[LeetCode] Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree 验证二叉搜索树的先序序列

Given an array of numbers, verify whether it is the correct preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree. You may assume each number in the seq...

[LeetCode] Trim a Binary Search Tree 修剪一棵二叉搜索树

Given a binary search tree and the lowest and highest boundaries as L and R, trim the tree so that all its elements lies in [L, R]...

[LeetCode] Binary Search Tree Iterator 二叉搜索树迭代器

Implement an iterator over a binary search tree (BST). Your iterator will be initialized with the root node of a BST. Calling next() will re...

[LeetCode] Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree 将有序链表转为二叉搜索树

Given a singly linked list where elements are sorted in ascending order, convert it to a height balanced BST. 这道题是要求把有序链表转为二叉搜索树,和之前那道Convert Sorted A...

[LeetCode] Recover Binary Search Tree 复原二叉搜索树

Two elements of a binary search tree (BST) are swapped by mistake. Recover the tree without changing its structure. Note: A solution using O(n) space ...

[LeetCode] Validate Binary Search Tree 验证二叉搜索树

Given a binary tree, determine if it is a valid binary search tree (BST). Assume a BST is defined as follows: The left subtree of a node contains only...

[LeetCode] Unique Binary Search Trees 独一无二的二叉搜索树

Given n, how many structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n? For example, Given n = 3, there ar...

[LeetCode] Unique Binary Search Trees II 独一无二的二叉搜索树之二

Given n, generate all structurally unique BST's (binary search trees) that store values 1...n. For example, Given n = 3, your...

[LeetCode] Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 二叉搜索树的最小共同父节点

Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the BST. According to the definition of LCA on Wiki...

LeetCode 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree(二叉搜索树的最小公共祖先)

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