
Provides a KMS Client Key resource.Client key(of Application Access Point).For information about KMS Client...private_key_data_file are not available for imported resources as this information cannot be read from the KMS API.

Redis数据同步报“Cannot read anything”错误

[2018-12-28 10:31:45]{Redis Extractor}(RedisClient.poll)Cannot read anything.[2018-12-28 10:31:45]{Redis Extractor}(RedisClient.poll) read anything.问题原因 源Redis实例配置的 client output buffer ...

Quick BI仪表板查询控件报错“cannot read property ...

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板的查询控件点编辑时报错“cannot read property caption of undefined”。问题原因 图表或者富文本关联的数据集被删除了。解决方案 重新创建被删掉的数据集,然后在富文本中添加原来的字段。适用于 Quick BI

使用Signature方式第... read properties of undefined...

问题描述 使用Signature方式第三方嵌入传入全局参数出现错误提示“Cannot read properties of undefined(reding 'dashboard')”,将参数减少后可以正常访问。错误如下图所示:问题原因 Chrome对于get请求的URL长度有字符限制,大概2048个。...

点击确认编辑报错“Cannot read properties of null...

问题描述 通过SQL创建数据集,点击确认编辑报错“Cannot read properties of null(reading 'queryErrMsg')”,网页控制台发现报502。问题原因 SQL运行时间太长,超过5分钟后中断,导致确认编辑时报502。解决方案 需要优化SQL,解决SQL查询...


[argname]argtype][,.])]FROM { username|groupname|PUBLIC }[,.][CASCADE|RESTRICT]REVOKE { EXECUTE|ALL[PRIVILEGES]} ON PACKAGE packagename FROM { username|groupname|PUBLIC }[,.][CASCADE|RESTRICT]REVOKE role[,.]FROM { username...


(Optional,Int)The memory required for each instance,in MB,cannot be 0.One-to-one correspondence with CPU.Valid values:1024,2048,4096,8192,12288,16384,24576,32768,65536,131072.command-(Optional)Mirror start command.The ...


错误码:ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast 错误1:in function cast,value 'xx' cannot be casted from yy to zz 错误信息示例 ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast-in function cast,value 'xx' cannot be casted from YY to ZZ 问题描述 执行...


Read body from mirror host failed,please check your mirror host 问题原因:无法从镜像源站读取数据。解决方案:请检查是否能正常访问镜像回源地址中的文件。Bytes read is not equal to expected 问题原因:从镜像源站读取的数据缺失或...


ACK通过VPA(vertical-pod-autoscaler)提供垂直容器伸缩功能。VPA基于Pod的资源使用情况自动为集群设置资源占用的限制,从而让集群将Pod调度......from the endpoint the client submits requests to.Cannot be updated.In CamelCase.More info...


通过在 ACK Serverless集群 上部署安装VPA(vertical-pod-autoscaler),ACK Serverless可以提供垂直的容器伸缩的功能。VPA会基于Pod的资源......from the endpoint the client submits requests to.Cannot be updated.In CamelCase.More info...


报错信息如下所示:ERROR:cannot delete from table"polardb_test"because it does not have a replica identity and publishes deletes HINT:To enable deleting from the table,set REPLICA IDENTITY using ALTER TABLE.重要 当您使用...

in function cast,value '' cannot be casted f

问题描述 Dataphin代码任务运行失败报错:"ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast-in function cast,value '' cannot be casted from String to Bigint。问题原因 项目属性为严格模式,校验严格,不符合的会抛出异常。解决方案 有两个方案可以...


报错信息如下所示:ERROR:cannot delete from table"polardb_test"because it does not have a replica identity and publishes deletes HINT:To enable deleting from the table,set REPLICA IDENTITY using ALTER TABLE.重要 当您使用...


oss_bucket""default"{ acl="public-read"tags={ For="example"} } resource"alicloud_config_rule""default"{ description="If the ACL policy of the OSS bucket denies read access from the Internet,the ...


Enable,Disable.Default value:Disable.AllowedValues:Disable-Enable Nodes:MinLength:2 Type:CommaDelimitedList Description:|-The nodes to be added to this connection point to process read requests from this connection point....

Databricks Delta vs Open-Source Delta Lake

本文介绍Databricks数据洞察产品中Databricks ...Performance Optimization 1.Compaction Delta Lake on Databricks can improve the speed of read queries from a table by coalescing small files into larger ones.Official Document:...


init pyspark context spark=SparkSession.builder.appName("Python Example").getOrCreate()#read csv from oss to a dataframe,show the table cvs_file=sys.argv[1],mode="DROPMALFORMED",inferSchema=...


name_="_main_":#init pyspark context spark=SparkSession\.builder\.appName("Python Example")\.getOrCreate()#read csv from oss to a dataframe,show the table'oss:/{your bucket}/staff.csv',mode=...


