RDS MySQL远程获取的binlog日志报错File is not a ...

问题描述 MySQL读取binlog文件报错:File is not a binary log file 解决方案 在RDS控制台>备份恢复>日志备份(如截图),下载要读取的binlog到本地,在本地解析 问题原因 mysqlbinlog命令去解析的文件必须是show binary logs 里面可获取到...

Quick BI更新探索空间文件内容提示“file column type...

问题描述 Quick BI更新探索空间文件内容提示“file column type is not compatible with origin file column”,异常情况如下:问题原因 新追加的文件内容对应列的数据类型存在和原始文件识别到的类型不兼容,比如文本内容向原有的数字列...

Quick BI中上传文件提示“there is not enough file ...

产品名称 Quick BI 产品模块 数据源 概述 MySQL数据源上传文件失败 问题描述 在群空间中,MySQL数据源上传文件,提示“任务执行失败:there is not enough file space”问题原因 默认1 GB的存储空间,上传文件的总大小不能超过1G,否则会报...


Provides a Threat Detection File Upload Limit resource.User-defined file upload limit.For information about Threat Detection File Upload Limit and how to use it,see What is File Upload Limit.->NOTE:Available since v1.212.0...


Provides a DFS File System resource.For information about DFS File System and how to use it,see What is File System.->NOTE:Available since v1.140.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} ...


Provides a DFS File System resource.For information about DFS File System and how to use it,see What is File System.->NOTE:Available since v1.140.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="terraform-example"} ...


Config file is.预期输出表明,流量根据Header stage:gray 被路由到Cluster 2上。示例4:多集群应用跨集群容灾 多集群网关具备多集群应用跨集群容灾的能力,无需额外配置。例如,上述配置的多集群网关管理了两个关联的ACK集群的流量,如果...


delete it manually.ECS_FILE:indicates that the ECS file is backed up.File:indicates a local File backup.speed_limit-(Optional)This parameter is required only when the value of SourceType is ECS_FILE or File.Indicates ...


错误代码 描述 HTTP 状态码 InvalidDefinition.Format Specified file is not a well formatted file.400 InvalidDefinition.Schema Schema validation failed.400 InvalidDefinition.Format Specified file is not a well formatted file....


region data backup file is stored.instance_id-The ID of the instance.This parameter is used to determine whether the instance that generates the cross-region data backup file is a primary or secondary instance.cross_backup...


ZIP_STORED","ZIP_DEFLATED","ZIP_BZIP2","ZIP_LZMA","is_zipfile","ZipInfo","ZipFile","PyZipFile","LargeZipFile"]class BadZipFile(Exception):pass class LargeZipFile(Exception):"""Raised when writing a zipfile,the zipfile ...


."},{"fileName":"filebeat.yml","content":"#Filebeat Configuration Example#This file is an example configuration file."}],"RequestId":"8BAE3C32-8E4A-47D6-B4B0-95B5DE643BF5"} 错误码 访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。


400 FileTargetDir.Invalid The target directory of file is invalid.目标路径TargetDir参数无效。400 FileMode.Invalid The mode of file is invalid.文件权限FileMode参数无效。400 FileContent.DecodeError The Content can not be ...


the authority of file is invalid:文件权限不合法。File content is empty:文件内容为空。the content of file is invalid:文件内容不合法。File already exists:相同路径下存在同名文件。File name is invalid:文件名不合法。File ...

Quick BI上传文件报错“insert data occur error java...

The file would exceed the max.ratio of compressed file size to the size of the expanded data.This may indicate that the file is used to inflate memory usage and thus could pose a security risk.You can adjust this limit via...

Java GC日志分析报错

2.常见分析失败情况 Can not recognize file format.Please check if the file is a gc log 无法识别文件的格式。请检查文件类型是否正确,比如是否将堆文件当作GC日志文件进行分析 GC type not supported 当前使用的GC算法不支持 Fail to ...


NOTE:You must upload the image file to the object storage OSS in advance.->NOTE:The region where the image is imported must be the same region as the OSS bucket where the image file is uploaded.-NOTE:Available in 1.69.0+...


400 Spark.Config.MainAppFileNotExists The main driver file is missing,[file]or[sqls]must be configured.主驱动文件缺失,必须保证file或者sqls配置不为空。400 Spark.Config.OSSPathAccessError The configured OSS address%s cannot...


judge file is heic format or not*@param length the length of effective file memory*@param filebuf file pointer in memory*@return bool,if true,the format is heif;if false,the fromat is not heif*/public static native boolean...

