
This data source provides the Event Bridge Event Sources of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.130.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_event_bridge_event_sources""example"{ ids=["example_value"]...

Ark 事件机制

示例如下:public interface EventAdminService{/*Initiate synchronous delivery of an event.This method does not return to*the caller until delivery of the event is completed.*@param event The event to send to all listeners ...


see How to use it form-(Required)The format of the event target parameter.Valid values:ORIGINAL,TEMPLATE,JSONPATH,CONSTANT.template-(Optional)The template of the event target parameter.value-(Optional)The value of the ...


This data source provides the Event Bridge Event Buses of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.129.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_event_bridge_event_buses""ids"{} output"event_bridge_event_bus_...


return the result.Valid values:On or Off.Default to Off.->NOTE:Setting enable="On"to open the Event Bridge service that means you have read and agreed the Event Bridge Terms of Service.The service can not closed once it is...


triggered alert rule.group_id-(Optional)The ID of the application group to which the event-triggered alert rule belongs.silence_time-(Optional,Int)The silence time.description-(Optional)The description of the event-...


names-A list of Event Rule names.rules-A list of Cms Event Rules.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the Event Rule.Its value is same as Event Rule Name.event_rule_name-The name of the event rule....


示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"EventBusName":{"Type":"String","Description":"The name of the event bus."},"Targets":{"Type":"Json","Description":"The event target to which events are...


The event list.type-The Event type.count-The number of occurrences.first_timestamp-The first presentation time stamp.last_timestamp-The most recent time stamp.message-The event of the message name of the ...


The event bus[xxxx]not existed!RequestId string 阿里云为该请求生成的唯一标识符。f2099962-1628-45f1-9782-2bf6daad823f Code string 接口返回码:Success:表示成功。其它:表示错误码。错误码详情,请参见错误码。Success Success ...


event_meta_name-(Required,ForceNew)The name of the Event.event_meta_version-(Required,ForceNew)The version of the Event.function_arn-(Optional)The function arn.The value formats as acs:fc:{RegionID}:{AccountID}:{Filter}....


rocketmq-sync 返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object Message string 错误信息 The event streaming[xxxx]not existed!RequestId string 请求 ID。499A9ACF-70CD-5D43-87F3-1B60529EE446 Code string 接口返回码:Success:表示成功。...


true 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Message":"Remote error.requestId:[78B66E68-E778-1F33-84BD-xxxx],error code:[EventSourceNotExist],message:[The event source in request is not exist!RequestId":"5f80e9b3-98d5-4f51-8412-c...


The event streaming[xxxx]not existed!RequestId string 阿里云为该请求生成的唯一标识符。72ce027c-546a-4231-9cf6-ec58766027f9 Code string 接口返回码:Success:表示成功。其它:表示错误码。错误码详情,请参见错误码。Success ...


This data source provides the Event Bridge Rules of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.129.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_event_bridge_rules""example"{ event_bus_name="example_value"ids=[...


The events of the container group.Maximum:50.count-The number of events.first_timestamp-The time when the event started.last_timestamp-The time when the event ended.message-The content of the name of the ...


true 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Message":"The event rule not existed!RequestId":"FF942675-F937-549C-A942-EB94FFE28DD3","Code":"Success","Success":true } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 403 ServiceNotEnable ...


name-(Required,ForceNew)The name of the trail to be created,which must be unique for an account.event_rw-(Optional)Indicates whether the event is a read or a write event.Valid values:Read,Write,and All.Default value:Write....


DC97C9EC-4B7D-5EFF-8A5E-A5CCC9ED*示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"List":[{"RiskType":"weak_password","Alias":"week_pa*","CheckId":696,"CheckItem":"Config the Event Audit policys","CheckLevel":"high","CheckType":"Security ...


trail_name-The name of the ActionTrail Trail.event_rw-Indicates whether the event is a read or a write event.oss_bucket_name-The name of the specified OSS bucket.oss_key_prefix-The prefix of the specified OSS bucket name....


Type of the trigger.Valid values:oss,log,timer,http ,mns_topic,cdn_events and eventbridge.invocation_role-RAM role arn attached to the Function Compute trigger.Role used by the event source to call the function.The value ...


