[LeetCode] Fraction to Recurring Decimal 分数转循环小数

Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format. If the fractional part is repeating...

LeetCode 166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal (从分数到循环小数)(*)

版权声明:转载请联系本人,感谢配合!本站地址:http://blog.csdn.net/nomasp https://blog.csdn.net/NoMasp/article/details/51726454 翻译 给定两个整数,用于表示一个分数的分子和分母,以字符串格式返回这个分数。 如果分数部分...

[LeetCode] Fraction to Recurring Decimal

Well, the key to this problem is on how to identify the recurring parts. After doing some examples using pen and paper, you may find that for the deci...

[LeetCode] Fraction to Recurring Decimal

Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format. If the fractional part is repeating...