StartSparkSQLEngine-启动Spark SQL引擎

400 Spark.Config.MainAppFileNotExists The main driver file is missing,[file]or[sqls]must be configured.主驱动文件缺失,必须保证file或者sqls配置不为空。400 Spark.Config.OSSPathAccessError The configured OSS address%s cannot...


success download file size:57374182(byte)download time consuming:1108(ms)(only the time consumed by probe command)download file is/localfolder/text.txt*report log info*report log file:/root/logOssProbe20201202173032.log ...


HttpsCertFormatError The certificate file is malformed.HTTPS证书格式错误。HttpsPrivateKeyFormatError The private key of the certificate is malformed.HTTPS密钥格式错误。ErrorInSourceIps The origin fetch address includes ...


文件哈希 接口示例/This file is auto-generated,don't edit it.Thanks.package com.antgroup.antchain.openapi.sample;import com.aliyun.tea.*;import com.antgroup.antchain.openapi.caasplatform.*;import ...


诊断 403 DomainHasAdded The domain has been configured.-诊断 403 SourceIpNotYoursError You are not the owner of this origin fetch address.-诊断 403 HttpsCertFormatError The certificate file is malformed.-诊断 403 ...


Description":{"en":"The ID of the directory."},"Required":true },"EncodedMetadataDocument":{"Type":"String","Description":{"en":"The metadata file of the IdP.The value of this parameter is Base64-encoded.The file is ...


file_url STRING http://xxx.com/xx.png 文件地址 file_id STRING lo6svnp4035dea28 文件id file_hash STRING 4544fb2c8434399b361424260317a7e1dbfa793ffbb324078bddc71738c19025 文件哈希 接口示例/This file is auto-generated,don't ...


file_url STRING http://xxx.com/xx.png 文件地址 file_id STRING lo6svnp4035dea28 文件id file_hash STRING 4544fb2c8434399b361424260317a7e1dbfa793ffbb324078bddc71738c19025 文件哈希 接口示例/This file is auto-generated,don't ...


file_url STRING http://xxx.com/xx.png 文件地址 file_id STRING lo6svnp4035dea28 文件id file_hash STRING 4544fb2c8434399b361424260317a7e1dbfa793ffbb324078bddc71738c19025 文件哈希 接口示例/This file is auto-generated,don't ...


400 Spark.Config.MainAppFileNotExists The main driver file is missing,[file]or[sqls]must be configured.主驱动文件缺失,必须保证file或者sqls配置不为空。400 Spark.Config.OSSPathAccessError The configured OSS address%s cannot...


本文介绍OSS返回409错误的原因和解决方案。BucketAlreadyExists The requested ...StaleFile File is stale for this operation 问题原因:并发修改对象元数据或者并发修改对象标签。解决方案:请勿执行对象元数据或对象标签的并发修改操作。


website=bucket.get_bucket_website()print('Index file is {0},error file is {1}'.format(website.index_file,website.error_file))except oss2.exceptions.NoSuchWebsite as e:print('Website is not configured,request_id={0}'.format...


coding:utf-8-*-#This file is auto-generated,don't edit it.Thanks.import os import sys from typing import List from alibabacloud_imm20200930.client import Client as imm20200930Client from alibabacloud_tea_openapi import ...


None.Valid values:None:No archived backup files are retained.Lastest:Only the most recent archived backup file is retained.All:All archived backup files are retained.category-(Optional,Available since v1.190.0)Whether to ...


All workers must be successful to think that the entire task is successful.' Type:String ThirdpartyLibDir:Description:The name folder of the Requirements.txt file is located;before each node runs the specified usercommand,...


完整示例代码(以Python SDK为例)#-*-coding:utf-8-*-#This file is auto-generated,don't edit it.Thanks.import sys import os from typing import List from alibabacloud_imm20200930.client import Client as imm20200930Client from...


ipvs.user_data-(Optional)Windows instances support batch and PowerShell scripts.If your script file is larger than 1 KB,we recommend that you upload the script to Object Storage Service(OSS)and pull it through the internal...


either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.#This file contains some ...Connect distributed worker.This file is intended#to be used with the examples...


Provides a ACK Nodepool resource.This resource will help you to manage node pool in Kubernetes Cluster,see What is kubernetes node pool.->NOTE:Available since v1.97.0.->NOTE:From version 1.109.1,support managed node pools,...


Provide RDS remote disaster recovery instance resources.For information about RDS remote disaster recovery instance and how to use it,see What is ApsaraDB for RDS Remote Disaster Recovery.->NOTE:Available since v1.198.0....


修改配置文件sysctl.conf,命令如下:sudo vi/etc/sysctl.conf#add by digoal.zhou fs.aio-max-nr=1048576 fs.file-max=76724600#可选:kernel.core_pattern=data01/corefiles/core_%e_%u_%t_%s.%p#data01/corefiles 提前建好,权限777,...
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