
[W]Could not cleanup the following unreached nodes:iZuf61mhwoc9flkufs0*mmdelnode:Command successfully completed mmdelnode:Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes.This is an asynchronous process....

C++ SDK收发消息

}/*Send/Produce message.*This is an asynchronous call,on success it will only*enqueue the message on the internal producer queue.*The actual delivery attempts to the broker are handled*by background threads.*The previously...


Provides an ApsaraDB Redis/Memcache instance resource.A DB instance is an isolated database environment in the cloud.It support be associated with IP whitelists and backup configuration which are separate resource ...


NOTE:Deprecated since v1.123.1.->DEPRECATED:This resource has been renamed to alicloud_slb_load_balancer from version 1.123.1.Provides an Application Load Balancer resource.->NOTE:At present,to avoid some unnecessary ...


After an intranet SLB instance is created,the system allocates an intranet IP address so that the instance can only forward intranet requests.internet_charge_type-(Optional)Valid values are PayByBandwidth,PayByTraffic.If ...


stack VPC function is under public testing.Only the following regions support IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack VPC:cn-hangzhou ,cn-shanghai ,cn-shenzhen ,cn-beijing ,cn-huhehaote ,cn-hongkong and ap-southeast-1 ,and need to apply for ...


This data source provides the Intelligent Media Management Projects of the current Alibaba Cloud user.-...unit-The maximum number of requests that can be processed per second.Note:This parameter is deprecated from 2021-04-01.


Forwarded-Client-Ip header to obtain the source IP address of the server load balancer instance.Value:true,false.Note HTTP,HTTPS,and QUIC listeners support this parameter.The function corresponding to this parameter is not...


Provides ECI Container Group resource.For information about ECI Container Group and how to use it,see What is Container Group.->NOTE:Available since v1.111.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...


Provides an ECS Disk resource.For information about ECS Disk and how to use it,see What is Disk.->NOTE:Available since v1.122.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_zones""example"{ available_resource_creation="VSwitch...


'quark_search' },{ 'type':"code_interpreter"}])Function Calling 除了上述插件,Assistant API也支持Function Calling的功能。对于部分插件或计算,为了满足本地计算等需求,可以通过Function Calling 实现。用户描述可能被调用的一个或...


function 01007 privilege_not_granted 01006 privilege_not_revoked 01004 string_data_right_truncation 01P01 deprecated_feature Class 02—No Data(this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)02000 no_data 02001 no_...


set_function 01007 privilege_not_granted 01006 privilege_not_revoked 01004 string_data_right_truncation 01P01 deprecated_feature 01M02 px_interconnection Class 02—No Data(this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)...


value_eliminated_in_set_function 01007 privilege_not_granted 01006 privilege_not_revoked 01004 string_data_right_truncation 01P01 deprecated_feature 表 3.Class 02—No Data(this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)...


my.onCompassChange(function callback)说明:基础库 1.9.0 及以上版本支持该接口,低版本需要做兼容处理,操作参见 小程序基础库说明,mPaaS 10.1.60 及以上版本支持该接口。监听罗盘数据,接口调用后会自动开始监听,回调间隔为 500 ms,...


my.onAccelerometerChange(function callback)说明 基础库 1.9.0 及以上版本支持该接口,低版本需要做兼容处理,操作参见 小程序基础库说明,mPaaS 10.1.60 及以上版本支持该接口。监听加速度数据,回调间隔为 500 ms,接口调用后会自动...


my.onGyroscopeChange(function callback)说明 基础库 1.9.0 及以上版本支持该接口,低版本需要做兼容处理,操作参见 小程序基础库说明,mPaaS 10.1.60 及以上版本支持该接口。监听陀螺仪数据变化事件,接口调用后会自动开始监听,回调间隔...


document-Authorization strategy of the role.This parameter is deprecated and replaced by document.document-Authorization strategy of the role.create_date-Creation date of the role.update_date-Update date of the role.


name_regex-(Optional,Deprecated)A regex string to filter results by instance description.It is deprecated since v1.91.0 and will be removed in a future release,please use 'description_regex' instead.description_regex-...


function ready(callback){/如果 jsbridge 已经注入则直接调用 if(window.AlipayJSBridge){ callback&callback();} else {/如果没有注入则监听注入的事件 document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady',callback,false);} } ready...


function ready(callback){/如果 jsbridge 已经注入则直接调用 if(window.AlipayJSBridge){ callback&callback();} else {/如果没有注入则监听注入的事件 document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady',callback,false);} } ready...


