
Connectivity Account网络管理账号设计用于管理网络的部署和管控,部署NAT网关,共享的Internet出口服务DMZ VPC、EIP等网络服务,为需要开放公网访问的应用账号(Internet Faced Account)提供统一的边界出口,集中化管理了这类应用账号...


version 流日志版本 vswitch-id 弹性网卡所在交换机ID vm-id 弹性网卡绑定的云服务器ID vpc-id 弹性网卡所在专有网络ID account-id 账号ID eni-id 弹性网卡ID region VPC地域 srcaddr 源地址 srcport 源端口 dstaddr 目的地址 dstport 目的...


字段 说明_topic_日志主题,固定为flow_log version 流日志版本 vswitch-id 弹性网卡所在交换机ID vm-id 弹性网卡绑定的云服务器ID vpc-id 弹性网卡所在专有网络ID account-id 账号ID eni-id 弹性网卡ID srcaddr 源地址 srcport 源端口 ...


version 流日志版本 vswitch-id 弹性网卡所在交换机ID vm-id 弹性网卡绑定的云服务器ID vpc-id 弹性网卡所在专有网络ID account-id 阿里云账号ID eni-id 弹性网卡ID srcaddr 源IP地址 srcport 源端口 dstaddr 目的IP地址 dstport 目的端口 ...


专有网络VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)提供流日志功能,可以记录VPC网络中弹性网卡ENI(Elastic Network Interface)传入和传出的流量信息,帮助您检查访问控制规则、监控网络流量和排查网络故障。功能发布及地域支持情况 首次使用流日志...


name,count(1)as cnt group by account_id 有数据匹配,cnt>{{threshold}} 标签自定义:account_id 标题:API错误频率告警 描述:过去30分钟内,账号${account_id}下的API调用错误频率过高(${cnt}次),超过预设阈值({{threshold}}次)。...

HarmonyOS SDK接入

通过系统API进行网络请求 end*} 其中 ACCOUNT_ID 变量为 产品使用流程 中获取Account ID。重要 HarmonyOS 如何定制DNS解析规则 HarmonyOS 提供了定制DNS解析规则的API:addCustomDnsRule、removeCustomDnsRule、clearCustomDnsRules。通过...


account_id>:account/<resource_directory_path>resourcemanager:RetryChangeAccountEmail acs:resourcemanager:*:<account_id>:account/<resource_directory_path>resourcemanager:PrecheckForConsolidatedBillingAccount acs:...


Provides a ADB Lake Account resource.Account of the DBClusterLakeVesion.For information about ADB Lake Account and how to use it,see What is Lake Account.For information about ADB Lake Account Privileges and how to use it,...


alicloud_db_account.account:resource"alicloud_db_account""account"{ account_name="tf_account_test"account_password=(sensitive value)account_type="Normal"db_instance_id="pgm-*"id="pgm-*:tf_account_test"instance_id="pgm-*)...


Provides a ADB account resource and used to manage databases.->NOTE:Available since v1.71.0.Example Usage variable"creation"{ default="ADB"} variable"name"{ default="tfexample"} data"alicloud_adb_zones""default"{} data...


Provides a RDS Account resource.For information about RDS Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.120.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud_db_zones...


队列模型 队列所有者 开通MNS服务的Account通过 CreateQueue 接口创建出一个消息队列,这个Account就是这个队列的所有者,队列所有者拥有此队列的所有操作权限。队列所有者对应的Account ID在阿里云官网可以查看。生产者 向MNS的消息队列...


Provides a PolarDB account privilege resource and used to grant several database some access privilege.A database can be granted by multiple account.->NOTE:Available in v1.67.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_polardb_node_...


Provides a KVStore Account resource.For information about KVStore Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.66.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} data"alicloud_...


The alicloud_polardb_accounts data source provides a collection of PolarDB cluster database account available in Alibaba Cloud account.Filters support regular expression for the account name,searches by clusterId.->NOTE:...


Provides a MongoDB Account resource.For information about MongoDB Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.148.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} data...


ILLEGAL The Account withholding agreement is illegal.-诊断 400 PAY.COUPON_NOT_EXIST The Account coupon doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.STORED_CARD_NOT_EXIST The Account stored card doesn't exist.-诊断 400 PAY.ACCOUNT_BOOK_NOT_...


