sap.ui.comp.smartfilterbar.ControlConfiguration 中的 customControl property

在 SAP UI5 和 OpenUI5 中,sap.ui.comp.smartfilterbar.ControlConfiguration 是一个非常强大的组件,它允许开发者在 Smart Filter Bar 控件中定制具体的过滤条件。customControl 属性是这个组件中非常关键的一个特性...

SAP SEGW 事物码里的导航属性(Navigation Property) 和 EntitySet 使用方法

SAP SEGW 事物码里的导航属性(Navigation Property) 和 EntitySet 使用方法

实体类型包括一个或多个导航属性。导航属性描述实体关系之间的导航路径。它是一个实体的属性,表示从该实体到一个或多个相关实体的链接。导航属性绑定到关联类型(association type),允许从声明导航属性的实体类型的一端(导航的数据源)导航到另一端相关的端。导航属性是创建通过 associatio...

关于 SAP UI5 OData V4 模型的 Property Binding 使用介绍

Property binding 和一个对象的值关联。下面的例子:使用控制器方法 formatPhoneNumbersAsCSV 显示业务合作伙伴联系人的电话号码列表,以逗号分隔:<SimpleForm binding="{/BusinessPartnerList('42')}"> &l...

SAP OData错误消息:Invalid format (return structure): Property Name ‘Guid‘, Property Value ‘000000

SAP OData错误消息:Invalid format (return structure): Property Name ‘Guid‘, Property Value ‘000000

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Aug 08, 2015error message:error callstack:问题的根源在于postman里request的opportunity guid是基于system A的,但当前gateway的设置,使得...

SAP Fiori Elements - bindComponent - binding property in XML view will trigger odata request

SAP Fiori Elements - bindComponent - binding property in XML view will trigger odata request

SAP Fiori Elements - bindComponent - binding property in XML view will trigger odata request

SAP Fiori Elements - object detail batch roundtrip triggered by binding property in embedded xml vie

SAP Fiori Elements - object detail batch roundtrip triggered by binding property in embedded xml vie

SAP Fiori Elements - object detail batch roundtrip triggered by binding property in embedded xml vie

SAP Fiori Elements - how to create annotation for a property

SAP Fiori Elements - how to create annotation for a property

SAP Fiori Elements - how to create annotation for a property

SAP OData错误消息:Invalid format (return structure): Property Name ‘Guid‘, Property Value ‘000000

SAP OData错误消息:Invalid format (return structure): Property Name ‘Guid‘, Property Value ‘000000

error message:error callstack:问题的根源在于postman里request的opportunity guid是基于system A的,但当前gateway的设置,使得该request被dispatch到system B,而system B并不存在该guid对应的oppo...

check attribute active - how to check if SAP CRM WebClient UI property is read only

check attribute active - how to check if SAP CRM WebClient UI property is read only

check attribute active - how to check if SAP CRM WebClient UI property is read only

SAP UI5 binding, property binding and resourceBinding

SAP UI5 binding, property binding and resourceBinding

SAP UI5 binding, property binding and resourceBinding
