DROP ACCESS METHOD 用于移除一种现有的访问方法。简介 DROP ACCESS METHOD 移除一种现有的访问方法。只有超级用户能够删除访问方法。语法 DROP ACCESS METHOD[IF EXISTS]name[CASCADE|RESTRICT]参数 IF EXISTS 如果该访问方法不存在,则...


CREATE ACCESS METHOD 用于创建一种新的访问方法。简介 CREATE ACCESS METHOD 创建一种新的访问方法,访问方法名称在数据库中必须唯一。只有超级用户可以定义新的访问方法。语法 CREATE ACCESS METHOD name TYPE access_method_type ...

Access Method Hints

本文介绍Access Method Hints。以下hints影响优化器如何访问关系以创建结果集。提示 说明 FULL(table)对table执行完整顺序扫描。INDEX(table[index][.])使用table中的index访问关系。NO_INDEX(table[index][.])不使用table中的index访问...

Access Method Hints

本文介绍Access Method Hints。以下hints影响优化器如何访问关系以创建结果集。提示 说明 FULL(table)对table执行完整顺序扫描。INDEX(table[index][.])使用table中的index访问关系。NO_INDEX(table[index][.])不使用table中的index访问...

获取 AccessKey

阿里云的所有的权限都是通过访问控制 RAM(Resource Access Management)进行管理,SOFAStack 中间件作为阿里云产品,也使用 RAM 作为权限的统一管理。本文介绍如何获取账号的 AccessKey。什么是 AccessKey 在调用阿里云 API 时您需要使用 ...

Smart Access Gateway(Smartag)

Smart Access Gateway(Smartag)


Provides a NAS Access Rule resource.For information about NAS Access Rule and how to use it,see What is Access Rule.->NOTE:Available since v1.34.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_nas_access_group""foo"{ access_...


This data source provides the Dfs Access Rules of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.140.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_dfs_access_rules""ids"{ access_group_id="example_value"ids=["example_...


access_group_name = var.name } resource "alicloud_dfs_access_rule" "default" { description = "example" rw_access_type = "RDWR" priority = "1" network_segment = ""access_group_id = alicloud_dfs_access_group.default.id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:...


access_group_name = var.name } resource "alicloud_dfs_access_rule" "default" { description = "example" rw_access_type = "RDWR" priority = "1" network_segment = ""access_group_id = alicloud_dfs_access_group.default.id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:...


Provides a NAS Access Group resource.File system Access Group.In NAS,the permission group acts as a whitelist that allows you to restrict file system access.You can allow specified IP addresses or CIDR blocks to access the...

Access Key、Access Secret Key、Agent Key、AppId...

Access Key、Access Secret Key 路径:阿里云控制台-RAM访问控制-创建AccessKey。官方地址:https://ram.console.aliyun.com/manage/ak AgentKey和AppId 在阿里云百炼控制台-应用管理-调用,打开"调用"方式。在"应用调用"页面,即可查看...


This data source provides the Apsara File Storage for HDFS Access Groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.133.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_dfs_access_groups""ids"{ ids=["example_id"]} ...


This data source provides AccessRule available to the user.->NOTE:Available in 1.35.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_nas_access_rules""foo"{ access_group_name="tf-testAccAccessGroupsdatasource"source_cidr_ip=""rw_...


access_group_name = var.name } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:access_group_name -(Required)The permission group name.The naming rules are as follows:The length is 6~64 characters.Globally unique and cannot ...


access_group_name = var.name } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:access_group_name -(Required)The permission group name.The naming rules are as follows:The length is 6~64 characters.Globally unique and cannot ...


This data source provides user-available access groups.Use when you can create mount points->NOTE:Available in 1.35.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_nas_access_groups""example"{ name_regex="^foo"access_group_type="Classic...


Provides a Global Accelerator(GA)Access Log resource.For information about Global Accelerator(GA)Access Log and how to use it,see What is Access Log.->NOTE:Available since v1.187.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"region...


access_key.encrypt.encrypted_secret } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: user_name -(Optional,ForceNew)Name of the RAM user.This name can have a string of 1 to 64 characters,must contain only alphanumeric ...


This data source provides the Alidns Access Strategies of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.152.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_alidns_access_strategies""ids"{ instance_id="example_value...


Provides a DNS Access Strategy resource.For information about DNS Access Strategy and how to use it,see What is Access Strategy.->NOTE:Available since v1.152.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example...

