
["Agent_Status_Running"]},"EventTypeList":{"EventTypeList":["*"]},"SQLFilter":"ycccluster1 and(i-23ij0o82612 or Executed1)or Asimulated not 222","KeywordFilterObj":{"Keywords":{"keyword":["VMException"]},"Relation":"OR"} }...


CONFIG REWRITE executed with success.NodeId string 节点 ID。说明 实例为标准架构时,本参数返回(null)r-bp1zxszhcgatnx*-db-0 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"StartTime":"2018-12-03T07:01Z","RequestId":"093B8579-9264-43A0-ABA9-AA...


CONFIG REWRITE executed with success.NodeId string 节点 ID。说明 实例为标准架构时,本参数返回(null)r-bp1zxszhcgatnx*-db-0 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"StartTime":"2018-12-03T07:01Z","RequestId":"093B8579-9264-43A0-ABA9-AA...


说明 每种事件状态都会对应一个云监控事件名称,例如ECS事件Code为InstanceFailure.Reboot支持的事件状态包括Executing、Executed,则其对应的云监控事件名称包括Instance:InstanceFailure.Reboot:Executing、Instance:InstanceFailure....


详情请参见 RDS MySQL出现“OPERATION need to be executed set by ADMIN”报错。Q:Access denied;you need(at least one of)the SUPER privilege(s)for this operation 报错怎么解决?A:SQL脚本里面包括SUPER权限的语句,将相关语句删除...


AlarmTrigger,EventTrigger,Other and TimerTrigger.end_date-(Optional)The time when the execution was ended.end_date_after-(Optional)Execution whose end time is less than or equal to the specified time.executed_by-(Optional)...


(Optional)The timeout period for script execution the unit is seconds.Default to:60.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The resource ID in terraform of Command.status-Script Is Executed in the ...

RDS MySQL逻辑备份文件恢复到自建数据库

报错 ERROR 1840(HY000)at line 24:@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED is empty.如何解决?这是由于GTID导致的问题,您可以参考如下几种方案:开启GTID后重新执行恢复操作。不开启GTID,可以将导入文件(.sql...


claimName:gene-shenzhen-cache-nas-pvc-name:outputdir persistentVolumeClaim:claimName:gene-shenzhen-cache-oss-pvc-name:agsconfig configMap:name:config templates:#It is executed remotely and accelerated-name:agsmapping ...


The backup set that failed to be backed up.backup_status-Backup task status.NOTE:This parameter will only be returned when a task is executed.Value:NoStart:Not started Checking:check the backup Preparing:Prepare a backup ...


date-The time when the execution was ended.executed_by-The user who execute the template.is_parent-Whether to include subtasks.outputs-The outputs of OOS Execution.ram_role-The role that executes the current template.start...


then echo"\$TERM is not set when script executed via cloud assistant"else echo"\$TERM is set to '${NOT_SET_VARAIABLE}'"fi 如果命令回显为已设置的$TERM is not set when script executed via cloud assistant,则$TERM 变量不存在...

RDS MySQL 5.6 版本GTID特性对临时表限制的处理方法

When@GLOBAL.ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY=1,the statements CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can be executed in a non-transactional context only,and require that AUTOCOMMIT=1.说明 开启GTID后,5.7和5.8版本支持事务...


块存储支持设置的事件通知包括系统事件、挂载或者卸载数据盘、保留云盘、欠费...本地盘受本地磁盘出现损坏(ErrorDetected)本地磁盘出现损坏告警开始:Disk:ErrorDetected:Executing 本地磁盘出现损坏告警结束:Disk:ErrorDetected:Executed


term start date of the timed elastic scaling strategy.end_date-The short-term end date of the timed elastic scaling strategy.period-The period in which a timed elastic scaling strategy is executed.schedules-Trigger point ...


其中,UNEXECUTED:未执行 EXECUTED:已执行 ROLLED_BACK:已回滚 示例 请求示例 http(s):/ &<公共请求参数>正常返回示例 XML 格式<DescribeGtmRecoveryPlansResponse><PageNumber>1...


hash value in mysql.user.If this user is used in other scripts executed by PHP 5.2 or earlier you might need to remove the old-passwords flag from your my.cnf file 可能原因 您在本地主机的测试环境中使用的MySQL版本为4.1,云...


cloudmgmt>changePswd PRECO admin*CAUTION*This is a CRITICAL operation,should be done on all nodes in the cluster.Cav server does NOT synchronize these changes with the nodes on which this operation is not executed or ...


其中:UNEXECUTED:未执行 EXECUTED:已执行 ROLLED_BACK:已回滚 UNEXECUTED LastRollbackTimestamp long 最近回滚时间(时间戳)。1565505919000 UpdateTime string 更新时间。2019-08-11T06:45Z Remark string 备注。remark-example ...

