Vmware VsPhere下的VM如何安装Hyper-v服务

通过主题我们了解到,今天主要介绍的内容为Vmware VsPhere下的VM如何安装Hyper-v服务的操作介绍,一般做运维的大神们都知道,很多情况下,无法在虚拟环境下再安装虚拟机,理解为虚拟化下的虚拟化,在hyper-v下是不可行的,安装后系统无法启动,但是在vmware下安装的虚拟机下再安装hy...

How to Downgrade VMware ESXi 5.5 VM Hardware Version to 9 from 10

Shut down the virtual machine in the vSphere client. Remove your virtual machine from the ESXi inventory. Browse your Datastore and find the virtual m...

How to Install VMware ESX 4.0 on Workstation 6.5.2 as a VM

网上已提供下载,请利用搜索工具进行! Title: How to Install VMware ESX 4.0 on Workstation 6.5.2 as a VM Author(s): Xtravirt (Paul Buckle) Target Audience: Technical - No...

Vmware VC VM backup

今日由于Storage有问题需要升级,因此要把storage的vm备份出来: 第一步 把VM关机,然后通过VC的vShpere client 连接到VC, 通过cluster的 explor的把虚拟机的文件夹下载下载到本地 (由于是通过VC...

vmware one host no response, vm disconnected

one of the following stituation: one of the Host is crush by whatever reason, but these vm don't aware that, Thes VM in this Host is still running.&nb...

VMware 下复制vm之后,出现eth0 网卡找不到,会随着复制的次数依次改为eth1,eth2等等的解决

问题 :在Vmware装了linux(redhat or centos),复制或者保存ovf文件重新deploy之后,发现找不到网卡eth0, 在输入ifconfig–a的时候,,查看eth0的时候,提示我no device found(设备没法找到),而是会顺次将网络信息配置在eth1,...



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