Access Token 访问令牌如何获取?

Access Token 通常在代码平台的个人账号设置内进行管理和配置,本文依次介绍如下三方平台的 Access Token 获取方法:GitLab 码云 Coding GitHub BitBucket 获取 GitLab 的 Access Token 以公网 GitLab(https://gitlab.com )为例,不同的 ...


value-The Access Point Characteristic Value.access_point_id-The Access Point ID.access_point_name-Access Point Name.attached_region_no-The Access Point Is Located an ID.description-The Access Point Description.host_...


Provides a Cloud SSO Access Assignment resource.For information about Cloud SSO Access Assignment and how to use it,see What is Access Assignment.->NOTE:When you configure access assignment for the first time,access ...


Provides a KMS Application Access Point resource.An application access point(AAP)is used to implement fine-grained access control for Key Management Service(KMS)resources.An application can access a KMS instance only after...


Provides a DMS Enterprise Proxy Access resource.For information about DMS Enterprise Proxy Access and how to use it,see What is Proxy Access.->NOTE:Available since v1.195.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_dms_...


This data source provides the Cloud Sso Access Assignments of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.193.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...["example_value-1","example_value-2"]} output"cloud_sso_access_...


Provides a Cloud SSO Access Configuration resource.For information about Cloud SSO Access Configuration and how to use it,see What is Access Configuration.->NOTE:Available since v1.145.0.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...


This data source provides the Cloud Sso Access Configurations of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.140.0+.->NOTE:Cloud SSO Only Support ...["example_value-1","example_value-2"]} output"cloud_sso_access_...


Provides an vpc authorization resource.This authorizes the API gateway to access your VPC instances.For information about Api Gateway vpc and how to use it,see Set Vpc Access->NOTE:Available since v1.23.0.->NOTE:Terraform ...


威胁您账号下资源的安全 client=ROAClient.new(access_key_id:ENV['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],access_key_secret:ENV['ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'],endpoint:'https://lc.<regionId>.aliyuncs.com',api_version:'2019-09-25')...


Provides a Cloud SSO Access Configuration Provisioning resource.For information about Cloud SSO Access Configuration Provisioning and how to use it,see What is Access Configuration Provisioning.->NOTE:Available since v1....


635B6DDE9A1F093434AC6A7C[HostId]:oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com [ErrorMessage]:[E1010]HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error> <Code>AccessDenied</Code> <Message>The bucket youaccess does ...

Quick BI使用sql创建数据集报错 Access Denied

Access Denied:Access denied for CREATE VIEW,check db/table is XXX,user:XXX host:%has privilege:UserPrivilege{globalPrivileges=[SELECT],dbPrivileges={},tablePrivileges={},columnsPrivileges={}} 解决方案 这个报错的意思是用户...

基于定时SQL完成Nginx Access Log指标预聚

本视频介绍如何通过定时SQL完成Nginx Access Log指标预聚。

Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:“Access forbidden.Your...

问题描述 Quick BI中调用OpenAPI报错:{"RequestId":"*-*-*-*-*","HostId":"quickbi-public.*.aliyuncs.com","Code":"Access.Forbidden","Message":"Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation,only ...


domain/$domainid/user/$userid SearchUser(/v2/user/search)pds:SearchUser acs:pds:$regionid:$accountid:domain/$domainid/user/*GetUserAccessToken(/v2/user/get_access_token)pds:GetUserAccessToken acs:pds:$regionid:$accountid:...


在文件末尾添加需要设置的环境变量,例如:export ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id>export ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<access_key_secret>4.按下“Esc”键,输入“:wq”保存并退出。5.使用以下命令使修改后的环境变量...

访问网站出现“You don't have permission to access ...

问题描述 使用云虚拟主机搭建并访问网站时,出现“You don't have permission to access xxxx on this server”403 Forbidden报错。具体报错如下所示。问题原因 默认首页文件设置错误。程序中引用路径的大小写和真实路径的大小写不一致。...

Quick BI嵌入报表报错:“access report_tree ...

问题描述 Quick BI嵌入报表报错:“access report_tree unauthorized”。问题原因 没有在对应的群空间内开通报表权限。解决方案 您可以按照如下操作自主开通报表权限。在Quick BI产品首页单击 开发者中心。在左侧导航栏单击 报表嵌入。单击...
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