SOFAArk 升级 2.0

goal executed to generate executable-ark-jar-><goals><goal>repackage</goal></goals>!specify destination where executable-ark-jar will be saved,default saved to${}-><outputDirectory>./target!default ...


16:22+08:00","impactEn":"Tr*nt in*ce dis*ion","reasonZh":"实例异*可用)","nodeInfo":[],"nodeEn":"","reasonCode":"Pla*ble"},"instanceType":"In*ce","eventType":"Ins*nce","Timestamp":"1708906637.742"},"status":"Executed"} ...


16:22+08:00","impactEn":"Tr*nt in*ce dis*ion","reasonZh":"实例异*可用)","nodeInfo":[],"nodeEn":"","reasonCode":"Pla*ble"},"instanceType":"In*ce","eventType":"Ins*nce","Timestamp":"1708906637.742"},"status":"Executed"} ...




id_list-The list of cloud disks to be backed up in the ECS instance.When not specified,a snapshot is executed for all the disks on the ECS instance.do_copy-Whether replicate to another region.Valid values:true,false....

ubuntu 18.04版本如何设置开机自动启动脚本

bin/bash#rc.local#This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.#Make sure that the script will"exit 0"on success or any other#value on error.#In order to enable or disable this script just change the ...


1)(cost= rows=2 width=4)(never executed)Partitions selected:27(out of 27)->Dynamic Seq Scan on t2(dynamic scan id:1)(cost=0.00.431.00 rows=1 width=762)(actual time=34.441.4680.938 rows=361460 loops=1)Partitions...

如何打包 Ark 包

goal executed to generate executable-ark-jar-><goals><goal>repackage</goal></goals>!specify destination where executable-ark-jar will be saved,default saved to${}-><outputDirectory>./target!default ...


Instead,ECS instances will be removed from vserver group when detach.->NOTE:Detach action will be executed before attach action.->NOTE:Vserver group is defined uniquely by loadbalancer_id,vserver_group_id,port.->NOTE:...


在代码开发阶段,开发人员在开发环境中,通过特定的开发框架及特定的配置 示例:function before_appstart_hook { echo 'before_appstart_hook executed' } function after_appstart_hook { echo 'after_appstart_hook executed' }


192.168.XX.XX and Executed SilenceTime long 否 通道沉默时间。单位:秒。86400 关于公共请求参数的详情,请参见 公共参数。返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object Code string 状态码。说明 200 表示成功。200 Message string 错误信息...


dataSync:flowGraph:maxQueueLength:16#Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph maxParallelism:1024#Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph stats:publishInterval:1000#Interval for querynode to report ...


Provides ECI Container Group resource.For information about ECI Container Group and how to use it,see What is Container Group.->NOTE:Available since v1.111.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...


type-(Optional,available in 1.96.0+)The instance type of the function.instance_concurrency-(Optional,available in 1.96.0+)The maximum number of requests can be executed concurrently within the single function instance.ca_...


400 ScalingRule.InvalidScalingRuleType Specific scaling rule type:%s can not be executed.无法执行当前类型的伸缩规则。400 InvalidStepAdjustments.NoStepFound No adjustment step found for a metric value of:%s.未找到符合条件的...


403 OperationDenied.StartDrillShouldOnDestRegion Operation should be executed on the secondary region.当前操作应当在从端执行。404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的...


403 OperationDenied.StartDrillShouldOnDestRegion Operation should be executed on the secondary region.当前操作应当在从端执行。404 InvalidApi.NotFound Specified api is not found,please check your url and method.找不到指定的...


executed:已执行。executing:执行中。clear_failed:清理失败。clearing:清理中。executing DrillDiskId string 演练盘 ID。d-xxx DrillDiskStatus string 演练盘状态,可能值:created:已创建。deleted:已删除。creating:创建中。...


常见的报错排查方式如下:上报超时 报错信息:Failed to export spans.The request could not be executed.Full error message:timeout 排查方案:检查网络联通性。检查SDK/Agent的上报超时时间设置,尝试调大超时时间。权限验证失败 报错...


cloudmgmt>changePswd PRECO admin*CAUTION*This is a CRITICAL operation,should be done on all nodes in the cluster.Cav server does NOT synchronize these changes with the nodes on which this operation is not executed or ...


常见的报错排查方式如下:上报超时 报错信息:Failed to export spans.The request could not be executed.Full error message:timeout 排查方案:检查网络联通性。检查SDK/Agent的上报超时时间设置,尝试调大超时时间。权限验证失败 报错...
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