Quick BI仪表板报错:"Column `col_5` is not under ...

问题描述 Quick BI仪表板报错:"Column `col_5` is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY(version*.*.*.*)。问题原因 非聚合字段需要出现在group by里。解决方案 将计算字段中涉及到的非聚合字段拖拽到配置面板的行中即可。...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.kind:ClusterRole apiVersion:rbac.authorization.k8s....


The type of model.Please refer to the documentation for the parameter values corresponding to different types of models.Using the specified model type under different project,and the backend will do the verification.If ...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#Example configurations for deploying ext-authz ...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#Example configurations for deploying ext-authz ...


Provides a ECD Custom Property resource.For information about ECD Custom Property and how to use it,see What is Custom Property.->NOTE:Available since v1.176.0.->NOTE:Up to 10 different attributes can be created under an ...


Status String UNDER_SCHEDULE 状态,支持 STOP_SCHEDULE、UNDER_SCHEDULE。Type String EMR 目前只支持EMR。PageNumber Integer 1 页码。PageSize Integer 20 每页数量。RequestId String 7DDFF4C7-3AE3-485F-BFA1-BAE0AA3689DD 请求ID。...


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)under one*or more contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file*distributed with this work for additional information*regarding copyright ownership.The ASF licenses this ...

Faster DDL

是 是 是 Faster DDL解决的缺陷 Faster DDL完美解决了以下MySQL临时缺陷:Bug#95582:DDL using bulk load is very slow under long flush_list Bug#98869:Temp ibt tablespace truncation at disconnection stuck InnoDB under large BP ...


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)under one*or more contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file*distributed with this work for additional information*regarding copyright ownership.The ASF licenses this ...


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)under one or more#contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file distributed with#this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.#The ASF licenses this...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#Example configurations for deploying ext-authz ...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#Example configurations for deploying ext-authz ...


username@example.com status string 合并请求状态 UNDER_DEV:开发中 UNDER_REVIEW:评审中 TO_BE_MERGED:待合并 CLOSED:已关闭 MERGED:已合并 UNDER_REVIEW createFrom string 创建来源,取值为:WEB WEB ahead integer 源分支相较于...


名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 鉴权资源结构-Database DatabaseName string 数据库的名称。default DatabaseWildcard string A wildcard member representing every resource under a database*


String ProjectId:Description:The ID of project.To create a dataset under a certain project,fill in the target project ID.Type:Number Resources:Dataset:Properties:DatasetName:Ref:DatasetName ProjectId:Ref:ProjectId Type:...

Python SDK使用说明

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)under one#or more contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file#distributed with this work for additional information#regarding copyright ownership.The ASF licenses this ...

GetDoctorHBaseCluster-获取 HBase 集群信息

Value":526.4,"Unit":"\"\"","Description":"The average load under normal working conditions"},"RegionBalance":{"Name":"regionBalance","Value":1,"Unit":"\"\"","Description":"The ability to evenly distribute Regions on ...


Valid values:LS20,LS40,LS80,S8,S16,S32,S64,S80,S104.Under the condition that the category is the HighAvailability,Valid values:LC20,LC40,LC80,C8,C16,C32,C64,C80,C104.db_cluster_network_type-(Required,ForceNew)The DBCluster...


Busy(0.0%)thread(3221/0xc95)stack of java process(3221)under user(admin):[4]Busy(0.0%)thread(2721/0xaa1)stack of java process(2721)under user(admin):以下是常用的几个参数及选项使用示例:#每隔2秒执行一次执行结果,共执行5次...


UNDER_DEV:开发中 UNDER_REVIEW:评审中 TO_BE_MERGED:待合并 CLOSED:已关闭 MERGED:已合并 UNDER_REVIEW createFrom string 创建来源 WEB:网页 UI 创建 COMMAND_LINE:命令行创建 WEB ahead integer 源分支相较于目标分支多出的 ...


