
API 应用程序编程接口 用户开放API,在API网关录入API,以提供接口的方式对外提供服务或者数据。Group API Group API分组 一组API。用户开放API,首先需要创建API分组 每个API分组拥有一个二级域名,两个Stage 用户需要将已经备案且解析至...


中文 释义 API 应用程序编程接口,是一些预先定义的函数,或指软件系统不同组成部分衔接的约定。API 分组 用于将 API 进行逻辑的分组,同个分组下的 API 使用相同的分组标识做隔离。分组标识 是网关全局的唯一标识,用于定位在访问的 API。...


Provides an app resource.It must create an app before calling a third-...id-The ID of the app of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_app.example"7379660


A list of Api Gateway Backends.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The resource ID in terraform of Backend.backend_id-The id of the Backend.backend_type-The type of the Backend.backend_name-The name of the ...


(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after running terraform plan).Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:configs-A list of Api Gateway Log ...


names-A list of Plugin names.plugins-A list of Api Gateway Plugins.Each element contains the following attributes:create_time-The CreateTime of the resource.description-The description of the plug-in,which cannot exceed ...


id-The ID of the vpc authorization of api gateway.Import Api gateway app can be imported using the id,e.g.$terraform import alicloud_api_gateway_vpc_access.example"APiGatewayVpc:vpc-aswcj19ajsz:i-ajdjfsdlf:8080


parameters below.open_api_parameters-(Optional,Set,Available since v1.211.1)The parameters of API callback notification.See open_api_parameters below.event_pattern The event_pattern supports the following:product-(Required...


ids-A list of api IDs.names-A list of api names.apis-A list of apis.Each element contains the following attributes:id-API ID,which is generated by the system and globally unique.name-API name.description-API description....


A list of api group names.groups-A list of api groups.Each element contains the following attributes:id-API group ID,which is generated by the system and globally unique.name-API group name.description-API group ...


概述 由于部分Linux操作系统版本较旧,无法使用growpart等工具在线扩容时,这种情况下需要手动扩容Linux系统盘。本文主要针对MBR分区系统盘的手动扩容方式进行介绍。详细信息 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,...


id-The ID of the api group of api gateway.sub_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level domain name automatically assigned to the API group.vpc_domain-(Available in 1.69.0+)Second-level VPC domain name automatically ...


id-The resource ID in terraform of Api Destination.create_time-The creation time of the Api Destination.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when ...


names-A list of Model names.models-A list of Api Gateway Models.Each element contains the following attributes:id-The ID of the Api Gateway Model.group_id-The group of the model belongs to.model_name-The name of the Model....


values:'HEAD' and 'QUERY'.name_service-(Required)Backend service's parameter name.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the api resource of api gateway.api_id-The ID of the api of api ...


Apis Properties:ApiId:Ref:ApiId Outputs:Apis:Description:The information about ApiGateway apis.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionDataSource-Apis ApiIds:Description:The list of The ApiGateway api ids.Value:Fn:GetAtt:...


ALIYUN:ApiGateway:PluginAttachment类型用于将插件绑定到API。语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:ApiGateway:PluginAttachment","Properties":{"StageName":String,"PluginId":String,"ApiId":String } } 属性 属性名称 类型 必须 允许更新 描述 约束 ...


api_server_endpoint-The public address of the API Server.public_pilot_endpoint-The public address of the Istio Pilot.load_balancer-The configuration of the Load Balancer.Note:load_balancer takes effect only if enable_...


role":"user"}]} }' 响应示例 JSON {"output":{"text":"Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province,is a city with a rich history and culture,known for its beautiful scenery and interesting places to visit.Here are some of ...


apiVersion:description:'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value,and may reject unrecognized values.More info:...


apiVersion:description:'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value,and may reject unrecognized values.More info:...

安装并使用Alibaba Cloud Compiler

本文主要介绍如何在Alibaba Cloud Linux 3操作系统中安装并使用Alibaba Cloud Compiler编译器,帮助您快速构建高性能的C++应用。背景信息 Alibaba Cloud Compiler编译器相比GCC,或其他Clang/LLVM版本在纯粹编译、构建速度上有很大的提升,...

Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的CVE-2021-22555安全漏洞...

本文为您介绍Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的CVE-2021-22555安全漏洞内核热补丁修复方案。问题描述 在符合如下条件的Alibaba Cloud Linux 2实例中,存在CVE-2021-22555安全漏洞,系统运行时出现系统宕机问题,且出现如下调用栈信息。镜像:...

漏洞公告|Linux Netfilter本地权限提升漏洞(CVE-2021...

