the used key part isn't a string,the used length ...

the used key part isn't a string,the used length is longer than the key part,or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys 问题原因 创建或变更前缀索引时系统提示上述错误的原因如下:原因一 目标字段不是VARCHAR...

弹性伸缩任务提示“RAM role can't be used for ...

问题描述 在使用阿里云弹性伸缩过程中,自动添加ECS实例失败,提示以下错误:Fail to create instance into scaling group("A RAM role can't be used for classic instance.")问题原因 造成该问题的原因如下:经典网络类型实例不支持RAM...

ORDER BY must be used with a LIMIT clause”

问题描述 Dataphin计算任务运行报错:“Semantic analysis exception-ORDER BY must be used with a LIMIT clause”。问题原因 SQL任务中ORDER BY必须与 LIMIT 子句一起使用,用户的SQL脚本结尾是ORDER BY结束,因此报错。解决方案 SQL结尾...

Row size too large.The maxinum row ...used table ty

问题描述 Quick BI数据填报报错:“任务执行失败:[222]Row size too large.The maxinum row size for the used table type,not counting BLOBs,is 65535.The includes storage overhead,check the manual.You have to change some columns...

使用ossfs上传大文件时...used as cache(or temporary)...

问题描述 使用ossfs上传文件到阿里云对象存储OSS时,是通过分片进行上传,分片大小默认为10 MB,分片最大数量为1000个,上传小文件正常,当上传大文件时,提示以下错误:There is no enough disk space for used as cache(or temporary)...

Specified signature nonce was used already

这个是网关层出现的错误,是由调用SDK频率过快造成的,特别是把SDK的调用放在函数循环里面会出现改错误,目前网关默认的频率每秒最多调用100次。对于发送量很大,deviceID很多的发送,推荐使用聚合推送,如:把 deviceID 绑定到Alias或者Tag...

Quick BI中Hologres数据源仪表板查询报错"SERVER_...

问题描述 Quick BI中Hologres数据源仪表板查询报错"SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR、ERPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_CLOSED、Total memory used by all existing queries exceeded memory limitation"问题原因 可能是Hologres数据源内存使用率过高导致。...

JVM 指标

指标名称 说明 meta_used Metaspace 的使用量 meta_capacity 当前 Metaspace 的容量,可以继续申请扩大 meta_util meta_used/meta_capaticy,不考虑碎片的使用率 meta_rutil meta_chunks_used/meta_capacity,考虑了碎片的使用率 ...


The method that is used to aggregate logs imported from Log Service.parameter_one-The value of the function that is used to aggregate logs imported from Log Service.parameter_two-The value of the function that is used to ...


Forwarded-For(XFF)field in the WAF read request header is used as the client IP address.-2:indicates that the custom field value set by you in the WAF read request header is used as the client IP address.xff_headers-...


enabled is false(indicating that IPv6 is not enabled)and the value of protection_resource is share(indicating that a shared cluster is used).focus_https - Whether to enable the forced jump of HTTPS. This parameter is used ...




(Optional)The field that is used to indicate the name of a user on the AD server.password-(Required,Sensitive)The password of the account that is used for the AD server.port-(Required)The port that is used to access the AD...


create-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when create the Ipsec Server.update-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when update the Ipsec Server.delete-(Defaults to 1 mins)Used when delete the Ipsec Server.Import VPN Ipsec Server can be imported...


create-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when create the Hybrid Monitor Sls Task.delete-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when delete the Hybrid Monitor Sls Task.update-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when update the Hybrid Monitor Sls Task.Import...


DAS通过Redis提供的INFO命令,查询内存使用的详细信息,命令如下:INFO memory#Memory used_memory:350458970752 used_memory_human:326.39G used_memory_rss:349066919936 used_memory_rss_human:325.09G…mem_fragmentation_ratio:1.00 ...


the service default key is used when KMSKeyId is empty.payment_type-(Required,ForceNew)Billing type of the disk instanceValue:PayAsYouGo.size-(Optional)The size of the disk instance.Unit:GiB.snapshot_id-(Optional,ForceNew)...