Ganos时空引擎兼容 PostGIS 开源库功能,本文档中Geometry SQL参考相关内容在PostGIS开源库的 PostGIS Reference 章节的...版权协议:CC BY-SA 3.0(The documentation for PostGIS is under a creative commons share-alike 3.0 license.)


max_return_addr_num-(Optional)The maximum number of addresses returned by the primary address pool set.NOTE:The default_max_return_addr_num is required under the condition that strategy_mode is LATENCY.default_min_...


InstanceType Type:String Description:en:<font color='blue'><b>1.Before selecting the model please confirm that the current available zone under the model is in stock,some models need to be reported in advance</b></font> ...


you can use the+and#wildcards.You can replace${deviceName} with the+wildcard.The wildcard indicates that the topic applies to all devices under the product.You can replace the fields that follow${deviceName} with/user/.The...


Ref:RegionName RegionTag:Fn:Join:':'-Ref:ALIYUN:Region-Ref:RegionName Outputs:BelongRegion:Description:Under the physical region ID Value:Fn:GetAtt:UserDefineRegion-BelongRegion DebugEnable:Description:Whether debug is ...

Tunnel SDK常见问题

RequestId=20170116xxxxxxx,ErrorCode=StatusConflict,ErrorMessage=You cannot complete the specified operation under the current upload or download status.java.io.IOException:RequestId=20170116xxxxxxx,ErrorCode=StatusConflict...


Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF)under one or more#contributor license agreements.See the NOTICE file distributed with#this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.#The ASF licenses this...


资源组 报错:no available machine resources under the task resource group,该如何处理?已配置失败重跑的任务在运行失败后未重跑,并报错 Task Run Timed Out,Killed by System!报错内容:当目标任务 调度配置 的 时间属性 中,重跑...


1' and 'table_2',under default namespace:$HBCK2 reportMissingRegionsInMeta default:table_1 default:table_2 An example triggering missing regions execute for table 'table_1' under default namespace,and for all tables from ...


409 ExistPrepaidInstance.DeleteAccount The deletion failed.There are prepaid products under the current account.Please release them and try again.删除失败。当前账号下存在预付费产品,请释放后重试删除。409 ForbidDelete....


DataUnderReplication The specified table data is under replication and you cannot initiate upload or download at this time.Please try again later 数据处于跨级群复制状态,无法操作。DataVersionConflict The specified table ...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.See accompanying LICENSE file.->!Put site-specific ...


RouteTableType":{"Description":"The type of the route table.","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["RouteTable","RouteTableType"]} },"VSwitchIds":{"Description":"A list of VSwitches under the VPC.","Value":{"Fn:GetAtt":["RouteTable",...


opened newVersionState string 新版合并请求状态 UNDER_DEV:开发中 UNDER_REVIEW:评审中 TO_BE_MERGED:待合并 CLOSED:已关闭 MERGED:已合并 UNDER_REVIEW createdAt string 创建时间 2022-03-18 14:24:54 updatedAt string 更新时间 ...

MindSphere Terms and Conditions

data center locations,service levels and support terms Specific Terms for MindAccess IoT Value Plan if you provide services to others under your MindAccess IoT Value Plan Product Sheet for MindAccess IoT Value Plan service...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录

under this Addendum,you are the Data Processor,i.e.,the data provider.2.6“Entrustee”shall mean any entity or individual entrusted by the Data Processor to Process data in strict accordance with the requirement of the ...


查询任务状态 通过接口查询训练状态,当返回参数 status 为 UNDER_REVIEW 时,表示训练成功待人工审核。等待人工审核 审核时间不超过1个工作日。获取模型名称 再次查询任务状态将返回最终模型名称。合成调用 通过模型名称按照Sambert语音...


查询任务状态 通过接口查询训练状态,当返回参数 status 为 UNDER_REVIEW 时,表示训练成功待人工审核。等待人工审核 审核时间不超过1个工作日。获取模型名称 再次查询任务状态将返回最终模型名称。合成调用 通过模型名称按照Sambert语音...


see What is Resource Manager Folder.->NOTE:Available since v1.82.0.->NOTE:A maximum of five levels of folders can be created under the root folder.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} resource...
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