
This data source provides the Ros ...regions-A list of Ros Regions.Each element contains the following attributes:local_name-The name of the region.region_endpoint-The endpoint of the region.region_id-The ID of the region.


This data source provides an available area for remote ...ids-A list of region IDs.regions-The list of destination regions that support cross-region backup.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the region.


names-A list of Dedicated Host Group names.groups-A list of Cddc Dedicated Host Groups.Each element contains the following attributes:allocation_policy-The policy that is used to allocate resources in the dedicated cluster...


This data source provides the available ...ids-A list of alb instance zone IDs.zones-A list of alb Instance zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of zone.zone_id-The zone ID.local_name-The local name.


This data source provides the available ...ids-A list of nlb instance zone IDs.zones-A list of nlb Instance zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of zone.zone_id-The zone ID.local_name-The local name.


This data source provides the ...ids-A list of TSDB instance zone IDs.zones-A list of TSDB Instance zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of zone.zone_id-The zone ID.local_name-The local name.


This data source provides availability ...ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.


(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after running terraform plan).Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:regions-A list of Ebs Regions.Each ...


MONTHLY,and WEEKLY:annually:the first backup of each year.-MONTHLY:The first backup of the month.-WEEKLY:The first backup of the week.retention-(Optional)Retention time,in days.Attributes Reference The following attributes...


language-(Required,ForceNew)The language.Valid values:zh,en,jp.Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:regions-A list of Cdn Blocked Regions.Each element contains ...


risk management must be applied to confirm the required verification scope and control level of data integrity based on your written risk evaluation result.A computerized system must record the identity of each operator ...


This data source provides availability ...ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.


This data source provides Alibaba Cloud regions....ids-A list of region IDs.regions-A list of regions.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the region.local_name-Name of the region in the local language.


ids-A list of Instance IDs.instances-A list of Instance Entries.Each element contains the following attributes:create_time-The creation time of the resource.instance_id-The first ID of the ID of the ...


(Optional,ForceNew)The name of the key.Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:tags-A list of Meta Tags.Each element contains the following attributes:value_name-...


This data source provides the Log Stores of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1....A list of Log Stores.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the store.store_name-The name of the store.


networks-A list of PolarDB Global Database Networks.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the Global Database Network.gdn_id-The ID of the Global Database Network.description-The description of the ...


runs only data definition language(DDL)statements.The number of account permissions specified by the AccountPrivilege parameter must be the same as that of database names specified by the DBName parameter.Each account ...


ids-A list of matched Kubernetes clusters' ids.names-A list of matched Kubernetes clusters' names.clusters-A list of matched Kubernetes clusters.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the container ...


This data source provides a list of DNS Domain Groups in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the ...A list of groups.Each element contains the following attributes:group_id-Id of the group.group_name-Name of the group.


Alter sequence|alter sequence test start with 100000|drop sequence NAME|Drop sequence|drop sequence test|show db status|Report size of each physical database|show db status|show full db status|Report size of each physical...


This data source provides availability ...ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.


ids-(Optional)A list of available zones IDs by the enhanced NAT gateway.zones-A list of available zones.Each element contains the following attributes:zone_id-The ID of the available zone.local_name-Name of the available ...


This data source provides the server load ...slb_attachments-A list of SLB attachments.Each element contains the following attributes:instance_id-ID of the attached ECS instance.weight-Weight associated to the ECS instance.


master slave server group name.servers-ECS instances associated to the group.Each element contains the following attributes:instance_id-ID of the attached ECS instance.weight-Weight associated to the ECS instance.port-The ...


This data source provides availability ...ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.


ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.Removed from v1.99.0.


(Optional,ForceNew)The status of the Zone.Valid values:NORMAL,SOLD_OUT.Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:zones-A list of Private Zone Resolver zones.Each ...


names-A list of topic names.topics-A list of topics.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The id of the topic.The value is set to name of the topic.maximum_message_size-This indicates the maximum ...


slots-A list of Rds Replication Slots.Each element contains the following attributes:slot_name-The Replication Slot name.plugin-The plugin used by Replication Slot.slot_type-The Replication Slot type.database-The name of ...


This data source provides availability ...ids-A list of zone IDs.zones-A list of availability zones.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the zone.multi_zone_ids-A list of zone ids in which the multi zone.


minimum length of 1 character and maximum length of 255 characters.Must contain prefix alias/.key_id-(Required)The id of the key.->NOTE:Each alias represents only one master key(CMK).->NOTE:Within an area of the same user,...


SecurityIps":{"Type":"String","Description":"The IP addresses to be added to the IP address whitelist group to be modified.Each whitelist group can contain a maximum of 1,000 IP addresses.Separate multiple IP addresses ...


当使用场景中不关心整个结果集的顺序时,可以使用并发导出数据(ParallelScan)功能以更快的速度将匹配的...nil { fmt.Printf("%v",err)return } total+len(res.Rows)/process rows each loop } fmt.Println("total:",total)}()} wg.Wait()}


instances-A list of Sddp Instances.Each element contains the following attributes:authed-Whether the required RAM authorization is configured.instance_id-The ID of the instance.instance_num-The number of instances.odps_set...


names-A list of Load Balancer names.balancers-A list of Nlb Load Balancers.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the NLB instance.address_ip_version-The IP version.address_type-The type of IPv4 ...


This data source provides ...ids-A list of Sag Acl IDs.names-A list of Sag Acls names.acls-A list of Sag Acls.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the ACL.For example"acl-xxx".name-The name of the Acl.


ids-A list of Provisioned Product IDs.names-A list of name of Provisioned Products.provisioned_products-(Available since v1.197.0)A list of Provisioned Product Entries.Each element contains the following attributes:create_...


namespaces-A list of Cms Namespaces.Each element contains the following attributes:create_time-Create the timestamp of the indicator warehouse.description-Description of indicator ID of the Namespace....


A list of notifications.Each element contains the following attributes:id-ID of the notification.scaling_group_id-ID of the scaling group.notification_arn-The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name(ARN)for the notification object....
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