expression IN(subquery)需要注意的是如果操作符左侧的表达式产生空值,或者在操作符右侧表中的记录没有之相等的值,并且至少有一条右侧子查询返回的记录产生空值,那么IN构造的结果将是空值,而不是”false”。这和对于空值和布尔变量...


400 InvalidDBInstanceName.Duplicate Specified DB instance name already exists in the Aliyun RDS.操作失败,实例名称已存在,请修改实例名称后重试。400 InvalidRegion.Format Specified Region is not valid.指定的地域不合法,请...


400 InvalidDBInstanceName.Duplicate Specified DB instance name already exists in the Aliyun RDS.操作失败,实例名称已存在,请修改实例名称后重试。400 InvalidRegion.Format Specified Region is not valid.指定的地域不合法,请...


400 InvalidDBInstanceName.Duplicate Specified DB instance name already exists in the Aliyun RDS.操作失败,实例名称已存在,请修改实例名称后重试。400 InvalidRegion.Format Specified Region is not valid.指定的地域不合法,请...


400 InvalidDBInstanceName.Duplicate Specified DB instance name already exists in the Aliyun RDS.操作失败,实例名称已存在,请修改实例名称后重试。400 InvalidRegion.Format Specified Region is not valid.指定的地域不合法,请...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 InvalidDBName.Duplicate Specified DB name already exists in the This instance.当前实例中已存在相同的数据库名称。请更换名称。400 ReadDBInstanceNotSupport The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance.只读...

CopyDatabaseBetweenInstances-RDS SQL Server实例间...

400 InvalidDBName.Duplicate Specified DB name already exists in the This instance.当前实例中已存在相同的数据库名称。请更换名称。400 ReadDBInstanceNotSupport The operation is not permitted due to type of the instance.只读...


a temp instance exists.403 Forbidden.Authentication The operation is forbidden by ... in the Aliyun RDS.403 InvalidConnectionString.Duplicate Specified Connection string or port want to be modified is the same with current ...


some system addons and those specified at the time of cluster creation will be installed,so when an addon resource is applied:If the addon already exists in the cluster and its version is the same as the specified version,...


which is convenient for backend service statistics.Explain that if the custom header field already exists in the request,the system will overwrite the value of the custom field in the request with the set traffic tag value...


备份相关问题 备份状态为Failed,且提示包含"backup already exists in OSS bucket"备份状态为Failed,且提示包含"get target namespace failed"备份状态为Failed,且提示包含"velero backup process timeout"备份状态为Failed,且提示包含...


400 Invalid.Tenant.UserAlreadyInProject The user already exists in the project.待添加用户已经存在于工作空间中。400 Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInTenant The user is not in the tenant.待添加成员不在租户中。403 Invalid.Tenant....


400 Invalid.Tenant.UserAlreadyInProject The user already exists in the project.待添加用户已经存在于工作空间中。400 Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInTenant The user is not in the tenant.待添加成员不在租户中。403 Invalid.Tenant....


400 OperationFailed.RouteEntryExist Operation failed because the TransitRouterAttachment exists in RouteTable.-400 OperationFailed.RouteTablePropagationExist The specified TransitRouterAttachment has configured ...


400 OperationFailed.RouteEntryExist Operation failed because the TransitRouterAttachment exists in RouteTable.-400 InvalidTransitRouterAttachmentId.NotFound The TransitRouterAttachmentId is not found.参数中指定的...


{"RequestId":"EC2FE94D-A4A2-51A1-A493-5C273A36C46A"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in ...


WAF automatically adds the specified custom field value to the request header as the traffic mark,which is convenient for backend service statistics.Explain that if the custom header field already exists in the request,the...


任务已经存在,请稍后重试 400 ConnectionStringAlreadyExists Specified connection string already exists in the Aliyun RDS.-400 InvalidConnectionString.Format Specified connection string is not valid.连接串非法,请选用新的 ...


任务已经存在,请稍后重试 400 ConnectionStringAlreadyExists Specified connection string already exists in the Aliyun RDS.-400 InvalidConnectionString.Format Specified connection string is not valid.连接串非法,请选用新的 ...


11B55F58-D3A4-4A9B-9596-342420D02FF8 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"11B55F58-D3A4-4A9B-9596-342420D02FF8"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 400 DedicatedHostExists Dedicated Host exists in the dedicated ...


11B55F58-D3A4-4A9B-9596-342420D02FF8 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"11B55F58-D3A4-4A9B-9596-342420D02FF8"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 400 DedicatedHostExists Dedicated Host exists in the dedicated ...

