
the system will allocate 32 consecutive EIPs.26:For a single call,the system will allocate 64 consecutive EIPs.25:For a single call,the system will allocate 128 consecutive EIPs.24:For a single call,the system will ...


level alerts.threshold-(Optional)The threshold for critical-level alerts.times-(Optional)The consecutive number of times for which the metric value is measured before a critical-level alert is ...


level alerts.times-The consecutive number of times for which the metric value is measured before a critical-level alert is triggered.comparison_operator-The comparison operator of the threshold for critical-level alerts....


and cannot contain two consecutive hyphens(-).The name cannot start with d-.The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length.*Note*:If you do not specify this parameter,the value of this parameter is automatically generated ...


digits,and hyphens(-).Note It cannot start or end with a hyphen(-),and cannot contain consecutive hyphens(-).","AllowedPattern":"^?([a-z0-9]+|-?MinLength":1,"MaxLength":50 } },"Resources":{"RamAccountAlias":{"Type":...




(Optional,Int)The consecutive number of times for which the metric value is measured before a critical-level alert is triggered.escalations-info The info supports the following:comparison_operator-(Optional)The comparison ...


(Optional)The threshold for warn-level alerts.times-(Optional)The consecutive number of times for which the metric value is measured before a warn-level alert is triggered.alert_templates-escalations-info The info supports...


Number of consecutive successes of health check performed on the same ECS instance(from failure to success).unhealthy_threshold-Number of consecutive failures of health check performed on the same ECS instance(from success...


check_interval_seconds-The interval between two consecutive health checks.Unit:seconds.health_check_path-The path specified as the destination of the targets for health checks.health_check_port-The port that is used for ...

目标规则(Destination Rule)CRD说明

由于 consecutiveGatewayErrors 计算的错误也包含在 consecutive5xxErrors 中,如果 consecutiveGatewayErrors 的值大于或等于 consecutive5xxErrors 的值,则 consecutiveGatewayErrors 不会起作用。interval Duration 否 排除操作扫描的...


names-A list of Server Group names.groups-A list of Alb Server Groups.Each element contains the following attributes:health_check_config-The configuration of health checks.unhealthy_threshold-The number of consecutive ...


DECAY_RETRY:Exponential decay retry.The request can be retried up to 176 times.The interval between two consecutive retries exponentially increases to 512 seconds,and the total retry time is one day.The specific retry ...


in_evaluation_count-(Optional,Available since v1.221.0)The number of consecutive times that the event-triggered task created for scale-ins must meet the threshold conditions before an alert is triggered.After a target ...


增强了静态CEP的SQL MatchRocognize能力,支持SHOW TIMEOUT MATCHES,Not Next,Consecutive,Until,Followed By,Followed By Any和Not Followed By等语法。Kafka Source Connector新增支持校验本作业指定消费组是否与已有消费组重复。...


Provides a ESS eci scaling configuration resource.For information about ess eci scaling configuration,see CreateEciScalingConfiguration.->NOTE:Available since v1.164.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default=...


numbers,and dashes(-).It cannot start or end with a dash and cannot have two consecutive dashes.Need to be globally unique,and capitalization is not supported.Cannot start with d-.mfa_authentication_status-(Optional)The ...


(Optional,Int)The interval between two consecutive health checks.Unit:seconds.threshold_count-(Optional,Int)The number of consecutive failed heath checks that must occur before the endpoint is deemed unhealthy.Default ...


Split points between splits,in the increasing order*A split is a consecutive range of primary keys,*whose data size is about split_size specified in the request.*The size could be hard to be precise.*A split point is an ...


seconds.health_check-The configurations of health checks.health_check_interval-The interval between two consecutive health checks.health_check_type-The protocol that is used for health checks.healthy_threshold-The number ...


count-(Required)The number of consecutive times of failed health check attempts.Valid values:1,2,3.interval-(Required)The health check interval.Unit:seconds.Valid values:60.isp_city_node-(Required)The Monitoring node.See ...


