SAP RETAIL 初阶之WA52 Allocation Rule List

SAP RETAIL 初阶之WA52 Allocation Rule List

SAP RETAIL 初阶之WA52 Allocation Rule List在SAP零售系统中,分配规则的维护使用WA21/WA22等事务代码。对于系统上已经存在的历史分配规则数据,WA52事务代码以一个列表形式显示多个分配规则,可以视为分配规则的一个报表。点击菜单或者执行事务代码WA52,进入如...

SAP RETAIL Allocation Rule based on Material Group(二)

SAP RETAIL Allocation Rule based on Material Group(二)

Input the delivery date information. Then save.Click Save button,WA03 to display this allocation table.Select one of items to display the detailed qua...

SAP RETAIL Allocation Rule based on Material Group(一)

SAP RETAIL Allocation Rule based on Material Group(一)

SAP RETAIL Allocation Rule based on Material GroupThe following function demonstration is based on the system of SAP S/4 HANA 1909, which activates is...

SAP RETAIL WA01创建分配表报错- No allocation rule allowed for allocation strategies or variants-

SAP RETAIL WA01创建分配表报错- No allocation rule allowed for allocation strategies or variants-

SAP RETAIL WA01创建分配表报错- No allocation rule allowed for allocation strategies or variants-1,执行事务代码WA21创建了如下的allocation rule 1。三个门店里采购商品的时候,数量分配的比例是5:2:...

SAP RETAIL 根据Allocation Rule去创建分配表

SAP RETAIL 根据Allocation Rule去创建分配表

SAP RETAIL 根据Allocation Rule去创建分配表1,执行事务代码WA21创建好了如下的allocation rule 1。三个门店采购同一个商品时候的数量分配比例关系是5:2:3,如下图示:2,执行事务代码WA01 创建分配表,使用这个allocation rule。系统报错&a...
