
API 应用程序编程接口 用户开放API,在API网关录入API,以提供接口的方式对外提供服务或者数据。Group API Group API分组 一组API。用户开放API,首先需要创建API分组 每个API分组拥有一个二级域名,两个Stage 用户需要将已经备案且解析至...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。403 Forbidden.Release Forbidden to release a PREPAY bandwidth instance within validity period.有效期内无法释放预付费带宽包。403 InvalidOperation....


HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 NotApplicable This API is not applicable for caller.-400 NotAuthorized This API is not authorized for caller.-400 InvalidOwner The specified owner doesn't belong to caller....


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-09-08 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


为保证正常调用弹性伸缩OpenAPI,请在开始调用弹性伸缩OpenAPI前阅读本文所述事项。...403 Forbidden.Unauthorized A required authorization for the specified action is not supplied.您未向弹性伸缩授予完整的OpenAPI接口权限。


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。403 Forbidden.AttachChildInstance The attached VBR on some access device models are not supported.Please submit a ticket to continue using this VBR on CEN.该...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-12-22 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


Locations where splits lies in.*By the managed nature of TableStore,these locations are no more than hints.*If a location is not suitable to be seen,an empty string will be placed.*/message SplitLocation { required string ...


This resource will help you to manage a Edge Kubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service,see What is edge kubernetes.->NOTE:Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access internet while creating ...


The redis port is open to the outside world and there is no authentication option configured.In addition to directly obtaining all the information in the database,unauthorized users can also attack the system through ...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。403 InvalidOperation.PvtzNotAssociatedWithVpc Privatezone not associated with the specified vpc.Privatezone没有绑定指定的vpc。409 InvalidOperation....


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-01-19 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-09-08 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-01-19 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


开通转发路由器服务。接口说明 您可以调用 ...400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2021-09-24 新增 OpenAPI 看变更集


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-12-06 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 入参发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 ...


调用DeleteTransitRouterRouteTable接口删除企业版转发路由器的自定义路由表。...400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 暂无变更历史


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-12-22 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-04-19 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-11-16 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 入参发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 ...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-11-15 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 入参发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 ...


the operator must review the inputted records to ensure the correctness.The review operation can be performed by another operator or a validated application.You can configure the review feature for a system if necessary....


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-01-26 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


This resource will help you to manage a ManagedKubernetes Cluster in Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes Service.->NOTE:Available since v1.26.0.->NOTE:It is recommended to create a cluster with zero worker nodes,and then use a node ...


Chanjet T-Plus is an Internet business management software.There is an unauthorized access vulnerability in one of its interfaces disclosed on the Internet.Attackers can construct malicious requests to upload malicious ...


诊断 403 TargetRegionNotAllowedFault The target region does not allowed to operate when the source instance is migrating to other region.源实例迁移到其他区域时,不允许目标区域操作。诊断 403 SourceRegionNotAllowedFault The ...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2023-11-22 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


诊断 403 TargetRegionNotAllowedFault The target region does not allowed to operate when the source instance is migrating to other region.源实例迁移到其他区域时,不允许目标区域操作。诊断 403 SourceRegionNotAllowedFault The ...


诊断 403 TargetRegionNotAllowedFault The target region does not allowed to operate when the source instance is migrating to other region.源实例迁移到其他区域时,不允许目标区域操作。诊断 403 SourceRegionNotAllowedFault The ...


诊断 403 TargetRegionNotAllowedFault The target region does not allowed to operate when the source instance is migrating to other region.源实例迁移到其他区域时,不允许目标区域操作。诊断 403 SourceRegionNotAllowedFault The ...


诊断 403 TargetRegionNotAllowedFault The target region does not allowed to operate when the source instance is migrating to other region.源实例迁移到其他区域时,不允许目标区域操作。诊断 403 SourceRegionNotAllowedFault The ...


403 InvalidOperation.Unauthorized The specified operation is unauthorized.-403 InvalidOperation.UnfinishedCrossRegionCopy This disk has unfinished cross-region copy snapshots in the target region.-403 InvalidOperation....


授权证书格式错误,或者不属于此用户 403 Unauthorized The user has not passed RAM verification and is not authorized to perform the operation.RAM权限校验未通过,用户无法执行此操作 409 ConcurrencyOverLimit The concurrency ...


details is set to true.endpoints-The endpoint details.Note:endpoints takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.intranet_api_server_endpoint-The internal address of the API Server.intranet_pilot_endpoint-The ...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。500 PayFor.AccountMoneyValidateError Your channel merchant quota is insufficient.Please contact the channel merchant.您的渠道商额度不足,请与渠道商联系 访问 ...


401 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.提供的AccessKey ID值未授权。请确认您的AccessKey ID有访问日志服务权限。为RAM用户授予日志服务操作权限,请参见 创建RAM用户及授权。The security token you provided is invalid.STS...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。404 InvalidVSwitchId.NotFound The specified VSwitchId is not found.指定的VSwitchId不存在。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 ...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2024-01-19 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 变更项 变更内容 错误码 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更。...


400 Unauthorized The AccessKeyId is unauthorized.账号无权限操作。404 InvalidRouteTableId.NotFound The specified RouteTableId is not found.RouteTableId不存在。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 ...


调用CreateSnapshotGroup为...403 InvalidOperation.Unauthorized The specified operation is unauthorized.-403 InvalidRegion.NotSupportSnapshotInstantAccessRegion The snapshot InstantAccess is not supported for this region.-403 ...
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