Access ...access key is not allowed to call...

问题描述 Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:{"RequestId":"*-*-*-*-*","HostId":"quickbi-public.*","Code":"Access.Forbidden","Message":"Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only ...

Quick BI中Java调用API出现不允许被访问的错误"Access...

问题描述 Quick BI中Java调用API出现不允许被访问的错误"Access.Forbidden:Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.",调用的API是QueryWorksByWorkspace。填写的是开发者的RAM的...


API 应用程序编程接口 用户开放API,在API网关录入API,以提供接口的方式对外提供服务或者数据。Group API Group API分组 一组API。用户开放API,首先需要创建API分组 每个API分组拥有一个二级域名,两个Stage 用户需要将已经备案且解析至...

Dataphin Java代码调用数据服务API报错“API not ...

问题描述 Dataphin Java代码调用数据服务API报错“API not found with `POST/get/XXX`。问题原因 该数据服务API不存在或Java代码请求方式错误。解决方案 如果数据服务API存在,则修改Java代码请求方式即可。适用于 Dataphin 数据服务


403 Forbidden.Unsubscribed Do not have permission to access this API.用户未开通弹性伸缩,无权调用该API。403 Forbidden.UserVerification Your user account is not verified by Aliyun.无实名验证。400 ResourceNotAvailable ...


HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 403 Forbidden.Unsubscribed Do not have permission to access this API.您未开通弹性伸缩服务,无权调用该API接口。403 Forbidden.Unauthorized A required authorization for the specified action is ...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 ResourceConfiguring The ...由于流控策略,请求被拒绝 诊断 403 FORBIDDEN.ACTION You are not authorized to access the current API operation.您没被授权访问当前API。诊断


403 Forbidden.Unsubscribed Do not have permission to access this API.您未开通弹性伸缩服务,无法调用该 API。403 Forbidden.UserVerification Your user account is not verified by Aliyun.您未完成实名认证。更多详情,请参阅 实名...


诊断 400 AccessKey.NotFound Access Key not found,please add access key for siem.未找到有效的AK,请在云安全中心配置中心配置%s账号,并给SIEM授权。诊断 400 IllegalParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid,only support%s....


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 NoPermission You are not authorized to access the specified API operation.没有当前操作权限。诊断 400 DryRunOperation The specified operation is a dry run operation.当前...


ForceNew)The enabled status of the access control policy.The policy is enabled by default after it is created.Value:true:Enable access control policies false:does not enable access control policies.source-(Optional,...


true:Enable access control policies false:does not enable access control policies.member_uid-(Optional,ForceNew)The UID of the member account of the current Alibaba cloud account.lang-(Optional)The language of the content ...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。请求参数 名称 类型 是否必选 示例值 描述 Action String 是 TopTenErrorTimesInstance 系统规定参数。取值...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。请求参数 名称 类型 是否必选 示例值 描述 Action String 是 ListSuccessInstanceAmount 系统规定参数。...


步骤6:配置函数计算的VPC访问 首先需要在vpc-api-access中再创建一个vswitch,用于函数计算的接入,如下图所示:其次在函数计算控制台中,在上一步骤中新建应用的配置服务菜单中进行配置,具体过程以函数计算的文档为准 配置网络。...


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...

云呼叫中心的坐席中重置密码提示“Specified access ...

问题描述 在阿里云云呼叫中心控制台的坐席中,重置密码提示“Specified access key is not found”。问题原因 没有设置AccessKey ID和AccessKey Secret。解决方案 执行以下操作,设置AK后重置密码:获取AccessKey信息,详情请参见 如何获取...


404 Specified access key is not found.AccessKeyId 找不到。请检查调用时是否使用了正确的 AccessKey。404 Specified access key is disabled AccessKeyId 被禁用。请检查 AccessKey 是否正常可用。请使用状态为启用的 AccessKey。404 ...


404 Specified access key is not found.AccessKeyId 找不到。请检查调用时是否使用了正确的 AccessKey。404 Specified access key is disabled AccessKeyId 被禁用。请检查 AccessKey 是否正常可用。请使用状态为启用的 AccessKey。404 ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Instance.Expired Your instance has expired.您的购买实例已经过期。400 Instance.Not.Exist The specified ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Internal.System.Error An internal system error occurred.系统内部异常。400 Parameter.Length.Exceed ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 System.Param.Empty You must specify the%s parameter.参数%s不能为空。400 Invalid.Parameter.Error The ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...


400 Access.Forbidden Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.-400 Invalid.Organization The specified organizational unit does not exist.该组织不存在。400 User.Not.In....


400 Access.Forbidden Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only professional version supports calling.您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。400 UserInfo.Error ...
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