退信提示:502 Mailfrom account is a local account

问题描述 阿里邮箱用户发信失败,退信中包含以下信息:502 Mailfrom account is a local account 问题原因 1、阿里邮箱用户使用本地客户端发送邮件时,需要设置指定的发送邮件服务器地址 smtp.qiye.aliyun.com ,端口为25(加密端口为465)...

在线扩容CentOS 8系统盘报“xfs_growfs:is not a ...

xfs_growfs:/dev/vda1 is not a mounted XFS filesystem 问题原因 新旧版本的 xfs_growfs 命令使用问题。新版的 xfs_growfs 命令后面的参数需要为文件系统挂载点,而非文件系统本身。解决方案 系统盘默认挂载点为根目录,因此,执行以下...

RDS MySQL远程获取的binlog日志报错File is not a ...

问题描述 MySQL读取binlog文件报错:File is not a binary log file 解决方案 在RDS控制台>备份恢复>日志备份(如截图),下载要读取的binlog到本地,在本地解析 问题原因 mysqlbinlog命令去解析的文件必须是show binary logs 里面可获取到...

resource.future.whl is not a valid wheel filename...

问题描述 Dataphin安装资源包报错:"resource.future.whl is not a valid wheel filename。问题原因 资源包的名称命名不规范,需要使用开源库中的名称。解决方案 修改资源包名称即可。适用于 Dataphin 独立部署

Allow-Origin' header has a value 'xxx' that is no

问题描述 请求CDN加速域名出现跨域报错,具体信息如下:The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value 'xxx' that is not equal to the supplied origin 问题原因 从问题描述的内容可以看出,CDN响应的Access-Control-Allow-...

the used key part isn't a string,the used length ...

the used key part isn't a string,the used length is longer than the key part,or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys 问题原因 创建或变更前缀索引时系统提示上述错误的原因如下:原因一 目标字段不是VARCHAR...

RDS MySQL 8.0出现“/tmp/sql1a324_1f4a_8b' is full...

问题描述 RDS MySQL 8.0出现“/tmp/sql1a324_1f4a_8b' is full”报错。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据安全。如果您对实例(包括但不限于ECS、RDS)等进行配置...


import easy_vision test_filelist='path/to/filelist.txt'#each line is a image file path detect_results=easy_vision.predict(easy_vision.RFCN_SAMPLE_CONFIG,test_filelist=test_filelist)其中 filelist.txt 文件包含了图片的本地...


time-The start time of the backup snapshot.This value is a UNIX timestamp.Unit:seconds.updated_time-The time when the backup snapshot was updated.This value is a UNIX timestamp.Unit:seconds.snapshot_id-The ID of the backup...


cloud_ssd","local_ssd","cloud_essd","cloud_essd2","cloud_essd3".commodity_code-(Optional,Available in 1.166.0+)The commodity code of the instance.Valid values:bards:The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance.This ...


bards:The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance.This value is available on the China site(aliyun.com).rds:The instance is a subscription primary instance.This value is available on the China site(aliyun.com).rords:...


bards:The instance is a pay-as-you-go primary instance.This value is available on the China site(aliyun.com).rds:The instance is a subscription primary instance.This value is available on the China site(aliyun.com).rords:...


YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.description-Product description.has_default_launch_option-Whether there is a default Startup option.Value:true:There is a default Startup option,and there is no need to fill in the portfolio when ...


1970,00:00:00 UTC.create_time-The time when the topic was created.This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the epoch time January 1,1970,00:00:00 UTC.


UTC time is used in the format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.description-Product description.has_default_launch_option-Whether there is a default Startup option.Value:true:There is a default Startup option,and there is no need to ...


POLARDB_O,POSTGRESQL,TERADATA.source_endpoint_instance_id-(Optional,ForceNew)The ID of source instance.If the source instance is a cloud database(such as RDS MySQL),you need to pass in the instance ID of the cloud database...


Group Description:en:'The type of the principal.Valid values:User:The principal is a cloud SSO user.-Group:The principal is a cloud SSO group.' Required:true Type:String TargetId:Description:en:Target ID for RAM user ...


time-Create time of the datahub project.It is a human-readable string rather than 64-bits UTC.last_modify_time-Last modify time of the datahub project.It is the same as create_time at the beginning.It is also a human-...


400 InvalidPackagePath Specified parameter PackagePath is not valid.OSS path must start with‘oss:/‘,must end with‘/‘if it is a folder,and must not end with‘/‘if it is a file.PackagePath必须是一个合法的OSS路径。...