Ark 日志

839 WARN main-Context path has exists in zookeeper,path=sofa-ark/demo 2019-03-0116:16:36,839 INFO main-Registry context path:/sofa-ark/demo/xx.xx.xxx.xxx with mode:EPHEMERAL.2019-03-0116:16:36,850 INFO main-Subscribe ip ...


400 MemberStopSLRFail The member exists in the aggregator,and it is forbidden to close the service.成员账号存在于账号组中,不能关闭服务。400 StopSLRFail Stop config service fail.停用配置审计服务失败。访问 错误中心 查看更多...


获取域用户列表失败:{} 406 AgentError.Account.UserAlreadyExist The specified user already exists in domain:%s.用户在域中已存在:{} 406 AgentError.Account.UserAddFailure Failed to add user to domain:%s.添加用户到域失败:{} ...


400 RouteConflict.AlreadyExist Route conflict exists in routing table.路由表中存在路由冲突。400 InvalidRouteEntryName.Malformed Specified RouteEntry name is not valid.无法修改,因为指定的路由条目名称无效 400 Duplicated....


400 RouteConflict.AlreadyExist Route conflict exists in routing table.路由表中存在路由冲突。400 InvalidRouteEntryName.Malformed Specified RouteEntry name is not valid.无法修改,因为指定的路由条目名称无效 400 Duplicated....


400 OperationFailed.RouteEntryExist Operation failed because the TransitRouterAttachment exists in RouteTable.-400 OperationFailed.RouteTablePropagationExist The specified TransitRouterAttachment has configured ...


gas 太大,超过系统限制 TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND 116 the source account of tx doesn’t exists in blockchain 交易的提交账户在区块链上不存在,提交账户是交易数据结构中的 from 字段 TX_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_IS_NULL 117 the source ...


8BE02313-5395-4EBE-BAE7-E90A053F*"} JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"8BE02313-5395-4EBE-BAE7-E90A053F*"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InvalidAccountName.Duplicate Specified AccountName already exists in this ...


8BE02313-5395-4EBE-BAE7-E90A053F*"} JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"8BE02313-5395-4EBE-BAE7-E90A053F*"} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 InvalidAccountName.Duplicate Specified AccountName already exists in this ...


MasterAccountName":"aliyun-*"} } 错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 409 NotSupport.AccountInAnotherResourceDirectory The specified account is an Alibaba Cloud account or already exists in another resource ...


type-(Required,ForceNew)The index type of the OTS Table.If changed,a new index would be created,only Global or Local is allowed.include_base_data-(Required,ForceNew)whether the index contains data that already exists in ...


ram:${account_id}:root or acs:ram:${account_id}:user/${user_name},such as acs:ram:1234567890000:root and acs:ram:1234567890001:user/Mary.The${user_name} is the name of a RAM user which must exists in the Alicloud account ...


IN 参数一样,IN OUT 形参也初始化为调用它的实参。与 OUT 参数一样,IN OUT 形参也可由被调用程序修改,如果被调用程序终止且未发生异常,则形参中的最后一个值将传递给调用程序的实参。如果发生已处理的异常,则实参采用分配给形参的...


400 OperationFailed.RouteConflict Route conflict exists in routing table.路由表中存在路由冲突。400 InvalidOperation.UnsupportnexthopType The specified next hop type is not supported by this operation.操作不支持该...


400 Invalid.Tenant.UserAlreadyInProject The user already exists in the project.待添加用户已经存在于工作空间中。400 Invalid.Tenant.UserNotInProject The user is not in the project.用户不在项目中。403 Invalid.Tenant....


操作太频繁,请稍后重试 400 COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT The instance component is invalid.-400 CreateNatGateway.RouteConflict.DynamicRoute Route conflict exists in routing table.-400 OperationUnsupported.MultiNatGateway ...


操作太频繁,请稍后重试 400 COMMODITY.INVALID_COMPONENT The instance component is invalid.-400 CreateNatGateway.RouteConflict.DynamicRoute Route conflict exists in routing table.-400 OperationUnsupported.MultiNatGateway ...


使用该接口为 VPC 路由器的路由表添加自定义路由条目时,请注意以下事项:说明 当添加的路由为前缀列表路由时,路由配额的计算为现存路由前缀列表路由的最大路由条目数之和是否超过路由配额的限制。同一个路由表中自定义路由条目不能超过...


使用该接口为 VPC 路由器的路由表添加自定义路由条目时,请注意以下事项:说明 当添加的路由为前缀列表路由时,路由配额的计算为现存路由前缀列表路由的最大路由条目数之和是否超过路由配额的限制。同一个路由表中自定义路由条目不能超过...
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