如何让SAP C4C自定义BO实现附件上传的功能

如何让SAP C4C自定义BO实现附件上传的功能

My series of Cloud Application Studio BlogsHow to detect EditMode in an Embedded ComponentStep by step to enable your custom BO with attachment upload...

使用SAP C4C自定义BO实现自定义的Number Range

使用SAP C4C自定义BO实现自定义的Number Range

My series of Cloud Application Studio BlogsHow to detect EditMode in an Embedded ComponentStep by step to enable your custom BO with attachment upload...

在SAP C4C TI(Thing Inspector)页面里添加自定义UI

SAP C4C的自开发UI可以放到Embedded Component里去,如下图所示,在Cloud Application Studio里创建一个新的Embedded Component: 我在这个自开发页面里就放了一个input field: 如果想把包含了这个input field的Embed...