AllowedValues":["and","or"],"Default":"or"},"EnableSubscribeEvent":{"Type":"Boolean","Description":"Whether the event subscription is enabled.Values are:true:enable event subscription false:disable event subscription",...


FC Invoke Start RequestId:c2be67a7-fh1a-9619-ei4c-3c04gcf6*2020-11-19T11:11:34.161Z c2be67a7-fh1a-9619-ei4c-3c04gcf6c*[verbose]Receive Event v2=>The event comes from aliyun.ui,event type is ui:Created:PostObject.2020-11-19...


FC Invoke Start RequestId:c2be67a7-fh1a-9619-ei4c-3c04gcf6*2020-11-19T11:11:34.161Z c2be67a7-fh1a-9619-ei4c-3c04gcf6c*[verbose]Receive Event v2=>The event comes from aliyun.ui,event type is ui:Created:PostObject.2020-11-19...


true 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Message":"The event rule not existed!RequestId":"6FB52207-7621-5292-BDF2-A17E2E984160","Data":{"ErrorEntriesCount":0,"ErrorEntries":[{"ErrorMessage":"The id of event target is ...


ODPS-0426123:The event has already existed Worker 3 Event已存在,API返回409错误。修改Event,且不存在冲突情况。ODPS-0426133:Not found the event Worker 3 Event不存在,API返回404错误。修改为已存在的Event。ODPS-0426145:Invalid...


The resource status of Alert Dispatch Rule.group_rules-Sets the event group.group_wait_time-The duration for which the system waits after the first alert is sent.After the duration,all alerts are sent in a single ...


context):logger=logging.getLogger()"receive event:%s",event)try:event_json=json.loads(event)except:return"The request did not come from an HTTP Trigger because the event is not a json string,event:{}".format...


in_evaluation_count-(Optional,Available since v1.221.0)The number of consecutive times that the event-triggered task created for scale-ins must meet the threshold conditions before an alert is triggered.After a target ...


name instead.event_rw-(Optional)Indicates whether the event is a read or a write event.Valid values:Read,Write,and All.Default to Write.oss_bucket_name-(Optional)The OSS bucket to which the trail delivers logs.Ensure that ...


The event rule not existed!RequestId string 阿里云为该请求生成的唯一标识符。2BC1857D-E633-5E79-B2C2-43EF5F7730D8 Data object 返回结果。Status string 规则的状态。取值说明如下:ENABLE:规则已启用。规则默认状态。DISABLE:规则...


and then using that date or timestamp as the logstash timestamp for the event.","specificationUrl":"" } ],"RequestId":"40C0570B-AB40-48BA-8CAE-66EA230A*...


thing/event/property/post:submits the property data of a device./thing/event/${tsl.event.identifier}/post:submits the event data of a device.${tsl.event.identifier} specifies the identifier of an event in the TSL./thing/...


ALERT:discards the alert event and generates no alert.is_recover-(Optional)Specifies whether to send the restored alert.Valid values:true:sends the alert.false:does not send the alert.group_rules-(Required)Sets the event ...


rule_arn-config rule arn.config_rule_id-The ID of the rule.create_time-The timestamp when the rule was created.event_source-The event source of the rule.modified_timestamp-The timestamp when the rule was last modified....


Description:The ID of the rule Value:Fn:GetAtt:ConfigRule-ConfigRuleId EventSource:Description:The event source of the rule.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ConfigRule-EventSource RegionIdsScope:Description:The rule monitors region IDs,...


group"or"userId",which is set by default,the second dimension for metric,such as"device"for"PackagesNetIn",need to be set by users.See dimensions below.state-(Optional)The status of the event-triggered task.Valid values:...


Store the Event into this Source's associated Channel(s)getChannelProcessor().processEvent(e);status=Status.READY;} catch(Exception e){/Log exception,handle individual exceptions as needed status=Status.BACKOFF;e....


This code sample mainly implements the following functions:*1.Parse the OSS event trigger related information from the event.*2.According to the above information,initialize the OSS client.*3.Resize the source image and ...


Cannot run the event loop while another loop is running 在jupyter等环境使用gremlin_python可能会报该错误,嵌套event loop问题,可以添加下面程序包解决#安装程序包!pip install nest_asyncio#代码文件中导入并使用 import nest_...
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