SESSION B:send signal EXEC DBMS_ALERT.SIGNAL('alert','This is a alert message.');WAITONE Procedure 该存储过程用于在到达超时时间之前等待接收来自指定告警的消息。语法 DBMS_ALERT.WAITONE(name IN VARCHAR2,message OUT VARCHAR2,...


url-The url of the queue.queue_internal_url-The internal url of the queue.last_modify_time-The time when the queue was last modified.This value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed ...


Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["ExtensionResource","RedundancyType"]} },"Replication":{"Description":"Indicates whether the backup vault is a remote backup vault.Valid values:*true*:The backup vault is a remote backup vault.-*false...


CUSTOM_FC:The rule is a custom rule and you own the rule.ALIYUN:The rule is a managed rule and Alibaba Cloud owns the rule' Default:ALIYUN SourceIdentifier:Type:String Description:The identifier of the rule.For a managed ...


3)(assuming a double-byte character set)c SUBSTRC(string,start[,count])CLOB Alias for SUBSTR.SUBSTRC('This is a test',6,2)is SUBSTRC(string,start[,count])CLOB Alias for SUBSTRB.SUBSTRC('abc',3)(assuming a double-byte ...


mns:{RegionId}:{Aliuid}:/topics/{topicName}:if your delivery destination is a Message Service(MNS)topic.acs:log:{RegionId}:{Aliuid}:project/{projectName}/logstore/{logstoreName}:if your delivery destination is a Log ...


type="PUBLIC"detail="this is a public repo"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:namespace-(Required,ForceNew)Name of container registry namespace where repository is located.name-(Required,ForceNew)...


if your delivery destination is a Log Service Logstore.delivery_channel_type-(Required,ForceNew)The type of the delivery method.Valid values:OSS:Object Storage,MNS:Message Service,SLS:Log Service.description-(Optional)The ...


When the public network address is in the true state,the returned public network address is a valid address with DNS resolution capability.When the public address is in the false state,the returned Public address is an ...


permissions,save path,or file name are set incorrectly),the resulting snapshot is a file system consistency snapshot.post_script_path-Only vaild for the linux system when AppConsistent is true.The application thaw script ...


Local,Ram.source_user_id-(Optional,ForceNew)Specify the Newly Created User Is Uniquely Identified.Indicates That the Parameter Is a Bastion Host Corresponding to the User with the Ram User's Unique Identifier.The Newly ...


generate from server side.create_time-Create time of the datahub subscription.It is a human-readable string rather than 64-bits UTC.last_modify_time-Last modify time of the datahub subscription.It is the same as create_...


诊断 400 DryRunOperation The specified operation is a dry run operation.当前操作预检成功。诊断 400 GenerateResourceIdFailed Failed to generate ResourceId.生成资源ID失败。诊断 400 NeedOpenProduct The product is not ...


principal_id-The RAM entity ID of the owner owner_principal_type-The RAM entity type of the owner portfolio_id-Product mix ID.>When there is a default Startup option,there is no need to fill in the portfolio.When there is ...


trail_name-The name of the ActionTrail Trail.event_rw-Indicates whether the event is a read or a write event.oss_bucket_name-The name of the specified OSS bucket.oss_key_prefix-The prefix of the specified OSS bucket name....


示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"TopicType":{"Type":"Number","Description":"0:The topic is a basic communication topic or TSL-based communication topic.1:The topic is a custom topic.2:...


only the domain name of the website is added but no instance is associated with the website.->NOTE:There is a potential diff error because of the order of instance_ids values indefinite.So,from version 1.161.0,instance_ids...


The rule is a managed rule and Alibaba Cloud owns the rule.maximum_execution_frequency-(Optional)The frequency of the compliance evaluations.Valid values:One_Hour,Three_Hours,Six_Hours,Twelve_Hours,TwentyFour_Hours.System ...


required parameter when InstanceType is x86_pm,x86_bmi,x86_bm,pc_bmi,or arm_bmi.SystemDisk is a required parameter when instanceType is other specification families.See system_disk below.unique_suffix-(Optional,Available ...


400 InvalidDBName.Forbid Specified DB name is a keyword in RDS.设置数据库名失败,关键字不可用于参数命名,DBName是关键字,请修改参数名。400 InvalidDBName.Duplicate Specified DB name already exists in the This instance.当前...


(Required)The automatic snapshot repetition dates.The unit of measurement is day and the repeating cycle is a week.Value range:[1,7],which represents days starting from Monday to Sunday,for example 1 indicates Monday.When ...
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