true.-403 ChargeTypeViolation The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance.付费方式不支持该操作,请您检查实例的付费类型是否与该操作冲突。403 Diskcategory.Mismatch The ...


the exchange is not automatically deleted.' Type:Boolean ExchangeName:Description:The name of the exchange.MaxLength:255 Type:String ExchangeType:AllowedValues:FANOUT-DIRECT-TOPIC-HEADERS Description:'The type of the ...


403 InvalidReservedInstanceId.NotFound The specified parameter ReservedInstanceId is invalid.-403 ChargeTypeViolation The operation is not permitted due to charge type of the instance.付费方式不支持该操作,请您检查实例的...


错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid token 无效 404 application_not_found Application id not found:app_001 应用不存在 403 application_disabled Application is disabled 应用...


403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...

DescribeSagWan4G-获取设备WAN 4G网卡信息

403 SmartAccessGatewayNotOnline The specified smart access gateway is not online.该智能接入网关当前不是在线状态,无法完成操作。403 FeatureNotSupport The current edition of the smart access gateway does not support this ...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 ReadDBInstanceNotSupport The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance.只读实例不允许执行该操作。400 InvalidRecoveryDbInstance.StorageSize The disk space of the new instance cannot be less than that of the...
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