
storage in the template value.instance_storage-(Required)The storage capacity of the destination instance.Valid values:5 to 2000.Unit:GB.This value must be a multiple of 5 GB.For more information,see Primary ApsaraDB RDS ...


表示短语匹配查询配置。短语匹配查询采用近似...例如查询的值为“this is”,可以匹配到“.,this is tablestore”、“this is a table”,但是无法匹配到“this table is.”以及“is this a table”。weight float 否 查询条件的权重配置。


this.player=videojs(this.$refs.videoPlayer,this.playerOptions,function(){ this.on('seeking',()=>{/console.log('seeking-视频跳转中-')this.status='loading';跳转加载超时15s,进行处理 if!this.waitingTimer){ let second=0;this....


This data source provides details of the Rds specifications of current Alibaba Cloud users.For information on RDS class details and how to use it,please refer to What is RDS class details.->NOTE:Available since v1.209.0+...

向阿里邮箱发信失败提示“dd this user doesn't have ...

问题描述 阿里邮箱收取邮件时,发信方投递失败并收到退信,提示内容包括如下:554 delivery error:dd this user doesn’t have xxxx e-mailaccount()[0] 问题原因 收件邮箱域名的MX(Mail Exchanger)解析状态为解析未...


例如查询的值为“this is”,可以匹配到“.,this is tablestore”、“this is a table”,但是无法匹配到“this table is.”以及“is this a table”。返回值 返回值为Boolean类型,表示该行是否满足查询条件。取值为true时,表示满足查询...


Reverse.Only when the property sync_architecture of the alicloud_dts_synchronization_instance was bidirectional this parameter should be passed,otherwise this parameter should not be specified.instance_class-(Optional)The ...


例如:Page({ onLoad(){ this.callback=this.callback.bind(this);my.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(this.callback);},onUnload(){/页面卸载时解除监听 my.offBLECharacteristicValueChange(this.callback);},callback(res){ console.log...

上传或下载OSS文件时提示“OSS ...this bucket”错误

问题描述 在使用阿里云对象存储OSS过程中,上传或下载OSS文件时,提示“OSS Transfer Acceleration is not configured on this bucket”错误。问题原因 发生报错的原因如下:您目前使用的Bucket没有配置传输加速,而使用了Bucket的传输加速...


Provides a RAM Group resource.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means remove all the relationships associated with it automatically and then destroy it)without set force with true at beginning,you ...


Provides a RAM Role resource.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means remove all the relationships associated with it automatically and then destroy it)without set force with true at beginning,you ...


(Required,ForceNew)The domain name of the website that you want to add to the instance.instance_ids-(Required,Set)A list of instance ID that you want to associate.If this parameter is empty,only the domain name of the ...

MySQL远程登录时...this MySQL serverConnection”错误

Host '18*.*.*.*' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection 问题原因 登录MySQL服务时使用的用户未被允许通过报错信息中的IP地址登录。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例...


This data source provides Container Service cluster credential on Alibaba Cloud.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0->NOTE:This datasource can be used on all kinds of ACK clusters,including managed clusters,imported kubernetes ...




mm:ssZ format.The time is displayed in UTC.This parameter is not supported now.last_modify_status-(Available in 1.124.1+)The status of the SSL link.This parameter is supported only when the instance runs PostgreSQL with ...


This data source operation to query the instance types that are available to specific instances of Alibaba Cloud.->NOTE:Available in v1.196.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_db_instance_class_infos""resources"{ commodity_code=...


this.player=videojs(this.$refs.videoPlayer,this.playerOptions,function(){ this.on('seeking',()=>{/console.log('seeking-视频跳转中-')this.status='loading';跳转加载超时15s,进行处理 if!this.waitingTimer){ let second=0;this....


This data source provides the Market product item details of Alibaba Cloud.->NOTE:Available in 1.69.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_market_product""default"{ product_code="cmapi022206"} output"product_name"{ value="${data....


resource"alicloud_edas_deploy_group""this"{ app_id=var.app_id group_name=var.group_name } resource"alicloud_edas_application_scale""this"{ app_id=var.app_id deploy_group=split(":",alicloud_edas_deploy_group.this[count....