Manages an asynchronous invocation configuration for a FC Function or Alias.For the detailed information,please refer to the developer guide.->NOTE:Available since v1.100.0.Example Usage Destination Configuration->NOTE ...


function ready(callback){/如果 jsbridge 已经注入则直接调用 if(window.AlipayJSBridge){ callback&callback();} else {/如果没有注入则监听注入的事件 document.addEventListener('AlipayJSBridgeReady',callback,false);} } ready...


filter-(Optional)The SQL condition that is used to filter events.If the content of an event meets the specified SQL condition,an alert is automatically triggered.name_list-(Optional,List)The name of the event-triggered ...


入参 入参结构为:(String targetSelector,function callback)String targetSelector,选择器。Function callback,监听相交状态变化的回调函数。callback 参数 Object res 属性 属性 类型 描述 intersectionRatio Number 相交比例。...


模组 4.0.1 HaaS600-EC600U 是 模组 4.0.1 HaaS600-N715 是 模组 4.0.1 dynreg(Object option,Function callback)设备或网关动态注册。入参 Object类型,其属性有:属性 类型 是否必填 描述 productKey String 是 设备的 ProdctKey。...


listPlay(Array paths,Function callback)播放器实例,依次播放列表中的音频文件。入参 属性 类型 是否必填 描述 path Array 是 音频文件绝对路径或者音频URL数组。说明 一个播放列表中只支持一种音频格式的播放,不允许1个音频列表中存在...


The callback signature version is invalid 错误原因:签名版本不支持。解决方案:请确认当前签名为1.0或2.0版本。Copy Source must mention the source bucket and key:/sourcebucket/sourcekey 错误原因:拷贝文件时,没有指定源Bucket...


ACK通过VPA(vertical-pod-...'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object.Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value,and may reject unrecognized values.More info:...


taints by defining with taints blocks taints { key="tf"effect="NoSchedule"value="example"} taints { key="tf2"effect="NoSchedule"value="example2"} }#The parameter `node_count` is deprecated from version 1.158.0.Please use ...


ssl-Whether the ssl function is enabled.ssl_connections-Total count of ssl vpn connections.network_type-The network type of the VPN gateway.auto_propagate-Whether to automatically propagate BGP routes to the VPC.Valid ...


throws InterruptedException*/public static void scan(final OpenAPIDetector detector,String path,int detect_timeout_ms,boolean is_sync)throws InterruptedException { System.out.println(String.format("[SCAN][START]path:%s,...


方法 方法 描述 UploadTask.abort()中断上传任务 UploadTask.onProgressUpdate(function callback)监听上传进度变化事件 代码示例 const task=my.uploadFile({ url:'请使用自己服务器地址',fileType:'image',fileName:'file',filePath:'.',...


knative starts informers on these things,which is why we need get,list and watch.verbs:["list","watch"]-apiGroups:["admissionregistration.k8s.io"]resources:["mutatingwebhookconfigurations"]#This mutating webhook is ...


诊断 400 NOCARD User Profile doesn't have card.-诊断 400 IpIsUsed The specified Address ip is already in use,please use an unused ip.指定的地址IP已在使用中,请使用未使用的IP。诊断 400 RuleNotSupport Rule is not support in ...


name-(Optional)The name of key pair that can login ECS instance successfully without password.If it is specified,the password would be invalid.role_name-(Optional)Instance RAM role name.The name is provided and maintained ...


password before creating or updating an instance with kms_encrypted_password.See Encryption Context.It is valid when kms_encrypted_password is set.When it is changed,the instance will reboot to make the change take effect....


name} refers to the name of an api interface which related to the${service}.effect-(Deprecated since 1.49.0,Required)(It has been deprecated since version 1.49.0,and use field 'document' to replace.)This parameter ...


(Optional,Computed)The maximum bandwidth of the EIP.Valid values:1 to 200.Unit:Mbit/s.Default value:5.deletion_protection-(Optional,Computed,Available since v1.207.0)Whether the delete protection function is turned on.true...


Enable deletion protection.false:Disable deletion protection.enable_rrsa-(Optional,Available since v1.171.0)Whether to enable cluster to support RRSA for version 1.22.3+.Default to false.Once the RRSA function is turned on...
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