运算符 支持+、-、*、/、%运算符,如:@heap_used/heap_limit。字面量 字面量是指基本的数值类型和字符串类型。一个基本的表达式类似这样:@load1>5。include include关键字用于属性值中是否包含某个字符串。如:@message include...


create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Quota Alarm.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Quota Alarm.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Quota Alarm.Import Quotas Quota Alarm can be imported ...


INSERT INTO disk(hostname,region,datacenter,rack,os,arch,team,service,service_version,service_environment,path,fstype,time,total,`free`,used,used_percent,inodes_total,inodes_free,inodes_used)VALUES('host_0','ap-northeast-1...


create-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when create the Health Check Template.delete-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when delete the Health Check Template.update-(Defaults to 2 mins)Used when update the Health Check Template.Import ...


Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Server Group.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Server Group.update-(Defaults to 5...


Json DestinationCidrBlocks:Description:Match statements are used to match the routing prefixes.The CIDR format is used.You can enter at most 32 CIDR blocks.Type:Json DestinationInstanceIds:Description:"Match statements are...


disk:The snapshots are used to create custom images and data disks.none:The snapshots are not used yet.tags-(Optional)A map of tags assigned to snapshots.output_file-(Optional)The name of output file that saves the filter ...


id-VSC mount point ID,which is the unique identifier of the vsc mount point and is used to access the associated HDFS file system.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-...


FS Max Partition Used Percentage emr_node_part_max_used 所有磁盘分区最大使用百分比。Filefd Max emr_node_filefd_maximum 最大文件描述符个数。Filefd Used emr_node_filefd_allocated 已使用文件描述符个数。CPU Info 参数 指标 描述...


id-VSC mount point ID,which is the unique identifier of the vsc mount point and is used to access the associated HDFS file system.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-...


(Optional)Whether to Enable by X-Forwarded-For Header Field Is Used to Obtain the Client IP Addresses.x_forwarded_for_proto_enabled-(Optional)Indicates Whether the X-Forwarded-Proto Header Field Is Used to Obtain the ...


Computed,Available since v1.212.0)The number of CPU cores and the upper limit of memory used by the database file storage instance.category-(Required,ForceNew)Category of database file system.delete_snapshot-(Optional)...


see What is Rule.->NOTE:Available since v1.6.0.A forwarding rule is configured in HTTP / HTTPS listener and it used to listen a list of backend servers which in one specified virtual backend server group.You can add ...


Computed,Available since v1.212.0)The number of CPU cores and the upper limit of memory used by the database file storage instance.category-(Required,ForceNew)Category of database file system.delete_snapshot-(Optional)...


create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Mount Point.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Mount Point.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Mount Point.Import DFS Mount Point can be imported ...


create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Mount Point.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Mount Point.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Mount Point.Import DFS Mount Point can be imported ...


Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-For header field is used to obtain the real IP address of tqhe client.Valid values:true and false.Default value:true.xforwardedforslbidenabled-Indicates whether the SLB-ID header field is ...


group_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the application group.process_name-(Required,ForceNew)The name of the process.match_express_filter_relation-(Optional,ForceNew)The logical operator used between conditional expressions...


create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Public Ip Address Pool.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when delete the Public Ip Address Pool.update-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when update the Public Ip Address Pool.Import ...


roadNo=969号</structure><time_used><rt><structure>0.006234884262084961</structure></rt><start>1589801057.2344782</start></time_used><status>OK</status></Data>JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"3542CCCD-A58D-4D46-9772-CC214D2D1E32",...


used><rt><segment>0.0053822994232177734</segment><address_correct>0.0002961158752441406</address_correct></rt><start>1589799494.0997586</start></time_used><status>OK</status></Data>JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"226BD68D-6208-...


ForceNew,Computed)The maximum number of times that the activation code can be used to register managed instances.Valid values:1 to 1000.Default value:10.instance_name-(Optional,ForceNew)The default instance name prefix.The...


used><status>OK</status></Data>JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"D0078DC6-8A1F-41A0-9A5F-A6B6443E9A65","Data":{"zipcode":"311100","time_used":{"rt":{"zipcode":"0.004756927490234375","complete":"0.020321130752563477","structure":"0....
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