There is no getter for property named ‘null‘ in ‘class

There is no getter for property named ‘null‘ in ‘class

使用mybatis plus 时,报错,嗨,被自己蠢哭居然是因为在设计表的时候没有设置主键,导致修改时无法找到ID,本来想不去添加主键,但是暂时还没发现mybatis plus增么 可以不设置主键的情况下修改,想想还是不行,主要我不想去多写代码(肯定不是因为懒࿰...

【Kotlin Spring Boot 服务端开发: 问题集锦】Spring Security 5 : There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id "null" 错误

【Kotlin Spring Boot 服务端开发: 问题集锦】Spring Security 5 : There is no PasswordEncoder mapped for the id "null" 错误 报错日志: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ...