Provides a PolarDB account resource and used to manage databases.->NOTE:Available since v1.67.0.Example Usage data"alicloud_polardb_node_classes""default"{ db_type="MySQL"db_version="8.0"pay_type="PostPaid"category="Normal...


Provides an RDS account privilege resource and used to grant several database some access privilege.A database can be granted by multiple account,see What is DB Account Privilege.->NOTE:At present,a database can only have ...


Provides a GPDB Account resource.For information about GPDB Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.142.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...NODELETING$"} data"alicloud_...


Provides a Resource Manager Account resource.Member accounts are containers for resources in a resource directory.These accounts isolate resources and serve as organizational units in the resource directory.You can create ...


Provides a RAM cloud account alias.->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="tfexample"} resource"alicloud_ram_account_alias""alias"{ account_alias=var.name } Argument Reference The following ...


Provides a ApsaraDB for MyBase Dedicated Host Account resource.For information about ApsaraDB for MyBase Dedicated Host Account and how to use it,see What is Dedicated Host Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.148.0.->NOTE:...


Provides a Click House Account resource.For information about Click House Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.134.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} data...


Provides a Bastion Host Host Account resource.For information about Bastion Host Host Account and how to use it,see What is Host Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.135.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf...


names-A list of Account names.ids-A list of Account IDs.accounts-A list of Kvstore Accounts.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the Account.account_name-The name of the account.account_privilege-The...


语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:PolarDBX:Account","Properties":{"AccountDescription":String,"DBInstanceId":String,"AccountPassword":String,"AccountName":String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 AccountDescription String ...


This data source provides an alias for the Alibaba Cloud account.->NOTE:Available since v1.0.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_ram_account_alias""alias_ds"{ output_file="alias.txt"} output"account_alias"{ value="${data....


Provides a CEN child instance grant resource,which allow you to authorize a VPC or VBR to a CEN of a different account.For more information about how to use it,see Attach a network in a different account.->NOTE:Available ...


前提条件 目标集群为社区兼容版集群。...语法 CREATE USER[IF NOT EXISTS]name1[,name2,.][ON CLUSTER default][NOT IDENTIFIED|IDENTIFIED {...CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'account4','account5' ON CLUSTER default IDENTIFIED BY 'Account';


account_description-Database description.account_name-Name of database account.account_type-Privilege type of account.database_privileges-A list of database permissions the account has.account_privilege-The type of ...


Parameters":{"InstanceId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the instance for which you want to create the account."} },"Resources":{"Account":{"Type":"ALIYUN:REDIS:Account","Properties":{"AccountDescription":"Test...

什么是Account ID?

本文介绍Account ID的概念及查看方法。Account ID是阿里云注册用户的主账号ID,可在阿里云官网查看。在 消息服务MNS产品页 单击 我的阿里云。在 我的账号 区域查看 账号ID,即Account ID。


语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:GraphDatabase:Account","Properties":{"AccountDescription":String,"DbInstanceId":String,"AccountPassword":String,"AccountName":String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 AccountDescription ...


This data source provides DCDN kv account available to the user.What is DCDN Kv Account->NOTE:Available since v1.198.0.Example Usage data"alicloud_dcdn_kv_account""status"{ status="online"} Argument Reference The following...


Provides an RDS account resource and used to manage databases.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated from version 1.120.0.Please use new resource alicloud_rds_account.Example Usage variable"creation"{ default="Rds...


id-The ID of the resource directory.status-The status of the member account.type-The type of the member account.payer_account_id-(Available in v1.124.3+)Settlement account ID.If the value is empty,the current account will ...


account_description-The description of the account.account_name-The name of the account.db_instance_id-The ID of the instance.id-The ID of the Account.Its value is same as Queue Name.status-The status of the account.Valid ...

退信提示:502 Mailfrom account is a local account

问题描述 阿里邮箱用户发信失败,退信中包含以下信息:502 Mailfrom account is a local account 问题原因 1、阿里邮箱用户使用本地客户端发送邮件时,需要设置指定的发送邮件服务器地址 smtp.qiye.aliyun.com ,端口为25(加密端口为465)...
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