
id-The ID of the api group of api gateway.sub_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level domain name automatically assigned to the API group.vpc_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level VPC domain name automatically ...


serverless clusters and edge clusters.Please make sure that the target cluster is not in the failed state before using this datasource,since the api server of clusters in the failed state cannot be accessed.Example Usage#...


Provides an app resource.It must create an app before calling a ID of the app of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_app.example"7379660


Provides a Event Bridge Api Destination resource.For information about Event Bridge Api Destination and how to use it,see What is Api Destination.->NOTE:Available since v1.211.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud...


This data source provides the BGP-Line Anti-DDoS Pro(DdosCoo)instances of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.39.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...ids-(Optional,List)A list of ...


This data source Generates a RAM policy document of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.184.0+.Example Usage Basic Example data"alicloud_ram_policy_document""basic_example"{ version="1"statement { ...


Provides an api resource.When ...see Create an API->NOTE:Available since v1.22.0.->NOTE:Terraform will auto build api while it uses alicloud_api_gateway_api to build api.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...


Anti-DDoS Advanced instance resource."Ddosbgp"is the short term of this product.->NOTE:The endpoint of bssopenapi used only support"" at present. -> NOTE: Availablesince v1.183.0.Example Usage Basic ...


then you can delete resource forcefully.->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0+.Example Usage#Create a new RAM Role.resource"alicloud_ram_role""role"{ name="terraform-example"document=[{"Action":"sts:AssumeRole","Effect":"Allow",...


(Required,ForceNew)The app that apply to the authorization.stage_name-(Required,ForceNew)Stage that the app apply to access.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the app attachment of api ...


Provides a Tag Meta Tag resource.For information about Tag Meta Tag and how to use it,see What is Meta Tag.->NOTE:Available since v1.209.0.->NOTE:Meta Tag Only Support cn-hangzhou Region Example Usage Basic Usage provider...


id-The ID of the vpc authorization of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_vpc_access.example"APiGatewayVpc:vpc-aswcj19ajsz:i-ajdjfsdlf:8080


Provides a plugin attachment resource.It is used for attaching a specific plugin to an api.For information about ID of the plugin attachment of api gateway.,formatted as<group_id>:<api_id>:<plugin_id>:<stage_name>.


parameters below.open_api_parameters-(Optional,Set,Available since v1.211.1)The parameters of API callback notification.See open_api_parameters below.event_pattern The event_pattern supports the following:product-(Required...


Provides a Api Gateway Model resource.For information about Api Gateway Model and how to use it,see What is Model.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_api_gateway_group""default"{ ...


the${action_name} refers to the name of an api interface which related to the${service}.effect-(Deprecated since 1.49.0,Required)(It has been deprecated since version 1.49.0,and use field 'document' to replace.)This ...


Provides a RAM User Login Profile resource.For information about RAM User Login Profile and how to use it,see What is Login Profile.->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_ram_user""user"{...


Provides a MHUB App resource.For information about MHUB App and how to use it,see What is App.->NOTE:Available since v1.138.0+.->NOTE:At present,the resource only supports cn-shanghai region. Example Usage Basic Usage ...


Cloud DBaudit instance resource("Yundun_dbaudit"is the short term of this product).->NOTE:The endpoint of bssopenapi used only support"" at present. -> NOTE: Availablesince v1.62.0+.->NOTE:In order to ...


Provides a CEN bandwidth package attachment resource.The resource can be used to bind a bandwidth package to a specified CEN instance.->NOTE:Available since v1.18.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_cen_instance...


see What is Monitor Group Instances.->NOTE:Available since v1.115.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} resource"alicloud_vpc""default"{ cidr_block=""} resource...


see What is Flow.->NOTE:Available since v1.105.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region="cn-shanghai" } resource "alicloud_ram_role" "default" { name = "tf-example-fnfflow" document= <<EOF { "Statement":[{...


Provides a Ddos Bgp Ip resource.For information about Ddos Bgp Ip and how to use it,see What is Ip.->NOTE:Available since v1.180.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...ForceNew)The ID of the native ...


Provides a Cloud SSO Group resource.For information about Cloud SSO Group and how to use it,see What is Group.->NOTE:Available since v1.138.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} provider...


see What is Policy Attachment.->NOTE:Available since v1.204.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} provider"alicloud"{ region=...


Available since v1.149.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...flow." type="FDL"} resource"alicloud_fnf_execution""default"{ ...


This data source provides the Message Notification Service Topics of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.188.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_message_service_topics""ids"{ ids=["example_id"]} output"topic_...


DDoS Pro(DdosCoo)Instance resource.For information about BGP-line Anti-DDoS Pro(DdosCoo)Instance and how to use it,see What is Anti-DDoS Pro Instance.->NOTE:Available since v1.37.0.->NOTE:The endpoint of bssopenapi used ...


This data source provides a list of RAM policies in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters.->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_ram_policies""policies_ds"{ output_file="policies....


see What is Bandwidth Package Attachment.->NOTE:Available since v1.113.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_ga_accelerator""example"{ duration=1 auto_use_coupon=true spec="1"} resource"alicloud_ga_bandwidth_...


NOTE:Available since v1.86.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"random_integer""default"{ max=99999 min=10000 } resource"alicloud_log_project""example"{ name="terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"description...


Provides a Api Gateway Backend resource.For information about Api Gateway Backend and how to use it,see What is Backend.->NOTE:Available since v1.181.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} ...


Provides a Cdn Domain Config resource.For information about Cdn Domain Config and how to use it,see What is Domain Config->NOTE:Available since v1.34.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"random_integer""default"{ min=10000...


id-This ID of Config Configuration Recorder.Value as alicloud account ID.status-Status of resource monitoring.Values:REGISTRABLE:Not registered,BUILDING:Under construction,REGISTERED:Registered and REBUILDING:Rebuilding....


Provides a Ddos Basic defense threshold resource.For information about Ddos Basic Antiddos and how to use it,see What is Defense Threshold.->NOTE:Available since v1.168.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default=...


Provides a ENS Key Pair resource.For information about ENS Key Pair and how to use it,see What is Key Pair.->NOTE:Available since v1.133.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} resource...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Group.Its value is same as group_id.Timeouts->NOTE:Available since v1.163.0.The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when ...


(Required)Size of database file system,unit GiB.snapshot_id-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)The ID of the snapshot used to create the DBFS instance.used_scene-(Optional,Available since v1.212.0)The usage scenario of DBFS.Value...


(Required)Size of database file system,unit GiB.snapshot_id-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)The ID of the snapshot used to create the DBFS instance.used_scene-(Optional,Available since v1.212.0)The usage scenario of DBFS.Value...


Provides a Cloud SSO User resource.For information about Cloud SSO User and how to use it,see What is User.->NOTE:Available since v1.140.0.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support cn-shanghai And us-west-1 Region Example Usage Basic ...
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