400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The specified bandwidthPackageId does not exist in our records.-400 OperationUnsupported.IpNotInCbwp ...


400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidInstanceId.NotFound The specified bandwidthPackageId does not exist in our records.-400 OperationUnsupported.IpNotInCbwp ...


400 iot.device.CanNotSetReadOnlyProperty Cannot set read only property.无法设置只读属性。400 iot.device.DeviceIsDisable The specified device has been disabled.真实设备被禁用。400 iot.device.InvalidIoTId The specified ...


防护对象不存在 诊断 400 Defense.Control.DefenseResourceAccessNotDelete The protection object from access cannot be deleted.来自接入的防护对象不允许删除 诊断 400 Defense.Control.DefenseResourcePatternNotEmpty The protection...


为确保MaxCompute项目数据的安全性,项目所有者或者具备授权权限的用户需要对项目内成员的权限进行合理管控...grant read on package<ProjectA>.<packagename>to user;select*from<ProjectA>.;username 为商家项目中具体需要查询View的账号。


RequestTimeOut Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period 无。ServiceUnavailable Service is temporarily unavailable,Please try again later 无。StatusConflict You cannot ...


400 Duplicated.CidrBlock bgp network cidr already exists.-400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidDestCidrBlock.Malformed Specified dstCidrBlock is not valid.-...


400 Duplicated.CidrBlock bgp network cidr already exists.-400 InvalidIP.IpInSnatPool Multi ip in snat pool cannot remove ip from bandwidth package.-400 InvalidDestCidrBlock.Malformed Specified dstCidrBlock is not valid.-...


NOTE:You can only copy the image belonging to your Alibaba Cloud account.Images cannot be copied from one account to another.->NOTE:If the copying is not completed,you cannot call DeleteImage to delete the image but you ...


该租户没有开通身份认证 500 ChildDIDCannotBeDerivedFromRootDID.DIDError The child DID cannot be extended from the root DID.根DID无法派生出子DID 500 Confliction.ServiceType A conflict occurred to service type.服务类型冲突 ...


报错信息 FAILED:ODPS-0130071:[2,45]Semantic analysis exception-column rn cannot be resolved 正确改法 select row_number()over(partition by c1 order by rn)rn2 from(select c1,row_number()over(partition by c1 order by c1)rn ...


语法 revoke_permission_statement:=REVOKE privilege_definition ON resource_definition FROM user_identifier privilege_definition:=ALL|ALL PRIVILEGE|READ|WRITE|ADMIN|TRASH|SYSTEM resource_definition:=GLOBAL|DATABASE ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库...cannot switch to database Predis客户端 Error while reading line from the server.phpredis客户端 Cannot assign requested address redis protocol error,got ' ' as reply type byte ...


本文介绍访问 云原生内存数据库Tair 与 云数据库...cannot switch to database Predis客户端 Error while reading line from the server.phpredis客户端 Cannot assign requested address redis protocol error,got ' ' as reply type byte ...


private,public-read,public-read-write.bucket-(Required,ForceNew)The name of the bucket to which the current ACL configuration belongs.Attributes Reference The following attributes are exported:id-The ID of the resource ...


错误 命令示例如下 with A as(SELECT*from B),B as(SELECT*from A)SELECT*from B;正确命令示例如下。with A as(SELECT 1 as C),B as(SELECT*from A)SELECT*from B;返回结果如下。c|+-+|1|+-+列表达式(SELECT_expr)必填。SELECT_expr 格式...


访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:对于必选的资源类型,用背景高亮的方式表示。对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用 全部资源 ...


Deprecated from v1.97.0+)Replaced by topic_name after version 1.97.0.topic_name-(Optional,Available in v1.97.0+)Name of the topic.Two topics on a single instance cannot have the same name and the name cannot start with '...


访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:对于必选的资源类型,用背景高亮的方式表示。对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用 全部资源 ...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 BackupRestoreNotSupported.BasicHA Basic instances cannot be restored to high availability instances,and high availability instances cannot be restored to basic instances.基础版实例不能恢复到高可用实例,高可用实例不能...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 BackupRestoreNotSupported.BasicHA Basic instances cannot be restored to high availability instances,and high availability instances cannot be restored to basic instances.基础版实例不能恢复到高可用实例,高可用实例不能...
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