视频直播添加域名时提示“...provided is invalid”错误

问题描述 在阿里云视频直播控制台中,添加加速域名时提示“The parameter you provided is invalid”错误,错误码为InvaildParameter。问题原因 添加域名时您配置的参数无效。解决方案 请参见 视频直播添加加速域名的方法,检查配置信息...

The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist...

问题描述 Dataphin连接OSS数据源报错:"The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records。问题原因 数据源中AK配置错误导致的。解决方案 更正AK后,就可以正常连接了。适用于 Dataphin 公共云

OSS服务端签名后直传...provided does not exist in our ...

问题描述 通过 服务端签名后直传...Code>InvalidAccessKeyId</Code><Message>The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.</Message><RequestId>60AE1FFE8CFD483135961F65</RequestId><HostId>BucketName.oss-...

使用STS临时访问凭证...provided does not exist in our ...

问题描述 通过STS服务给其他用户颁发一个临时访问凭证,在使用临时访问凭证在规定时间内访问OSS资源时,提示“The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records”错误。问题原因 使用STS临时访问凭证访问OSS时发生该报错...

Dataphin集成同步任务从OSS到MaxCompute报“The ...

问题描述 Dataphin集成同步任务从OSS到MaxCompute报错“The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.Check your key and signing method”。问题原因 用户是专有云环境,专有云环境OSS需要配置cname...


问题描述 用户在使用Shell脚本得过程中,报错“java.io.IOException:javax.security.sasl.SaslException:GSS initiate failed[Caused by GSSException:No valid credentials provided(Mechanism level:Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)]”...


问题描述 Dataphin中数据集成任务运行报错“java.io.IOException:Failed on local exception:java.io.IOException:javax.security.sasl.SaslException:GSS initiate failed[Caused by GSSException:No valid credentials provided”。...


Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.Check your key and signing method.</Message><RequestId>61838892DB1A73BEC31497B1</RequestId>...


InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist.403 检查AccessKey ID是否正确。InternalError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息服务MNS 技术支持。InternalServerError Interal error.500 系统错误,请联系 消息...


诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeClass The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to node class.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeNumber The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to the readonly node number.-诊断 403 ...


提供的实例信息不存在 诊断 404 InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound 提供的实例信息不存在 诊断 404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound The RegionId provided does not exist in our records.-诊断 404 InvalidZoneId.NotFound The ZoneId provided ...


TargetInstanceId":{"Type":"String","Description":"Source client ID.It should be provided when RestoreType=ECS_FILE."},"VaultId":{"Type":"String","Description":"Vault ID"},"SourceInstanceId":{"Type":"String","Description":...


InvalidDomain.Offline The domain provided is offline.400 域名已下线。OperationDenied Your CDN service is suspended.403 该账号已经欠费,请充值。InvalidSSLProtocol.ValueNotSupported The specified value of parameter Enable is...




404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.数据库不存在。404 InvalidParameter.Mismatch The specified parameter does not match.参数错误。400 InvalidDbname.MalFormed The specified db ...


诊断 400 SignatureDoesNotMatch The signature we calculated does not match the one you provided.Please refer to the API reference about authentication for details.无效的签名。诊断 400 InvalidSecurityToken.Expired The ...


InvalidCertName.TooLong The Certificate name you provided is over the max length 128!400 证书名称不能超过 128 个字符。SetDomainSSLPub.ParameterError Parameters have error.400 参数错误。Certificate.StatusError Certificate ...


InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist.403 AccessKey ID不存在,请检查AccessKey ID是否拼写正确。AccessKey ID获取方式,请参见 创建AccessKey。InternalError Interal error.500 系统错误,请 提交工单 联系...


ClientKeys":[{"KeyOrigin":"KMS_PROVIDED","PublicKeyData":"-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-\ MIIDcjCCAlqgAwIBAgIQT/sAVRxwYp54mrw*-END CERTIFICATE-","CreateTime":"2023-08-31T09:14:38Z","KeyAlgorithm":"RSA_2048","NotBefore":"2023-08-31T...


2048</KeyAlgorithm><KeyOrigin>KMS_PROVIDED</KeyOrigin><PublicKeyData>-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-MIIDcjCCAlqgAwIBAgIQT/sAVRxwYp54mrw*-END CERTIFICATE-</PublicKeyData><NotAfter>2028-08-31T17:14:33Z</NotAfter><NotBefore>2023-08-31T17...


对于希望使用DataFlow集群自带的Flink版本(VVR)的作业,则需要通过 yarn.provided.lib.dirs 参数指定使用集群HDFS中的VVR Runtime(例如,-D yarn.provided.lib.dirs=hdfs:/flink-current/),并推荐使用YARN Application模式提交,充分...


Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["Group","GbIp"]} },"GbPort":{"Description":"GB Port space provided.(Applies only to access the space marked States)","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["Group","GbPort"]} },"GbId":{"Description":"GB ID space ...


404 InvalidPhysicalConnectionId.NotFound The PhysicalConnectionId provided does not exist in our records.该物理专线不存在。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-02-28 OpenAPI 描述信息更新、...


调用DescribeDrdsDB接口查询PolarDB-X数据库详情。请求参数 参数名 类型 是否必须 说明 Action ...实例不存在 404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.指定的实例上不存在指定的分布式数据库 404


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.指定的实例上不存在指定的分布式数据库。404 DbIsCreating The specified db is in creating status 数据库正在创建中。400 InvalidDbname....


Basic protection against DNS attacks is provided.-advanced:Advanced protection against DNS attacks is provided."},"AllowedValues":["no","basic","advanced"],"Required":true },"Version":{"Type":"String","Description":{"en":...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.400 无效的Access Key Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource.403 操作被禁止 Forbidden.RiskControl This ...


404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.数据库不存在。404 InvalidParameter.Mismatch The specified parameter does not match.参数错误。400 InvalidDbname.DeleteStatusOrFailed The ...


404 InvalidPhysicalConnectionId.NotFound The PhysicalConnectionId provided does not exist in our records.该物理专线不存在。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-02-28 OpenAPI 描述信息更新、...


400 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.无效的AccessKey。403 Forbidden Users are not authorized to operate on the specified resource.操作被禁止。403 Forbidden.RiskControl ...


调用DescribeDrdsDBIpWhiteList接口查询PolarDB...404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.数据库不存在。404 InvalidParameter.Mismatch The specified parameter does not match.参数错误。400


such as consumption delay logs of consumer groups and Logtail heartbeat logs.The Logstore is provided free of charge.JobOperationalLogs:A Logstore named internal-diagnostic_log is created in the specified project to store ...


SignatureDoesNotMatch The signature we calculated does not match the one you provided.Please refer to the API reference about authentication for details.403 无效的签名。Forbidden.UserVerification Your user account is not ...


调用DescribeRdsList接口查询PolarDB-X数据库的...404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.数据库不存在。404 InvalidParameter.Mismatch The specified parameter does not match.参数错误。400


RequestId>8906582E-6722-409A-A6C4-0E7863B733A5</RequestId><Code>InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound</Code><Message>The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.</Message></Error>JSON示例 {"RequestId":"8906582E-...


The queue name you provided is invalid.QueueName should start with alpha and contain only alpha,digit or-.TopicNameInvalid 主题名称无效 The topic name you provided is invalid.TopicName should start with alpha or digit and ...


系统暂时不可用,请稍后重试 诊断 400 InvalidDBClusterId.NotFound The DBClusterId provided does not exist in our records.您指定的 DBClusterId 不存在,请确认 DBClusterId 值是否正确。诊断 400 ApiVersionForbidden The version ...
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