
indicates that the domain name is enabled.offline:indicates that the domain name is disabled.configuring:indicates that the domain name is being configured.configure_failed:indicates that the domain name failed to be ...


检查参数是否合法 SDK_UNSUPPORT_ENGINE_TYPE_FAILED 0x5201 Unsupported execution engine type 不支持的执行引擎,请检查执行引擎类型是否为 WASM SDK_BAAS_REST_HANDSHAKING_FAILED 0x5202 Failed to Handshake with BaaS’s REST API ...


400 DuplicatedHanaName The hana name already exists.-诊断 400 HanaNodeNotExist There is no hana node.-诊断 500 FailedToCreateSchedule Failed to create scheduled job.-诊断 500 FailedToRemoveSchedule Failed to remove ...


while confidences[indices[0][i]]>0.5:class_idx=indices[0][i]print("class:",classes[class_idx],",confidence:",confidences[class_idx].item(),"%,index:",class_idx.item(),)i+1 def main():model=models.resnet50(pretrained=True)...


[""]#When there are changes to the configs or secrets,knative updates the mutatingwebhook config#with the updated certificates or the refreshed set of rules.verbs:["get","update","delete"]-api...


id-The resource ID of Gateway Block Volume.The value formats as<gateway_id>:<index_id>.index_id-The ID of the index.status-The status of volume.Valid values:0:Normal condition.1:Failed to create volume.2:Failed to delete ...


nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get ramrole name from metaserver:%s",err)} output,err=exec.Command("curl",securityCredUrl+string(output)).Output()if err!nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get security credentials from metaserver:%s",...

为ECI Pod绑定RAM角色

nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get ramrole name from metaserver:%s",err)} output,err=exec.Command("curl",securityCredUrl+string(output)).Output()if err!nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to get security credentials from metaserver:%s",...


诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeClass The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to node class.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeNumber The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to the readonly node number.-诊断 403 ...


通过JDBC访问MaxCompute报错:create download session failed:instance id=xxx,Error:ErrorCode=Local Error,ErrorMessage=Failed to create download session with tunnel endpoint,如何解决?MaxCompute JDBC是否支持关闭Auto-Commit...

PAIFlow Manifest参数说明

maxcompute}}"-apiVersion:"core/v1"metadata:provider:"pai"version:"v1"identifier:"type_transform"name:"type_transform_pm10"displayName:"类型转换pm10"spec:when:'{{pipelines.dataSource.status}}=Failed' arguments:artifacts:...


由于实例的状态不允许该操作,实例状态是运行中才能操作 诊断 500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error,exception or failure.-诊断 400 SYSTEM.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Invalid LX arguments.-诊断 400 ...


由于实例的状态不允许该操作,实例状态是运行中才能操作 诊断 500 InternalError The request processing has failed due to some unknown error,exception or failure.-诊断 400 SYSTEM.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Invalid LX arguments.-诊断 400 ...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 CommodityServiceCalling.Exception Failed to call commodity service.调用商品服务返回失败。400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region ...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 CommodityServiceCalling.Exception Failed to call commodity service.调用商品服务返回失败。400 RegionDissolvedEOM Dear customer,Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region.Cloud services in this region ...


报错信息类似于以下形式:can not getTableTopology(drds*,ib_ibos*)Could not connect to address=(host=100.100.XX.XX)(port=*)(type=master):(conn=*)[]Access denied for user 'ib_ibos*'@'100.104.XX.XX' to database '...


name|MODIFY[COLUMN]column_name column_definition|RENAME COLUMN column_name TO new_column_name|RENAME new_table_name|storage_policy|PARTITION BY VALUE(column_name|date_format(column_name,'format'))LIFECYCLE N } column_...


命令格式 Hologres支持的COPY语句格式如下:COPY table_name[(column_name[,.])]FROM STDIN[[WITH](option[,.])]COPY {(query)} TO STDOUT[[WITH](option[,.])]where option can be one of:FORMAT format_name DELIMITER 'delimiter_...


nil){ fmt.Println("Failed to Add DefinedColumn with error:",err)} else { fmt.Println("Add DefinedColumn finished")} } 删除预定义列 删除数据表上不需要的预定义列。参数 参数 说明 TableName 数据表名称。DefinedColumns 预定义列...


schema_definition 42P16 invalid_table_definition 42P17 invalid_object_definition Class 44—WITH CHECK OPTION Violation 44000 with_check_option_violation Class 53—Insufficient Resources 53000 insufficient_resources 53100 ...


schema_definition 42P16 invalid_table_definition 42P17 invalid_object_definition Class 44—WITH CHECK OPTION Violation 44000 with_check_option_violation Class 53—Insufficient Resources 53000 insufficient_resources 53100 ...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...


definition 42P14 invalid_prepared_statement_definition 42P15 invalid_schema_definition 42P16 invalid_table_definition 42P17 invalid_object_definition 表 33.Class 44—WITH CHECK OPTION Violation Error Code Condition Name ...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...

打开用户反馈显示错误信息:Failed to load this page

问题详述 打开用户反馈显示错误信息:Failed to load this page 问题分析 SDK 版本过老,阿里百川的V1.0版本已停止维护。解决方法 关于”Failed to load this page“这个问题是因为使用的「用户反馈」版本较老,百川老版本已经 Deprecated...

Quick BI中仪表板解锁提示“Failed to fetch”

问题描述 仪表板解锁提示“Failed to fetch”。问题原因 防火墙拦截了某些JS导致该问题。解决方案 防火墙放行即可。适用于 Quick BI


days.Snapshots are automatically released after the retention time expires.Valid values:1 to 65536.snapshot_name-(Optional,ForceNew)The display name of the snapshot.The length is 2 to 128 characters.It must start with a ...


错误码:ODPS-0110061:Failed to run ddltask 错误1:Schema evolution DDLs is not enabled in current project:xxxx 错误信息 FAILED:Catalog Service Failed,ErrorCode:152,Error Message:ODPS-0110061:Failed to run ddltask-Schema ...

混淆 Android 文件

Add any project specific keep options here:#If your project uses WebView with JS,uncomment the following#and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface#class:#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of....


The topic which The subscription belongs to was named with the name.notify_strategy-The NotifyStrategy attribute of Subscription.This attribute specifies the retry strategy when message sending fails.notify_content_format-...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...


time/since may be used.-tail int Lines of recent log file to display.Defaults to-1 with no selector,showing all log lines otherwise 10,if a selector is provided.(default-1)-timestamps Include timestamps on each line in the...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...

Failed to validate Table XXX Partition XXX Consis

问题描述 Dataphin中代码任务运行报错“Logical table translate failed:Failed to validate Table XXX Partition XXX Consistent of Column:[XXX]”完整的报错信息如下:!SQL Failed!Error Code:DPN.Os.LogicalTableTranslateFailed ...


(Required,ForceNew)The topic which The subscription belongs to was named with the name.A topic name must start with an English letter or a digit,and can contain English letters,digits,and hyphens,with the length not ...


then this parameter needs to be passed into the ID of database gateway.*EXPRESS,CEN,then this parameter needs to be passed in the ID of VPC that has been interconnected with the source database.Note:when the value is CEN,...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...

出错提示“failed to download migration install sh...

本文主要介绍在Linux操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“failed to download migration install sh”信息时的问题描述、问题原因及其解决方案。问题描述 在使用SMC操作系统迁移时,迁移任务出错提示“failed to download migration install...


脱敏身份验证次数不足 500 CreationError.DID Failed to create a DID.Please contact the developer.did生成失败,请联系开发人员 500 CreationFailure.PreservedAccountResolverReader Failed to create the reserved account ...
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