
} } } } YAML 格式 ROSTemplateFormatVersion:'2015-09-01' Parameters:DeliveryChannelAssumeRoleArn:Description:'The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name(ARN)of the role to be assumed by the delivery method.This parameter is required ...


terraform plan 预期输出:Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:5 to add,0 to change,0 to ...


terraform plan 预期输出:Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:5 to add,0 to change,0 to ...


terraform plan 预期输出:Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:5 to add,0 to change,0 to ...


terraform plan 预期输出:Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:5 to add,0 to change,0 to ...

在Cloud Shell中使用Terraform

执行结果示例:shell@Alicloud:/usr/local/terraform$terraform plan Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state...

在Cloud Shell中使用Terraform

执行结果示例:shell@Alicloud:/usr/local/terraform$terraform plan Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state...

创建ACK Serverless集群

Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:3 to add,0 to change,0 to destroy.执行如下命令,...

使用Terraform创建ACK Edge集群

terraform plan 预期输出:Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:5 to add,0 to change,0 to ...


Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan.The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan,but will not be persisted to local or remote state storage.Plan:7 to add,0 to change,0 to destroy.执行以下命令,...


this parameter must be passed in when performing cross Alibaba Cloud account data migration or synchronization.For the permissions and authorization methods required by this role,please refer to How to configure RAM ...


OK:normal.LARGE:There are too many tables that cannot be used for database and table recovery.EMPTY:The backup set that failed to be backed up.backup_status-Backup task status.NOTE:This parameter will only be returned when...


MySQL,PostgreSQL,MariaDB,MSSQL.acl-(Optional,Computed)This parameter is only supported by the RDS PostgreSQL cloud disk version.This parameter indicates the authentication method.It is allowed only when the public key of ...


ForceNew)The version of the database engine used by the instance.vswitch_id-(Required,ForceNew)The vswitch id.db_instance_class-(Optional,ForceNew)The db instance class.see Instance specifications.->NOTE:This parameter ...


Computed)The intranet IP address of the new instance must be within the specified vSwitch IP address range.By default,the system automatically allocates by using VPCId and VSwitchId.used_time-(Optional)The subscription ...


SQLServer.->NOTE:When the 'EngineVersion' changes,it can be used as the target database version for the large version upgrade of RDS for MySQL instance.engine_version-(Required)Database version.Value options can refer to ...


Provides a ACK Nodepool resource.This resource will help you to manage node pool in Kubernetes Cluster,see What is kubernetes node pool.->NOTE:Available since v1.97.0.->NOTE:From version 1.109.1,support managed node pools,...


group_type parameter is set to Instance or Ip.sticky_session_type-(Optional)The method that is used to handle a cookie.Valid values:Server,Insert.cookie-(Optional)The cookie to be configured on the server.NOTE:This ...


The database engine used by the instance.engine_version-The version of the database engine used by the ID of the db Instance.instance_network_type-The network type of the instance.ip_whitelist-The ip ...


NOTE:This resource has a fatal bug in the version v1.155.0.If you want to use new feature,please upgrade it to v1.156.0.->NOTE:Available since v1.155.0.Example Usage Create RDS MySQL instance data"alicloud_db_zones"...


the following code can be used to create it data"alicloud_account""current"{ }/resource"alicloud_ram_role""default"{/name="AliyunRDSInstanceEncryptionDefaultRole"/document=[/{/"Action":"sts:AssumeRole",/"Effect":"Allow",/...


The shared line has been Confirmed to receive.UnConfirmed:The shared line has not been confirmed to be received.Deleted:The shared line has been Deleted.vlan_ids-(ForceNew,Optional)The VLAN ID of the hosted connection.You ...


this parameter specifies the percentile at which the expected value is.For example,0.5 specifies P50.parameter_two-(Optional)The value of the function that is used to aggregate logs imported from Log Service.Note:This ...


()_+-=kms_encrypted_password-(Optional,Available since v1.57.1)An KMS encrypts password used to an instance.If the password is filled in,this field will be ignored.kms_encryption_context-(Optional,MapString,Available since...


id-(Optional)The ID of the task obtained by calling the ConfigureDtsJob operation(DtsJobId).>After you pass in this parameter,you do not need to pass the source_region,destination_region,type,source_endpoint_engine_name,or...


arn-(Optional,Available since v1.212.0)The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name(ARN)of the specified Resource Access Management(RAM)role.parameters-(Optional,Set,Available since v1.203.0)Set of parameters needs to be set after ...


The port that is used by the server.Valid values:1 to 65535.server_id-The ID of the ECS instance,ENI instance or ECI instance.server_ip-The IP address of the ENI instance when it is in the inclusive ENI mode.status-The ...


Type:String Description:The name of the database account to be used.Default:mytest AccountPassword:Type:String Description:|-The password of the database account.The password must comply with the following rules:It must ...


kms_key_id-If present,specifies the ID of the Key Management Service(KMS)master encryption key that was used for the object.etag-ETag generated for the object(MD5 sum of the object content).storage_class-Object storage ...


seconds.Default value:2.health_check_method-The health check method.Valid values:GET and HEAD.Default value:HEAD.health_check_path-The URL that is used for health checks.The URL must be 1 to 80 characters in length,and can...


password is filled in,this field will be ignored.kms_encryption_context-(Optional,MapString,Available since v1.57.1)An KMS encryption context used to decrypt kms_encrypted_password before creating or updating instance with...


create-(Defaults to 60 mins)Used when create the Instance.delete-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when delete the Instance.update-(Defaults to 80 mins)Used when update the Instance.Import Ocean Base Instance can be imported using...


used-The StorageUsed of the PolarDB cluster.connection_string-PolarDB cluster connection string.port-PolarDB cluster connection port.db_nodes-The DBNodes of the PolarDB cluster.db_node_class-The db_node_class of the db_...


403 MaxscaleMinorVersionNotSupport The Maxscale version used by the instance is too low,please upgrade the Maxscale version first.实例使用数据库代理的版本过低,请先升级数据库代理版本。403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB...


403 MaxscaleMinorVersionNotSupport The Maxscale version used by the instance is too low,please upgrade the Maxscale version first.实例使用数据库代理的版本过低,请先升级数据库代理版本。403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB...


403 MaxscaleMinorVersionNotSupport The Maxscale version used by the instance is too low,please upgrade the Maxscale version first.实例使用数据库代理的版本过低,请先升级数据库代理版本。403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Current DB...


create-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when create the Backup Plan.update-(Defaults to 10 mins)Used when update the Backup Plan.delete-(Defaults to 3 mins)Used when delete the Backup Plan.Import DBS Backup Plan can be imported ...


a protocol should guarantee that the same input request always yields the same canonical form.Special consideration should be given when implementing this method since the canonical form of a request is used to look up ...


password pair ERR invalid password Connection reset by peer UnknownHostException OOM command not allowed when used memory>'maxmemory' WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value ERR unknown command '...


password pair ERR invalid password Connection reset by peer UnknownHostException OOM command not allowed when used memory>'maxmemory' WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value ERR unknown command '...
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