
slb_load_balancer or removing it from your configuration The alicloud_slb_load_balancer resource allows you to manage payment_type="Subscription"load balancer,but Terraform cannot destroy it.Deleting the subscription ...


Provides an ECS Disk resource.For information about ECS Disk and how to use it,see What is Disk.->NOTE:Available since v1.122.0.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_zones""example"{ available_resource_creation="VSwitch...


String prompt="You are an AI assistant whose name is MOSS.-MOSS is a conversational language model that is developed by Fudan University.It is designed to be helpful,honest,and harmless.-MOSS can understand and communicate...


Provides an AliKafka instance resource.For information about Kafka instance and how to use it,see What is alikafka instance.->NOTE:Available since v1.59.0.->NOTE:Creation or modification may took about 10-40 minutes.->NOTE...


certificate_id is null,it is required,otherwise it is ignored.private_key-(Optional,ForceNew)the content of privat key of the ssl certificate specified by server_certificate.where alicloud_certificate_id is null,it is ...


同时,ROS采用基础设施即代码(IaC)的设计理念,可通过使用经过审核的模板来部署云上环境,满足IT合规性,规避财务风险。企业快速上云 使用阿里云沉淀的最佳实践,无需专业IT技能和云上架构设计经验,一键给出解决方案级别的所有资源,...


厂商推送数量规则简述 厂商 消息分类 APP推送总量限制 单设备接收数量限制 华为 服务与通讯类 不限量 不限量 资讯营销类 不限量 新闻类(需具备《互联网新闻信息服务许可证》):5 条 其他类:2 条 荣耀 服务通讯类 不限量 不限量 资讯营销...


Provides a ECS Key Pair resource.For information about ECS Key Pair and how to use it,see What is Key Pair.->NOTE:Available in v1.121.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_ecs_key_pair""example"{ key_pair_name=...


Provides an ApsaraDB Redis/Memcache instance resource.A DB instance is an isolated database environment in the cloud.It support be associated with IP whitelists and backup configuration which are separate resource ...


see Cluster status.tags-(Optional,Available in v1.68.0+)A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.-Key:It can be up to 64 characters in length.It cannot begin with"aliyun","acs:","http://",or"https://". It cannot be a ...


polardb_cluster from your configuration The alicloud_polardb_cluster resource allows you to manage your polardb cluster,but Terraform cannot destroy it if your cluster type is pre paid(post paid type can destroy normally)....


由于门店的业务人员IT能力普遍较弱,所以门店的终端部署和运维管理工作全部由IT部门承接。越来越多的分支门店建设和维护,对企业的IT管理和运维带来了巨大挑战。客户痛点 业务运维效率低 不同门店的建设阶段导致操作系统、浏览器、通用办公...


Provides a RDS Account resource.For information about RDS Account and how to use it,see What is Account.->NOTE:Available since v1.120.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud_db_zones...


type is internet,it will be ignore.specification-(Optional,Deprecated from v1.123.1)The specification of the Server Load Balancer instance.Default to empty string indicating it is"Shared-Performance"instance.Launching...


Create an EDAS k8s application.For information about EDAS K8s Application and how to use it,see What is EDAS K8s Application.->NOTE:Available since v1.105.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf-example"} ...


终端管控 终端访问控制系统通过安装MDM证书来对企业办公终端进行统一管理,帮助IT管理员完成可信设备的登记、部署、系统配置管理及保障可信设备安全的设备全生命周期管理能力。UEM维护企业的可信设备列表,并通过OTA的模式来确保办公终端...


name-(Required,ForceNew)Operation account requiring a uniqueness check.It may consist of lower case letters,numbers,and underlines,and must start with a letter and have no more than 16 characters.account_password-(Optional...


定义云资源分层模型 考虑到不同企业(从创业型团队到跨国企业)的IT规模以及软件研发模式存在较大的差异,云资源管理模型设计需要足够灵活,以支持从传统IT业务到敏捷IT业务的不同要求。说明 不同企业需要根据自身业务场景需求来设计满足...


(Required,ForceNew)Operation account requiring a uniqueness check.It may consist of lower case letters,numbers,and underlines,and must start with a letter and have no more than 16 characters.password-(Optional,Sensitive)...


ITIL中核心的概念是IT服务,IT服务是用来支持企业业务发展的技术服务,它的全生命周期包含服务战略、服务设计、服务转换、服务运营以及服务的持续改进五个阶段,其中 服务战略阶段:定义服务、明确服务的价值以及服务管理与业务之间的关系...