在Terraform中,导入一个资源的操作通过import命令来完成,完整的命令格式为 terraform import<资源类型>.<资源标识><资源ID>,详细操作如下:$terraform import alicloud_slb.this lb-gw8vinrqxxxxxxxxxxx alicloud_slb.this:Importing ...


or this API doesn’t support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 InsufficientBalance ...


NOTE:This resource has a fatal bug in the version v1.155.0.If you want to use new feature,please upgrade it to v1.156.0.->NOTE:Available since v1.155.0.Example Usage Create RDS MySQL instance data"alicloud_db_zones"...


不要直接去修改 data 里的数据/'changed data'/正确 this.setData({ text:'ha' })},changeArray(){/可以直接使用数据路径来修改数据 this.setData({ 'array[0].text':'b' })},changePlanetColor(){ this.setData({ 'object....


} public voidsetTotalAmount(String totalAmount){ this.totalAmount=totalAmount;} publicString getDeviceUuid(){ returndeviceUuid;} public voidsetDeviceUuid(String deviceUuid){ this.deviceUuid=deviceUuid;}@Override ...


which is used to mark the traffic processed by WAF.the format of this parameter value is[{"k":"key","v":"value"}].where_key_represents the specified custom request header field,and_value_represents the value set for this ...


} public void setRedlineResult(List<RedlineResultItem>redlineResult){ this.redlineResult=redlineResult;} } public static class RedlineResultItem { private String key;private Integer threshold;private Integer checkVal;...

使用ROS CDK部署Nginx服务

本文以TypeScript语言...const ecsWaitConditionHandle=new ROS.WaitConditionHandle(this,'RosWaitConditionHandle',{ count:1 })const ecsWaitCondition=new ROS.WaitCondition(this,'RosWaitCondition',{ timeout:300,handle:ros.Fn.ref('...

AE0570000020:this sheet has merged cell!...

问题描述 在Quick BI中上传文件报错:任务执行失败.:[45]AE0570000020:this sheet has merged cell!问题原因 因为存在合并单元格,检查一下表格中的内容是否有合并单元格的数据。解决方案 将合并单元格的数据修改正常,再上传到Quick BI。...


the default value of this parameter is aliyun.It is valid only when ssl_enabled=1.Value range:aliyun:a cloud certificate custom:a custom certificate server_cert-(Optional,Available since v1.124.4)The content of the server ...


(Optional)The status of the task.Valid values:Normal,Abnormal.When a task created,it is in this state of NotStarted.You can specify this state to Normal to start the job,and specify this state of Abnormal to stop the job....


and ISVs must perform such operations on-site.This approach is time-consuming and costly.Moreover,different applications may require different O&M strategies,which further increase the difficulty of maintaining the ...


例如当要匹配的列为Text类型时,分词类型为单字分词,则查询词为"this is",可以匹配到“.,this is tablestore”、“is this tablestore”、“tablestore is cool”、“this"、“is”等。query 设置查询类型为MatchQuery。table_name 数据...

TypeScript 请求构造示例

request_.headers={ 'user-agent':Util.getUserAgent(this._userAgent),Date:OpenSearchUtil.getDate(),'Content-Type':'application/json',host:Util.defaultString(this._endpoint,``),'X-Opensearch...

TypeScript 请求构造示例

request_.headers={ 'user-agent':Util.getUserAgent(this._userAgent),Date:OpenSearchUtil.getDate(),'Content-Type':'application/json',host:Util.defaultString(this._endpoint,``),'X-Opensearch...


This data source provides the Dts Subscription Jobs of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.138.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_dts_subscription_jobs""ids"{} output"dts_subscription_job_id_1"{ ...


this parameter can be set to CloneFromRDS or MigrationFromRDS.If DBType is set to MySQL and DBVersion is set to 8.0,this parameter can be set to CreateGdnStandby.creation_category-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed,Available ...


',confirmButtonText:'删除',cancelButtonText:'取消',success:(result)=>{ if(result.confirm){ mpserverless.db.collection('images').deleteOne({ '_id':dataset.itemId,'userId',}).then(()=>{/刷新任务列表 ...


Provides a RAM Policy resource.->NOTE:When you want to destroy this resource forcefully(means remove all the relationships associated with it automatically and then destroy it)without set force with true at beginning,you ...


Provides a MNS queue resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto build a mns queue while it uses alicloud_mns_queue to build a mns queue resource.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated from version 1.188.0.Please use new ...
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