Provides ECI Container Group resource.For information about ECI Container Group and how to use it,see What is Container Group.->NOTE:Available since v1.111.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...


Provides a Application Load Balancer(ALB)Health Check Template resource.For information about Application Load Balancer(ALB)Health Check Template and how to use it,see What is Health Check Template.->NOTE:Available since v...


check_http_version - The version of the HTTP protocol. Valid values: HTTP1.0 and HTTP1.1 . Default value: HTTP1.1 . health_check_interval - The time interval between two consecutive health checks.Valid values:1 to 50.Unit:...


The interval between two consecutive executions must be 10 seconds or longer.The minimum interval cannot be less than the timeout period of the execution.When you set Timed to true,you must specify Frequency.The value of ...


The destination IP address.status-The status of the health check.interval-The interval between two consecutive health checks.Unit:seconds.retry-The maximum number of health check retries.sip-The source IP address.enable-...


Description:Security protection level.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionDataSource-SecurityProtectionTypes SegmentInstanceId:Description:The ID of the consecutive EIPs.Value:Fn:GetAtt:ExtensionDataSource-SegmentInstanceId ...


说明 您可以调整连续5xx错误(consecutive5xxErrors)、间隔时间(interval)以及最小的移除时间长度(baseEjectionTime)参数,实现同可用区路由的优先调用。本示例将在第一个请求失败时触发故障转移。使用以下内容,创建 helloworld-...


说明 您可以调整连续5xx错误(consecutive5xxErrors)、间隔时间(interval)以及最小的移除时间长度(baseEjectionTime)参数,实现同可用区路由的优先调用。本示例将在第一个请求失败时触发故障转移。使用以下内容,创建 helloworld-...


check_timeout,health_check_timeout will be replaced by health_check_interval.health_check_timeout takes effect only if health_check is set to on.health_check_interval-(Optional,Int)The interval between two consecutive ...


config supports the following:dip-(Optional)The destination IP address that is used for health checks.enable-(Optional)Specifies whether to enable health checks.interval-(Optional)The interval between two consecutive ...


httpbin trafficPolicy:connectionPool:tcp:maxConnections:1 http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 3m maxEjectionPercent: 100 ...


httpbin trafficPolicy:connectionPool:tcp:maxConnections:1 http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 outlierDetection: consecutive5xxErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 3m maxEjectionPercent: 100 ...


and it cannot have two or more consecutive periods(.)or hyphens(-).For Windows:The host name can be[2,15]characters in length.It can contain A-Z,a-z,numbers,periods(.),and hyphens(-).It cannot only contain numbers.For ...


(Optional)The level of the alert.Valid values:Critical,Warn,Info.times-(Optional)The number of consecutive triggers.If the number of times that the metric values meet the trigger conditions reaches the value of this ...


服务网格 ASM为应用服务提供了跨地域流量分布和跨地域故障转移能力。跨地域流量分布功能可以将流量按照设定的权重路由至多个集群,实现多地域负载均衡。跨地域故障转移功能可以在某地域服务发生故障时,将该地域流量转移至其他地域,实现跨...


服务网格 ASM为应用服务提供了跨地域流量分布和跨地域故障转移能力。跨地域流量分布功能可以将流量按照设定的权重路由至多个集群,实现多地域负载均衡。跨地域故障转移功能可以在某地域服务发生故障时,将该地域流量转移至其他地域,实现跨...

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

if needed,please purchase the following cloud implementation services.SAP On-cloud Migration Implementation A SAP on Cloud implementation service package includes 30 consecutive working days of cloud implementation ...


name-(Optional)Instance host name.It cannot start or end with a period(.)or a hyphen(-)and it cannot have two or more consecutive periods(.)or hyphens(-).For Windows:The host name can be[2,15]characters in length.It can ...

表格存储 ProtocolBuffer 消息定义

下面是table_store.proto和table_store_filter.proto的详细定义。...message Error { required string code=1;optional string message=2;} enum PrimaryKeyType { INTEGER=1;STRING=2;BINARY=3;} enum PrimaryKeyOption { AUTO_INCREMENT=1;...
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