Quick BI仪表板页面报错“you are not ...forbidden

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板页面报错:you are not logged in the request is forbidden。问题原因 账号失效。解决方案 刷新页面重新登录。适用于 Quick BI 公共云V4.2.1

访问网站时报错:403 Forbidden

使用云虚拟主机或轻云服务器搭建网站后,可能会因为网站根目录下没有上传网站默认首页文件,或者网站程序中设置了禁止访问权限,而导致在访问网站时,网站页面提示 Forbidden 或 HTTP 错误 403.14-Forbidden 报错信息。本文介绍这种情况的...


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码 InternalFailure Internal Failure.500 ServiceUnavailableTemporary Service Unavailable Temporary.503 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The AccessKey ID provided does not exist in our records.404 Forbidden....

'access forbidden in this instance&workspace'”

概述 本文主要介绍如何解决Quick BI第三方嵌入报错“'Code':'AE0580800012','Message':'access forbidden in this instance&workspace'”。详细信息 报错原因是需要使用Quick BI账号角色为管理员为嵌入的账号。在Quick BI界面可以设置账号...


错误代码 描述 HTTP状态码 InternalFailure Internal Failure.500 ServiceUnavailableTemporary Service Unavailable Temporary.503 InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The AccessKey ID provided does not exist in our records.404 Forbidden....

Quick Audience导出人群包报错“ddl forbidden ...

问题描述 Quick Audience导出人群包报错“ddl forbidden because backup task is doing snapshot”问题原因 使用AnalyticDB for MySQL作为分析源时,在分析源执行备份期间不允许执行ddl操作,该问题为数据库限制。解决方案 避免在执行备份...

访问CDN加速域名报错“You are forbidden to list ...

问题现象:开启CDN回源私有Bucket的情况下,访问CDN加速域名报错 You are forbidden to list buckets。问题原因:在开启CDN回源至私有Bucket的情况下,访问CDN加速域名相当于 GetBucket(ListObjects)请求,默认会被CDN拒绝。解决方法:在...

访问OSS中的图片时报“Forbidden access to the ...

如果开启该功能,将禁止如下两种方式的访问,并返回“Forbidden access to the original image”的报错信息。直接访问OSS原图:访问地址类似如下。处理参数请求缩略图:访问地址类似如下。...


null,"data":"a4dfh94fuosadlf4oplkldad"} 异常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"id":"37f7e5fa-d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误...

Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:“Access forbidden.Your...

问题描述 Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:{"RequestId":"*-*-*-*-*","HostId":"quickbi-public.*.aliyuncs.com","Code":"Access.Forbidden","Message":"Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only ...

Quick BI中Java调用API出现不允许被访问的...Forbidden...

问题描述 Quick BI中Java调用API出现不允许被访问的错误"Access.Forbidden:Access forbidden.Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation.",调用的API是QueryWorksByWorkspace。填写的是开发者的RAM的...


诊断 400 UnsupportedParameter-诊断 403 Forbidden.RAM User not authorized to operate on the specified resource,or this API doesn't support RAM.-诊断 403 Forbidden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM ...


403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.操作被风险控制系统禁止。403 SignatureDoesNotMatch The signature we calculated does not match the one you provided.无效的签名。403 ...


or this API doesn’t support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 InsufficientBalance ...

开启私有OSS Bucket...forbidden to list buckets”错误

问题描述 使用阿里云CDN加速OSS资源时,当源站为OSS且Bucket设置为私有时,开启静态网站托管功能且CDN开启OSS私有Bucket回源的情况下,访问CDN加速域名返回 403 Forbidden 并提示以下错误:You don't have permission to access the URL on...


code":200,"message":null,"localizedMsg":null,"data":null } 异常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"id":"37f7e5fa-d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 ...


App.Forbidden.Modify 2036 不能修改的应用 AppGroup.Duplicated 2038 应用分组已存在 AppGroup.NotFound 2039 应用分组不存在 App.Forbidden.StatusAbnormal 2040 应用状态非正常,请稍后操作 App.Forbidden.Creation 2041 本区域无效,...


App.Forbidden.Modify 2036 不能修改的应用 AppGroup.Duplicated 2038 应用分组已存在 AppGroup.NotFound 2039 应用分组不存在 App.Forbidden.StatusAbnormal 2040 应用状态非正常,请稍后操作 App.Forbidden.Creation 2041 本区域无效,...


code":200,"message":null,"localizedMsg":null,"data":[]} 异常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"id":"37f7e5fa-d6a5-4efe-8abf-5bf23dca6284","code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 ...


message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable 403 403 Request Limited ...

MNS The OwnerId that your Access ...forbidden原因分析

[Error Code]:403 AccessDenied[Message]:The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden for this operation.问题原因 引发该报错的可能性如下。跨地域访问MNS队列。使用私网队列地址时,生产端、消费端必须部署在相应...


InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.400 无效的Access Key Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource.403 操作被禁止 Forbidden.RiskControl This ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...

OSS使用KMS密钥加密后上传、...forbidden by kms”错误

问题描述 阿里云对象存储OSS使用KMS密钥加密后,在上传、下载、访问文件时提示“This request is forbidden by kms”错误。问题原因 没有KMS使用权限。解决方案 请确保对指定的CMK ID具有使用权限。详情请参见 服务器端加密。适用于 对象...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.InstanceNotFound The specified Instance is not found,so we cann't get enough information to check permission in RAM.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DiskNotFound The specified Disk is not found,so we cann't get ...

使用AccessKey登录...forbidden to list buckets”报错

在ossbrowser工具安装完成之后,RAM子账号使用AccessKey登录ossbrowser时,出现“AccessDenied:You are forbidden to list buckets”报错。问题原因 用于登录的RAM子账号没有Bucket的访问权限。解决方案 使用RAM账号登录ossbrowser时出现报...


code":403,"message":"request forbidden.","localizedMsg":"请求被禁止","data":null } 错误码 HttpCode 错误码 错误信息 描述 500 500 Internal Error Internal Error 503 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable 403 403 Request...


诊断 403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.-诊断 503 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.-诊断 400 InsufficientBalance Your ...


Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 操作被风险控制系统禁止。SignatureDoesNotMatch The signature we calculated does not match the one you provided.Please refer to the API ...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbidden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


200 2402 iotToken not exist 200 460 iotToken is blank iotToken为空 200 2402 iottoken invalid iottoken已经失效 200 2401 refreshToken invalid refreshToken已经失效 200 2402 iotToken not exist 200 403 request forbidden....


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


or this operation does not support RAM.403 Forbedden.NotSupportRAM This action does not support accessed by RAM mode.403 Forbidden.RiskControl This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system.403 ...


400 InvalidOperation.DeletionProtection The instance cannnot delete because of deletion protecion.-400 Forbidden.ReleaseSegmentEip Release single segment eip is forbidden.-400 Forbidden The eip instance owner error EIP 不...


400 InvalidOperation.DeletionProtection The instance cannnot delete because of deletion protecion.-400 Forbidden.ReleaseSegmentEip Release single segment eip is forbidden.-400 Forbidden The eip instance owner error EIP 不...
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