近日,海外研究团队披露出Linux Netfilter本地权限提升漏洞,漏洞...echo 0>/proc/sys/user/max_user_namespaces 相关链接 Linux:Heap Out-Of-Bounds Write in xt_compat_target_from_user CVE-2021-22555 Detail 公告方 阿里云计算有限公司


Linux为例,执行./TairSearchBench.Linux-help 可查看压测工具的使用方法,用法如下:Usage of./TairSearchBench.linux:a string The address(ip:port)of network to connect#实例连接地址。c int Benchmark concurrency(default 30)#...


调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的 Action 元素中使用,用来给RAM用户或RAM...


This data source provides the Bastionhost Hosts of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.135.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_bastionhost_hosts""ids"{ instance_id="example_value"ids=["1","2"]} ...

使用操作系统Alibaba Cloud Linux 3

Alibaba Cloud Linux积极吸收了开源社区成果,为云上应用程序提供Linux社区的增强功能,还通过引入更完善的发行版质量体系,保障产品品质。同时,Alibaba Cloud Linux结合阿里云基础设施进行了深度优化,为您提供企业级的支持和维护,提升...


使用root用户登录Linux实例,则需要保证在/etc/ssh/sshd_config 文件中配置 PermitRootLogin yes,具体操作请参见 通过Workbench远程连接Linux实例 中的 为Linux实例开启root用户远程登录 章节。说明 如果Linux使用正确的密码还是无法登录...


本文为您介绍在制作Linux系统的云市场镜像过程中需遵循的规范要求。磁盘分区 您在制作云市场镜像过程中对磁盘分区时,需满足如下要求。云盘扩容 使用物理分区进行磁盘划分,根分区放在最后一个分区,否则可能会导致系统盘扩容失败。对于...

使用SFTP登录Linux实例时,提示“Received unexpected...

本文介绍使用SFTP工具Linux实例时,提示“Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server”错误时的解决方案。问题描述 使用SFTP工具登录Linux实例时,提示“Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server”错误。问题原因 该问题...


type-(Optional,ForceNew,Computed)The operating system supported by the component.Currently,only Linux systems are supported.Value:Linux.Default value:Linux.tags-(Optional,Map)List of label key-value pairs.Attributes ...


本文介绍使用SSH客户端远程连接Linux系统的ECS实例时,提示“Maximum amount of failed attempts was reached”错误的原因和解决方案。问题描述 使用SSH客户端远程连接Linux系统的ECS实例时,提示“Maximum amount of failed attempts was ...

Alibaba Cloud Linux 3系统的NFS文件系统读取文件性能...

在NFS(Network File System)文件系统中通过read、copy_file_range等系统调用读取文件时,与同场景下的Alibaba Cloud Linux 2相比,可能会存在明显的性能退化情况。本文介绍在Alibaba Cloud Linux 3系统的ECS实例中,在NFS文件系统下读取...


OSType":{"Type":"String","Description":"The operating system of the host that you want to create.Valid values:Linux-Windows","AllowedValues":["Linux","Windows"]},"HostName":{"Type":"String","Description":"The name of the ...

安装VMware Tools(Linux操作系统)

本文描述如何在Linux操作系统上安装VMware Tools。前提条件 完成业务虚拟机创建和Linux操作系统安装,详细过程请参见 创建业务虚拟机和安装操作系统。任务 Linux操作系统的VMware Tools安装 操作步骤 鼠标右击虚拟机,选择 客户机操作系统...

Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的ECS实例创建大量进程失败...

本文为您介绍Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的ECS实例创建大量进程失败的原因及解决方案。问题描述 Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的ECS实例中执行系统调用(fork/clone)时,进程创建失败,返回“-1 EAGAIN(Resource temporarily unavailable)”...

Memcg Exstat功能

本文主要介绍Alibaba Cloud Linux 2(内核版本 4.19.91-18.al7 开始)和Alibaba Cloud Linux 3支持的Memcg Exstat(Extend/Extra)功能。背景信息 Alibaba Cloud Linux支持的Memcg Exstat功能相较于社区版内核额外提供了以下memcg统计项:...

Linux实例中执行“yum update bash”命令时提示...

问题描述 Linux实例中执行 yum update bash 命令时提示以下信息。error:unpacking of archive failed on file/bin/bash:cpio:rename 问题原因 安装云锁软件会导致报错。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,...

Alibaba Cloud Linux 2镜像发布记录

阿里云定期发布Alibaba Cloud Linux 2镜像的更新版本,以确保用户可以获取到最新的操作系统特性、功能和安全补丁。您可以通过本文查看Alibaba Cloud Linux 2镜像最新的可用版本及更新内容。背景信息 如无特殊声明,更新内容适用于云服务器...
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