MySQL执行请求报错锁超时Lock wait timeout exceeded

问题描述 MySQL执行请求报错锁超时:Lock wait timeout exceeded;try restarting transaction 解决方案 1、5.6和5.7版本 查看锁等待关系,获取blocking_trx_id select*from information_schema.innodb_lock_waits;根据trx_id(第1步获取到...

创建SLB实例提示“the maximum number ...exceeded”错误

问题描述 在负载均衡管理控制台中创建...the maximum number of slb instances is exceeded 问题原因 SLB的配额超过限制。解决方案 可以在VPC的配额管理中查看相关的SLB配额,如果配额已满,建议申请配额,请参见 配额管理。适用于 负载均衡

Quick BI创建SQL数据集报错“query exceeded reserved...

问题描述 用户在创建SQL数据集的时候,由于物理表数据非常大,导致SQL数据集报错“query exceeded reserved memory limit”。解决方案 1.在数据集物理表层面处理:将物理表数据压缩,剔除掉非必要数据;拆分成好几个不同的事实表;检查统计...

Dataphin集成任务报错:"Query exceeded maximum time...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务报错:"Query exceeded maximum time limit of 1800000.00ms。java.sql.SQLException:[32005,2021110517450319216817409203151842267]:Query exceeded maximum time limit of 1800000.00ms at ...


问题描述 使用阿里云密钥管理服务KMS过程中,在调用KMS的API时,返回以下错误:{"HttpStatus":429"Code":"Rejected.Throttling""Message":"QPS Limit Exceeded""RequestId":"e85db688-a2d3-44ca-9790-4259etas154f"} 问题原因 KMS对每秒...

Dataphin管道同步任务提示报错“Query exceeded ...

问题描述 Dataphin管道同步任务提示报错“Query exceeded maximum time limit of 1800000.00ms”,异常报错如下:问题原因 源端ADB查询超过了对SQL查询执行设置的超时时间。解决方案 添加Hint指定该SQL的超时时间。query_timeout=毫秒数*/...

VPN建立后内网网段互ping时出现“Time ...exceeded”错误

问题描述 阿里云VPN网关使用IPsec-VPN建立链接成功后,内网网段互ping时,出现“Time to live exceeded”错误。问题原因 路由配置出现问题。解决方案 请执行以下操作,检查两端的IPsec-VPN的路由:登录VPC内的ECS实例,执行以下命令,查看...


问题描述 阿里云云数据库ClickHouse执行查询任务时,实例内存升高,提示类似以下错误:Memory limit(for query)exceeded Memory limit(for total)exceeded 问题原因 实例内存升高的原因如下:查询内存占用过多 实例总内存使用超限 解决方案...

000 exceeded in column 8 in record 255.Set the ...

问题描述 即席查询报“Maximum column length of 100,000 exceeded in column 8 in record 255.Set the SafetySwitch property to false if you're expecting column lengths greater than 100,000 characters to avoid this error.”问题...

Maximum column length of 100,000 exceeded in ...

问题描述 Dataphin即席查询执行报错:"Failed to parse cav,message:Maximum column length of 100,000 exceeded in column 16 in record 4,243。2022-09-29 10:25:24.490 FAILED:OsBizException:Failed to parse cav,message:Maximum ...

user_connections'或has exceeded the 'max_...

如果出现has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections或User 'xxx' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource等有关用户最大连接数已满的报错,您可以参照本文进行操作,解决报错问题。问题现象 通过DMS控制台或者...

user_connections'或has exceeded the 'max_...

如果出现has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections或User 'xxx' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource等有关用户最大连接数已满的报错,您可以参照本文进行操作,解决报错问题。问题现象 通过DMS控制台或者...

Quick BI图表查询报错...exceeded for HttpDestination”

问题描述 仪表板中图表查询失败,报错信息显示如下:解决方案 该报错为当前数据库连接数超出了默认的限制。需要检查数据库服务端连接进程的状态,或根据如下方法调节连接数限制。for slave/worker:sudo su-c 'echo"exchange...Quick BI-仪表板

Quick BI即席分析中ABD数据源查询报错“code generate...

查询报错“code generate method body too large,filter expression size 3465 exceeded limit 3000”。问题2:将filter expression size调整后遇到新报错“java.lang.RuntimeException:java.sql.SQLException:[31004,...


问题描述 管道任务报错java.sql.SQLException:[40040,2022032716265317201800101403151301854]Query execution error:Query exceeded reserved memory limit。问题原因 当前Query运行时超过内部计算内存池限制。解决方案 与集成任务无关,...

在RDS MySQL和PolarDB MySQL中执行SQL查询语句时提示...

