Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十三)(2)

251. Parse binary digitsExtract integer value i from its binary string representation s (in radix 2) E.g. "1101" -> 13解析二进制数字package main import ( ...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十三)(1)

241. Yield priority to other threadsExplicitly decrease the priority of the current process, so that other execution threads have a better chance to e...

Go语言核心编程 - 数据结构和算法

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Go语言核心编程 - 基础语法、数组、切片、Map

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Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十二)(2)

231. Test if bytes are a valid UTF-8 stringSet b to true if the byte sequence s consists entirely of valid UTF-8 character code points, false otherwis...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十二)(1)

221. Remove all non-digits charactersCreate string t from string s, keeping only digit characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.删除所有非数字字符package main i...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十一)(2)

211. Create folderCreate the folder at path on the filesystem创建文件夹package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) func main() { path := "foo" _, err := os.Stat(pa....

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十一)(1)

202. Sum of squaresCalculate the sum of squares s of data, an array of floating point values.计算平方和package main import ( "math" ) func main() { data :=...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十)(2)

191. Check if any value in a list is larger than a limitGiven a one-dimensional array a, check if any value is larger than x, and execute the procedur...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(十)(1)

182. Quine programOutput the source of the program.输出程序的源代码package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("%s%c%s%c\n", s, 0x60, s, 0x60) } var s ...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(九)(2)

171. Add an element at the end of a listAppend element x to the list s.在list尾部添加元素package main import "fmt" func main() { s := []int{1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,...

Rust vs Go:常用语法对比(九)(1)

161. Multiply all the elements of a listMultiply all the elements of the list elements by a constant c将list中的每个元素都乘以一个数package main import ( "fmt" ) f...
