[帮助文档] 企业邮箱退信提示"501"MAILFROM"isnon-localaccount"如何解决

问题描述使用阿里邮箱发送邮件失败,退信中包含以下信息:501 "MAIL FROM" is non-local account问题原因发件人的MX解析未配置。解决方案配置MX记录,请参考 什么是MX解析?。什么是MX解析?适用于阿里邮箱

企业邮箱发送失败退信550 failed to meet SPF requirements

企业邮箱发送失败退信550 failed to meet SPF requirements

企业邮箱发送邮件时,若出现投递失败产生退信,内容提示包含如下: the mta server of * reply:550 failed to meet SPF requirements 或者 the mta server of 163.com — 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com( reply:550 MI:SPF mx14,QMCowECpA0qTiftVaeB3Cg—.872S2 1442548128 http://mail.163.com/help

企业邮箱发送邮件时,若出现投递失败产生退信,内容提示包含如下:the mta server of * reply:550 failed to meet SPF requirements或者the mta server of 163.com — 163mx01.mxmail.netease.com(2...

企业邮箱退信返回“spf check failed”错误

企业邮箱退信返回“spf check failed”错误

