


前提条件 请在操作前,先了解do-while节点逻辑,详情请参见 do-while节点逻辑原理介绍。背景信息 循环节点循环输出赋值节点结果集。需要部署一个上游节点,能够把查询出的数据输出给下游节点使用,您可以使用赋值节点实现该条件。循环节点...




当您需要对一组数据或任务进行多次处理,直到满足某个条件才停止时,您可以使用 do-while 节点来自动化重复执行,简化复杂任务的操作步骤,以提高任务的执行效率和可靠性。本文以统计电商行业中的订单数据为示例,为您介绍如何使用 do-...

执行弹性伸缩任务提示“...while"ScaleIn"process is ...

问题描述 执行阿里云弹性伸缩任务失败,伸缩活动状态为拒绝,详细报错信息如下:Specific operation is rejected while"ScaleIn"process is suspended ErrorCode:InvalidOperation.Suspended 系统显示类似如下。问题原因 伸缩组设置了暂停...

启动SSH服务时提示“error while loading shared ...

本文介绍Linux系统的ECS实例,启动SSH服务时提示“error while loading shared libraries”错误时的解决方案。问题现象 Linux系统的ECS实例启动SSH服务时,提示类似如下的错误信息。error while loading shared libraries:libcrypto.so.10...

Dataphin脚本任务运行报错“Error while processing ...

问题描述 Dataphin脚本任务运行报错“Error while processing statement:FAILED:Execution Error,return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.mr.MapRedTask。解决方案 上述报错信息是底层计算源抛的错,需要查看底层hadoop引擎上...

Linux实例使用...while attempting to run command”...

MongoDB shell version v3 4.10 connecting to:mongodb:ali123456XXXXXX.mongodb.rds.aliyuncs.com:3717/ 2018-12-18T14:26:11.946+0800 E QUERY [thread1]Error:network error while attempting to run command 'isMaster' on host 'ft123...

Dataphin集成任务报错:“Error while processing ...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务报错:“Error while processing statement:FAILED:Execution Error,return code 1 from*DDLTask,Error in getting fields from serde,Invalid Field null”。问题原因 用户的集成任务输入源是Hive,报错是...

Error while compiling statement:FAIL

问题描述 Dataphin代码任务报错Caused by:org.apache.hive.service.cli.HiveSQLException:Error while compiling statement:FAILED:ParseException line 3:28 cannot recognize input near 'AS' '"AAA"' ',' in selection target。...

创建OceanBase数据迁移项目...while executing command...

问题描述 在创建阿里云云数据库OceanBase数据迁移项目过程中,添加RDS MySQL数据源时,提示“failures occured while executing command,skip remaining command”错误,详细报错如下:失败原因:[DB_QUERY_ERROR]{"jdbcUrl":"jdbc:mysq:/...

CentOS7实例执行“...while loading shared libraries...

error while loading shared libraries:libdns-export.so.100 问题原因 从上述报错来看是缺少 libdns-export.so.100 文件的,进一步执行 ldd `which dhclient` 命令检查所有依赖 so 的文件,发现一共缺少两个文件。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:...

Dataphin管道任务...while setting up the GSS Encoded ...

概述 本文主要解决Dataphin管道任务选择PostgreSQL数据源报错“SQLException An error occurred while setting up the GSS Encoded connection”。详细信息 需要在数据源中加上?gssEncMode=disable。jdbc:postgresql:/ip:端口/schema?...

'position' while processing query:'SELE

Code:47,e.displayText()=DB:Exception:Missing columns:'position' while processing query:'SELECT name,type AS dataType,position AS seqN”。执行以下SQL的结果如下:select version();DESCRIBE TABLE system.columns;问题原因 当前...

NotMaster、NotWritablePrimary或...while waiting for a

问题描述 写入数据至云数据库MongoDB副本集实例时,出现"errmsg":"not master","code":10107,"codeName":"NotMaster"、"errmsg":"not master","code":10107,"codeName":"NotWritablePrimary"或 Time out after 30000ms while waiting for a...

An I/O error occurred while sending to the backend...

问题描述 用户管道任务报错,如下:问题原因 1.用户管道任务完成语句执行时间太长。2.用户管道任务完成语句SQL问题。解决方案 优化SQL。适用于 Dataphin 管道任务

Quick BI图表加载数据失败,后台报错“INTERNAL:ru....

Code:47,e.displayText()=DB:Exception:Missing columns:'toDate(create_at)' while processing query:'SELECT openid,is_teacher,is_parent,is_student,service_wx,toDate(create_at),toDate(update_at),toDateOrNull(blvt),classid,tech_...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认 云消息队列 MQTT...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认 云消息队列 MQTT...


UpdateInstanceFail 500 An error occurred while updating the instance 修改实例失败 UpgradeInstanceFail 500 An error occurred while upgrading the instance 实例扩容失败 FetchQuotaError 500 An error occurred while retrieving ...

RevokeToken-吊销 Token

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


Iteration#2 Iteration#4 Iteration#6 Iteration#8 Iteration#10 WHILE WHILE expression LOOP statements END LOOP;WHILE 语句重复一系列语句,只要条件表达式的求值结果为 TRUE。就在每次进入循环体之前检查条件。以下示例包含与上一示例...


(Optional,ForceNew)Recovery options.NOTE:Required while source_type equals OSS or NAS,invalid while source_type equals ECS_FILE.It's a json string with format:"{"includes":[],"excludes":[]}",.Recovery options.When restores...


40003 An error occurred while authenticating the model.模型鉴权失败。ModelCenter.NoDatasetOnline The status of the training dataset is not online.数据集状态未在线 InvalidServiceName The service does not exist.服务不存在。...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...

SendMessage-向云消息队列 MQTT 版发送单条消息

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


诊断 500 CreateInstanceFail An error occurred while creating the instance.创建实例失败。诊断 400 CurrentIndustryNotSupportThisScene The current industry does not support the specified scenario.当前指定的行业信息不支持指定...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


为什么副本集实例写入数据报错:NotMaster、NotWritablePrimary或Time out after 30000ms while waiting for a server that matches writableServerSelector?reason:TopologyDescription { type:'ReplicaSetNoPrimary',当前连接的副本集...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


if 语句 在.js 文件中,可以使用以下格式的 if 语句:if(expression)statement:当 expression 为 truthy 时,执行 statement。if(expression)statement1 else statement2:当 expression 为 truthy 时,执行 statement1。...} while(表达式)


Required while source_type equals OTS_TABLE.Block ots_detail The ots_detail supports the following:table_names-(Optional)The names of the destination tables in the Tablestore instance.Note:Required while source_type equals...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...


错误码:ODPS-0130241:Illegal union operation 错误1:Illegal union operation-type mismatch for column xx of UNION,left is YY while right is ZZ 错误信息示例 ODPS-0130241:[m,n]Illegal union operation-type mismatch for column ...


400 PermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the resource permissions.Please check the account that created the instance,topic,and GroupId,and check their permission settings.资源权限校验失败,请检查实例、...
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