内容分析 en_min 英文-小粒度分析 th_standard 泰语-通用分析 th_ecommerce 泰语-电商分析 vn_standard 越南语-通用分析 chn_community_it 行业-内容IT分析 chn_ecommerce_general 行业-电商通用分析 chn_esports_general 行业-游戏...


内容分析 en_min 英文-小粒度分析 th_standard 泰语-通用分析 th_ecommerce 泰语-电商分析 vn_standard 越南语-通用分析 chn_community_it 行业-内容IT分析 chn_ecommerce_general 行业-电商通用分析 chn_esports_general 行业-游戏...


name-Name of Container Registry Enterprise Edition namespace.namespace_id-Container Registry Enterprise Edition namespace id.It is a uuid.auto_create-Boolean,when it set to true,repositories are automatically created when ...


Provides a Classic Load Balancer(SLB)Load Balancer Listener resource.For information about Classic Load Balancer(SLB)and how to use it,see What is Classic Load Balancer.For information about listener and how to use it,...


Provides a ECS Prefix List resource.For information about ECS Prefix List and how to use it,see What is Prefix List.->NOTE:Available in v1.152.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_ecs_prefix_list""default"{ ...


名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 可授权对象,表示一个用户或者一个群组 identity_type string 对象类型 IT_User:表示用户类型 IT_Group:表示群组类型 IT_User identity_id string 用户 ID 或者群组 ID 16435bdf934248b788b7b3771ee9a3dw


This resource will help you to manager Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances.For information about Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances and how to use it,see Create a Instance->NOTE:Available since v1....


encrypted_password.See Encryption Context.It is valid when kms_encrypted_password is set.account_description-(Optional)Account description.It cannot begin with https://. It must start with a Chinese character or English ...


总览页面提供的信息极大地提升了企业IT管理者对于当前UEM用户的终端安全状态及企业应用分发状态的可视度,使IT管理者能够根据入网事件、认证趋势的统计数据判断当前企业可信内网访问的稳定度。您可在 总览 页面查看您企业办公终端的入网...


type="PrePaid"bandwidth package,but Terraform cannot destroy it.Deleting the subscription resource or removing it from your configuration will remove it from your statefile and management,but will not destroy the Bandwidth...


NOTE:The maximum number of entries per access control list is 300.->NOTE:The maximum number of listeners that an access control list can be added to is 50.For information about slb and how to use it,see What is Server ...


互联网金融要求金融机构的 IT 架构快速、弹性、安全、可靠。金融机构为了满足用户对网上查询、交易等行为带来的与日俱增的访问,不得不在整体IT建设上投入更高的成本,而随着设备的增加,交付时间周期变长,运维难度也不断增大。阿里金融云...


Provides a CBWP Common Bandwidth Package resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto build common bandwidth package instance while it uses alicloud_common_bandwidth_package to build a common bandwidth package resource.For ...


ALIYUN:ECS:HpcCluster类型...digits,colons(:),underscores(_),and hyphens(-).Description:Type:String Description:>-The description of the HPC cluster.The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length.It cannot start with ...


合理地进行风险治理 在传统IT治理中,有时会采用充分的前置防护。在业务正式上线之前,充分分析业务运营流程并评估潜在风险。将治理措施在中台部署完成后,业务才上线运营。后续的业务管理流程只能使用事先经过治理审批的既定流程。而业务...


数字金融时代的云原生架构转型 步入数字金融时代,“云原生架构”作为金融 IT 架构的关键发展趋势已经成为业界共识,但 IT 架构转型绝不是一蹴而就的,在积极探索和应用以“云原生”为代表的新兴技术的同时,必须考虑与传统模式和技术融合...


Provides an RDS instance backup policy resource and used to configure instance backup policy,see What is DB Backup Policy.->NOTE:Each DB instance has a backup policy and it will be set default values when destroying the ...


see What is serverless kubernetes.The cluster is same as container service created by web console.->NOTE:Available since v1.58.0.->NOTE:Serverless Kubernetes cluster only supports VPC network and it can access internet ...


Using this data source can enable CDN service automatically.If the service has been enabled,it will return Opened.For information about CDN and how to use it,see What is CDN.->NOTE:Available since v1.98.0.Example Usage ...


Provides a ADB cluster backup policy resource and used to configure cluster backup policy.->NOTE:Available since v1.71.0.->Each DB cluster has a backup policy and it will be set default values when destroying the resource....
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