
id-The ID of the CEN instance.cidrs-The IP address of the cloud service.description-The description of the cloud domain name or IP address of the cloud service.host_region_id-The region of the cloud ...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Event Rule resource.For information about Cloud Monitor Service Event Rule and how to use it,see What is Event Rule.->NOTE:Available since v1.182.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{...


When the instance is released,the cloud disk is retained\ \ and is not released together with the instance.Empty means false by default."Required:false Type:String DiskId:Description:en:The ID of the cloud disk to be ...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


增强版实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现实人认证以及场景风险识别等功能。您可以通过服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起客户端SDK...


This data source provides the api groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.Example Usage data"alicloud_api_gateway_groups""data_apigatway"{ output_file="outgroups"} output"first_group_id"{ value="${data.alicloud_api_...


This data source provides Cloud Firewall Instance Member available to the user.What is Instance Member->NOTE:Available in 1.194.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cloud_firewall_instance_members""default"{ ids=["${alicloud_...


Provides a CEN Route Service resource.The virtual border routers(VBRs)and Cloud Connect Network(CCN)instances attached to Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)instances can access the cloud services deployed in VPCs through the ...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


金融级实人认证 服务提供APICloud插件,帮助您在业务应用(App)中实现刷脸认证功能。您可以通过应用服务端认证初始化接口,向阿里云服务器调用发起认证请求接口并获取刷脸认证的唯一标识 CertifyId,然后使用 CertifyId 唤起刷脸认证客户...


The region ID of the cloud resource instance to be bound."},"BindInstanceType":{"Type":"String","Description":"The cloud resource instance type to be bound.Valid value:SlbInstance,SLB instance of private network type."},...


region-The region of the OSS Bucket.description-The description of the Express Sync.express_sync_id-The ID of the Express Sync.express_sync_name-The name of the Express resource ID in terraform of Express Sync....


This data source provides the apis of the current Alibaba Cloud user.Example Usage data"alicloud_api_gateway_apis""data_apigatway_apis"{ output_file="output_ApiGatawayApis"} output"first_api_id"{ value="${data.alicloud_api...


level timestamp format.member_display_name-The name of the cloud firewall member account.modify_time-The last modification time of the cloud firewall member account.>use second-level timestamp format.status-The resource ...


Delete:Delete When the RAM user synchronization is removed,the RAM users that have been synchronized to the RAM from the cloud SSO are deleted.-Keep:When the RAM user synchronization is removed,the RAM users that have been...


Provides a cloud CcnId of the CCN instance.For example"ccn-xxx".Import The cloud connect network instance can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_cloud_connect_network.example ccn-abc123456


Provides a ENS Disk resource.The disk.When you use it for the first time,please contact the product classmates to add a resource whitelist.For information about ENS Disk and how to use it,see What is Disk.->NOTE:Available ...


This data source provides the Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Control Policies of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.194.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_control_...


Using this data source can open Cloud Storage Gateway service automatically.If the service has been opened,it will return opened.For information about Cloud Storage Gateway and how to use it,see What is Cloud Storage ...


Using this data source can open Cloud Sso Service automatically.For information about Cloud SSO and how to use it,see What is Cloud SSO.->NOTE:Available in v1.148.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...The following arguments ...


When the instance is released,the cloud disk is retained and is not released together with the instance.Empty means false by default.disk_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the cloud disk to be mounted.The Cloud Disk(DiskId)...


name-The name of the CloudSSO ID of the Directory.mfa_authentication_status-The mfa authentication status.Valid values:Enabled or Disabled.Default to Disabled.region-The Region of the CloudSSO directory....


Provides a Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Router Grant Attachment resource.For information about Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Router Grant Attachment and how to use it,see What is Transit Router Grant ...


This data source provides Cloud Monitor Service Metric Rule Black List available to the user.What is Metric Rule Black List->NOTE:Available in 1.194.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cms_metric_rule_black_lists""default"{ ids=...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Stocks of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.144.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_stocks""default"{ gateway_class=...


This data source provides the available zones with the Cloud Phone(ECP)Instance of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.158.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_ecp_zones""default"{} output"alicloud_...


This data source provides the Cloud Firewall Instances of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.139.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_firewall_instances""ids"{} output"cloud_firewall_instance...


(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the Smart Access Gateway instance.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the Cloud Connect Network Attachment Id and formates as<ccn_id>:<sag_id>.Import The ...


(Optional,ForceNew)Number of mounted data disks.disk_type-(Optional,ForceNew)Data disk type,value range:cloud_essd:the ESSD cloud disk.cloud_ssd:SSD cloud disk.cloud_efficiency:The ultra cloud disk.cloud_auto:ESSD AutoPL ...


create_time-The CreateTime of the resource.credential_id-The CredentialId of the resource.credential_secret-The CredentialSecret of the resource.credential_type-The CredentialType of the resource.directory_id-The ID of the...


value:cloud_essd:the ESSD cloud disk.cloud_ssd:SSD cloud disk.cloud_efficiency:The ultra cloud disk.cloud_auto:ESSD AutoPL cloud disk.system_disk_performance_level-(Optional,ForceNew)System disk PL level.Attributes ...


This data source provides the Cloud Storage Gateway Storage Bundles of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.116.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_storage_gateway_storage_bundles""example"{ ...


This data source provides the available instance types with the Cloud Phone(ECP)Instance of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.158.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_ecp_instance_types""default"{...


This data source provides the Cloud Firewall Control Policies of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available since v1.129.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cloud_firewall_control_policies""example"{ direction=...


create_time-The Created Time of the Directory.description-The Description of the Directory.directory_id-The ID of the Directory.group_id-The Group ID of the group.group_name-The Name of the ID of the Group....


and the rest are normal origin stations.When no access point is specified or an access point is added,the access request is forwarded to the default origin by default.If you are bound for the first time,the Default value ...


Provides a Cloud Connect Network Grant resource.If the CEN instance to be attached belongs to another account,authorization by the CEN instance is required.For information about Cloud Connect Network Grant and how to use ...
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