问题描述 在阿里云云数据库RDS MySQL和云原生关系型数据库PolarDB MySQL中执行SQL查询语句时,提示以下错误:Query execution was interrupted,max_statement_time exceeded 问题原因 SQL查询时间超过以下参数的值,查询将会自动失败。...

Quick BI中Hologres数据源仪表板查询报错"SERVER_...

问题描述 Quick BI中Hologres数据源仪表板查询报错"SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR、ERPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED、Total memory used by all existing queries exceeded memory limitation"问题原因 可能是Hologres数据源内存使用率过高导致。...


ModelCenter.DeployModelLimit The maximum number of online models is exceeded.You cannot deploy the model.模型在线数量已达上限,不能发布 ResourceNotFound The specified Model does not exist.指定的模型不存在。InvalidParameter...


InvalidQuota.UserCount 400 The specified number of documents of the user table has exceeded the system limit 您指定的user表文档数的配额不在系统允许范围之内 InvalidQuota.ItemCount 400 The specified number of documents of ...


诊断 400 InvalidParameter.ResourceShareName.Length The maximum length of ResourceShareName is exceeded.-诊断 400 InvalidParameter.ResourceShareStatus The ResourceShareStatus is invalid.ResourceShareStatus参数错误。...


诊断 400 InvalidParameter.Note.Length The maximum length of Note(256 characters)is exceeded.Note超长(最大256个字符)诊断 400 InvalidParameter.ParentFolderId The ParentFolderId is invalid.父资源夹ID无效,资源夹ID应以“r-”...


运行报错:MongoDBReader$Task-operation exceeded time limitcom.mongodb.MongoExecutionTimeoutException:operation exceeded time limit.PolarDB数据源网络联通性测试失败怎么办?错误现象:添加数据源PolarDB时,网络连通性测试失败。...


诊断 400 DataSetVersionNumExceeded The number of dataset versions has exceeded the system limit.数据集版本个数超过系统限制。诊断 400 DataSourceTableNameIncorrect The specified table name is invalid.指定的表名不正确。诊断 ...


MetaOperationQpsLimitExceeded Qps limit for the meta operation is exceeded 问题原因:超出默认设置的QPS阈值。OSS针对以下管控类API进行QPS限制:Service的操作:GetService(ListBuckets)Bucket的操作,例如 PutBucket、...


名称 类型 描述 示例值 object Spark 日志分析结果 AppErrorCode string Spark 日志分析后如果有可分析错误,此处显示错误类型.EXCEEDED_QUOTA AppErrorLog string Spark 日志分析任务中找到的报错日志 exception:cpu is exceeded limits 12...


147 0x93 Receive Maximum exceeded 超出接收最大值。148 0x94 Topic Alias invalid Topic别名无效。149 0x95 Packet too large 报文长度超出限制。150 0x96 Message rate too high 消息传输速率太高。151 0x97 Quota exceeded 超出限额。...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


FTP Check节点任务,运行报错:Connect Failed FTP Check节点任务,运行报错:The current time has exceeded the end-check time point!FTP Check节点任务,运行报错:File not Exists or exceeded the end-check time point!资源组 报错...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


400 PAY.INVALID_AMOUNT The Account amount is invalid.-诊断 400 PAY.AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The Account amount limit exceeded.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED The Account Currency doesn't support.-诊断 400 PAY.CURRENCY_...


The maximum number of attempts allowed to send the email verification link is exceeded 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"E2A8A5EF-DF8A-4C48-8FD4-9F6BD71AB26D","ExistList":[{"Email":"","Code":...


诊断 400 InvaildParameterDomainName The specified DomainName is invalid.-诊断 400 DomainOverLimit The maximum number of domains is exceeded.-诊断 400 InvalidSources.OverLimit The maximum number of back-to-origin IP ...


实例已存在 诊断 403 InstanceNoEnoughNumber The maximum number of instances allowed for the enterprise is exceeded.企业实例规格不足 诊断 500 InternalError Internal server error.请求因服务器内部错误导致异常 诊断 403 ...

Terraform Init 加速方案配置

please try again later:Get"": context deadline exceeded│(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)╵ 解决方案 Terraform CLI 自 0.13.2 版本起提供...


400 QuotaExceeded.SecurityGroupInstance Instance quota exceeded in the specified security group.指定的安全组已添加的ECS实例个数达到上限。400 IncorrectCapacity.NoChange To execute the specified scaling rule,the total ...


400 InstanceUpstreamLimit The maximum number of reinjection configurations for the instance is exceeded.实例的回注配置数量受限。400 InternalError An internal error occurred.内部错误。400 InvalidNet Invalid CIDR block.网段...
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