SAP Commerce Cloud Accelerator Checkout Delivery Mode 选择页面的实现 JSP

SAP Commerce Cloud Accelerator Checkout Delivery Mode 选择页面的实现 JSP

https://localhost:9002/yacceleratorstorefront/electronics/en/checkout/multi/delivery-method/chooseshipment method 有两个下拉选项:实现页面位于 checkout/multo 文件夹下的 ...

SAP Commerce开发之如何找到某个页面对应的JSP实现页面

SAP Commerce开发之如何找到某个页面对应的JSP实现页面

For example here below is the product detail page of Hybris Storefront. The requirement is to figure out which JSP page has implemented this UI.In Hyb...


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SAP Commerce开发之如何找到某个页面对应的JSP实现页面

SAP Commerce开发之如何找到某个页面对应的JSP实现页面

For example here below is the product detail page of Hybris Storefront. The requirement is to figure out which JSP page has implemented this UI.In som...
