Quick BI数据集报错“DISTINCT in ...yet supported.”

问题描述 Quick BI数据集报错“DISTINCT in window function parameters not yet supported.”。如下图所示:问题原因 AnalyticDB for MySQL 3.0不支持窗口函数中使用了distinct。AnalyticDB for MySQL 3.0数据库在Quick BI的位置如下图所...


(Not yet open)Warehouse-level data retention days,only valid for archive libraries.search_enabled-(Not yet open)Whether to enable the backup search function.index_available-(Not yet open)Index available.index_level-(Not ...


异步任务执行器不存在 诊断 400 AsyncTaskSlave.NotCompleted The asynchronous sub task not complete yet.异步任务子任务未完成 诊断 400 AsyncTask.Ignored The asynchronous task ignored.异步任务忽略执行 诊断 400 AsyncTask....

mPaaS Kotlin 扩展

接入指南 SDK 依赖 在...{ TODO("Not yet implemented")} } } callback {/DO something Log.i("Framework","mPaaS 初始化完成")} } } } 重要 请不要在 MP.init 方法前过滤进程,除主进程外,在 tools 和 push 子进程中也需要执行初始化代码。


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 400 RegContactEmailNotVerified The email of registrant is not yet verified.域名持有者邮箱尚未完成验证 诊断 400 InvalidProductId This kind of product can not be purchased.-...


观察ResourceManager重启情况,如果重启之后ResourceManager日志不再提示“but not removing app XXX from memory as log aggregation have not finished yet.”的问题,并且作业可以正常提交,则说明修复成功。在控制台查找Active ...


18619 The operation is not supported yet.不支持的ALTER操作,请联系技术支持。18620 Resize Operation is not allowed in this database.当前用户不允许对目标数据库进行变更资源操作,请联系技术支持。18621 There are xxx sub ...


本文为您介绍Dataphin支持的SQL增强操作。...说明 报错提示 Parametered view with table parameter is not supported yet 时,请检查当前语句中是否存在带表值参数的参数化视图。云原生大数据计算服务MaxCompute-LOAD 是 无


诊断 400 InsufficientBalance Your account status check has failed,it may fall into following condition:1.Insufficient fund available.2.Personal ID yet verified.3.Financial account is ineligible for purchase per item.-诊断 ...


This data source provides metadata of kubernetes cluster addons.->NOTE:Available in 1.166.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_cs_kubernetes_addon_metadata"...it means that the addon does not support custom configuration yet.


当您使用的TSDB 实例遇到时间线数量不足、磁盘存储空间不足或写入效率不满足业务要求时,...如果遇到“This instance spec is not supported yet.”的提示,是因为部分实例架构兼容性问题导致的,请提交工单升级实例,而后再进行变配操作。


429 CommodityNotPurchased Commodity has not purchased yet.业务空间未订购。500 InternalError An internal error has occured,please try again later or contact service support.内部错误 500 InternalError.Algo An internal error ...


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task has not completed yet,the next ...


403 InvalidAccountStatus.SnapshotServiceUnavailable Snapshot service has not been opened yet.快照服务未开通,操作无法执行。403 Operation.Conflict The operation may conflicts with others.该操作与其他操作冲突。403 ...


诊断 403 ServiceNotActivated The service is not activated yet.混合云备份服务还没有开通。诊断 403 InDebt The user account is in debt.您当前的账号已经欠费,请立即充值。诊断 403 InDebtOverdue The user account is in debt ...


400 IdempotentParameterMismatch Request uses a client token in a previous request but is not identical to that request.-诊断 403 RealNameAuthenticationError Your account has not passed the real-name authentication yet.-...


诊断 400 ActionNotSupported The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect.Please check.-诊断 400 APIVersionNotSupported The requested API version '%s' is not supported yet.Please check.-诊断 409 ConcurrentUpdateError ...


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task is not completed yet,the next ...

Kibana FAQ

Kibana无法启动,登录时报错Kibana server is not ready yet,如何处理?使用Kibana时报错Maximum call stack size exceeded,如何处理?Kibana登录报错,需要登录进Kibana清除数据,怎么办?无法访问Kibana的Dev Tools,如何处理?如何在...


