
本示例中使用的 example.conf 文件,如下所示:#To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you#have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the#directives contained in it ...


the function name is supported for compatibility.LENGTHC('Cote d''Azur')11 LENGTH2 INTEGER This function is identical in functionality to LENGTH;the function name is supported for compatibility.LENGTH2('Cote d''Azur')11 ...

Apple 审核被拒,反馈原因:Guideline 2.5.2

被拒邮件如下:Guideline 2.5.2-Performance-Software Requirements Your app,extension,or linked framework appears to contain code designed explicitly with the capability to change your app’s behavior or functionality after ...

iOS App Store被拒相关问题排查步骤

说明 Guideline 2.5.2-Performance-Software Requirements Your app,extension,or linked framework appears to contain code designed explicitly with the capability to change your app’s behavior or functionality after App Review...


问题描述 PutObject上传时,...Code>NotImplemented</Code><Message>A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented.</Message><RequestId>63E49586BF07B63734309692</RequestId><HostId>junchengtest.oss-...

SQL Server数据库出现“Data compression and ...

' is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format.Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server ...functionality is not available in the current edition of SQL Server 问题原因...


NotImplemented A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented 无。ObjectModified The specified object has been modified since the specified timestamp 无。RequestTimeOut Your socket connection to the ...


ERROR:functionality not supported under the current license"ApacheOnly",license HINT:Upgrade to a Timescale-licensed binary to access this free community feature A:TimescaleDB官方协议要求,不允许使用TSL协议的功能提供 ...

如何将RedHat和CentOS 5系统升级到5.11版本

etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5#additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages[centosplus]name=CentOS-$releasever-Plus#mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch&...


Provides an ApsaraDB Redis/Memcache instance resource.A DB instance is an isolated database environment in the cloud.It support be associated with IP whitelists and backup configuration which are separate resource ...


dblink_connect-OK(1 row)-FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER functionality-Note:local connection must require password authentication for this to work properly-Otherwise,you will receive the following error from dblink_connect():ERROR:...


dblink_connect-OK(1 row)-FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER functionality-Note:local connection must require password authentication for this to work properly-Otherwise,you will receive the following error from dblink_connect():ERROR:...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.3

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 框架服务协议 Framework Service Agreement 甲 方:{{$!partyA.partyAName}}(或简称“您”)Party A:{{$!partyA.partyAName}}(or“You”)地 址:{{$!partyA.address}} Address:{{$!partyA.address}} 联 系 ...


NotImplemented A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented 错误原因:封装API时传递了错误的或者不支持的参数。解决方案:请参见 API概览 中相应的API,填写正确的参数格式。MissingArgument Missing Some ...


本文介绍ECS实例上的PostgreSQL如何结合pgpool实现读写分离,您也可以通过RDS PostgreSQL实例及只读实例简化操作步骤。背景信息 不使用pgpool实现数据库的高可用时,pgpool自身是无状态的,性能损耗很小,同时还支持横向扩展,因此搭配自身...

Redis String命令增强

本文介绍Tair实例新增的String增强类命令,包括CAS和CAD。前提条件 实例为 Tair 内存型 或 持久内存型(小版本为1.2.3及以上)。说明 最新小版本将提供更丰富的功能与稳定的服务,建议将实例的小版本升级到最新,具体操作请参见 升级小版本...


视频剪辑Web端Demo只包含了视频剪辑Web SDK最基本的功能,您可以根据实际需求在此基础上扩展。通过阅读本文,您可以了解Web SDK的扩展功能示例。目录 动态获取视频剪辑Web SDK的版本号 自定义字幕默认文字 自定义按钮文案 修改默认预览画布...
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