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task is not completed yet,the next ...


data 02001 no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned Class 03—SQL Statement Not Yet Complete 03000 sql_statement_not_yet_complete Class 08—Connection Exception 08000 connection_exception 08003 connection_does_not_exist ...


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task has not completed yet,the next ...


诊断 403 IllegalOperation Illegal domain operate is not permitted.-诊断 403 CdnServiceNotFound Your account does not open CDN service yet.您的账户未开通CDN服务,请开通后重试。诊断 404 InvalidDomain.NotFound The domain ...


disk:The snapshots are used to create custom images and data disks.none:The snapshots are not used yet.tags-(Optional)A map of tags assigned to snapshots.output_file-(Optional)The name of output file that saves the filter ...


This data source provides Ecs Elasticity Assurance available to the user.->NOTE:Available in 1.196.0+...assurance_times-The total number of flexible guarantee services.used_assurance_times-This parameter is not yet available.


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task has not completed yet,the next ...


下载FPGA镜像时返回“HTTP Status:503 Error:ANOTHER TASK RUNNING . Another task has not finished yet,please retry later!Request ID:5FCB6F75-8572-4840-9BDC-87C57174F26D”错误,怎么办?运行faascmd list_images命令时,发现镜像...


I|{startTime}|{interval}.It means to execute a backup task every {interval} starting from {startTime}.The backup task for the elapsed time will not be compensated.If the last backup task has not completed yet,the next ...


version should be lower than(or equals to)the supported version showing on this tool.contract Voting {/*Solidity doesn't let you pass in an array of strings in the constructor(yet).We will use an array of bytes32 instead ...


错误代码表 客户端错误 ErrorCode错误代码 Message错误信息 HTTP状态码 OperationDenied Your account does not open SCDN service yet.403 InsufficientBalance Your account does not have enough balance.400 Forbidden.NotVerified ...


403 InvalidAccountStatus.SnapshotServiceUnavailable Snapshot service has not been opened yet.快照服务未开通,操作无法执行。403 InvalidSnapshotId.NotReady The specified snapshot has not completed yet.指定的快照未完成。403 ...


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 ActionNotSupported The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect.Please check.-400 APIVersionNotSupported The requested API version '%s' is not supported yet.Please check.-400 ...


400 ResourceNotManaged.ServiceManaged The instance%s is not yet managed.当前资源%s未托管。400 NoPermissionResourceUnmanaged.ServiceManaged You do not have permission to cancel service managed mode for%s.您无权限取消当前...


已经超过自定义镜像共享配额限制或已经超过单个镜像共享给用户数量的配额限制 400 InvalidRoleArn Specified parameter RoleArn is not valid.You haven’t created AliyunBatchComputeDefaultRole yet.尚未创建...


slot-This parameter is under test and is not yet open for use.zone_ids-The ID of the zone in the region to which the capacity reservation service belongs.Currently,it is only supported to create a capacity reservation ...


调用DescribeCdnUserResourcePackage查询CDN用户当前资源包信息。接口说明 说明 单用户...描述 403 CdnServiceNotFound Your account does not open CDN service yet.您的账户未开通CDN服务,请开通后重试。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 ActionNotSupported The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect.Please check.-400 APIVersionNotSupported The requested API version '%s' is not supported yet.Please check.-400 ...


The status of the capacity reservation.time_slot-This parameter is under test and is not yet open for use.start_time-time of the capacity reservation which become active.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify ...

iOS 进阶功能

it's a server internal error.*/ARTVCErrorCodeProtocolErrorPublishFailed=-117,/*server error hanppened.Subscribe request failed,it's a server internal error.maybe the stream you subscribed has been unpunlished yet or some ...


OperationDenied Your account does not open VOD service yet.403 账号未开通视频点播服务。OperationDenied.Suspended Your VOD service is suspended.403 账号已欠费,请充值。如果您欠费超过 15 天,续费后需要重新开通点播服务。...
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