
说明 仅支持填写 86-<手机号码>的中国内地手机号码。xx-13900001234 返回参数 名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 返回结果。RequestId string 请求 ID。EC2FE94D-A4A2-51A1-A493-5C273A36C46A 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"EC2FE...


取值范围:true:是 false:否 true Phone string 手机号码。1386587*AccountName string 阿里云账号名称。(子账号会去除@后面的域名信息,例如,会返回 test)1386587* 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Success":...


156xxxxxxx PhoneNumberVerified boolean 手机号是否已验证,true 表示手机号已经过用户验证或被管理员设置为已验证,false 表示未验证。true Email string 账户邮箱。 EmailVerified boolean 邮箱是否已验证,true 表示...


菜单与门户网站不匹配。400 FolderMenu.CanNot.Authorize The folder type menu cannot be authorized.Menu ID:%s.文件夹类型菜单无法进行授权操作,menuId为%s。400 Menu.NotBelongTo.CurrentDataportal Menu%s does not belong to the ...


PAI为您提供 人群管理 功能,您可以在此页面对人群信息进行扩展维护等管理操作,例如对智能圈选出的人群数据补充手机号等信息、手动上传人群数据创建新的人群等。本文为您介绍人群管理页面的应用场景与操作步骤。前提条件 已完成运营活动的...


手机号码必须与 SendVerificationCodeForEnableRD 中获取验证码时使用的手机号码一致。格式:<国家码>-<手机号码>。说明 仅支持填写 86-<手机号码>的中国内地手机号码。xx-13900001234 VerificationCode string 否 验证码。您可以调用 ...


传输加速利用全球分布的云机房,将全球各地用户对Bucket的访问,经过智能路由解析至就近的接入点,使用优化后的网络及协议,为云存储的上传、下载提供端到端的加速方案。使用场景 远距离数据传输加速 例如全球性的论坛、Top在线协同办公...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认 云消息队列 MQTT...


LOCK()Whether the named lock is free IS_IPV4()Whether argument is an IPv4 address IS_IPV4_COMPAT()Whether argument is an IPv4-compatible address IS_IPV4_MAPPED()Whether argument is an IPv4-mapped address IS_IPV6()Whether ...


value pair.instance_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the instance.internal-(Required)Specifies whether an exchange is an internal exchange.Valid values:false:The exchange is not an internal exchange.true:The exchange is an ...

“first argument must be an response or promise ...

问题描述 Quick BI导出电子表格报错:“first argument must be an response or promise for response”。问题原因 QBI不支持Safari 浏览器,会出现不兼容的现象。解决方案 更换浏览器,建议使用谷歌浏览器。更多信息 Quick BI浏览器兼容性...

Data Bank returned an unknown state

问题描述 Quick Audience推送数据银行失败:Data Bank returned an unknown state!解决方案 重新编辑一下Quick Audience的人群包,重新保存一下,然后再进行推送数据银行即可。适用于 Quick Audience


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认 云消息队列 MQTT...


the operation must be approved and the reason for the modification must be recorded.An enterprise can build a tracking system to audit data in a computerized system based on the result of risk evaluation.This way,data ...


value pair.' Type:String InstanceId:Description:InstanceId Type:String Internal:AllowedValues:'True'-'true'-'False'-'false' Description:'Specifies whether an exchange is an internal exchange.Valid values:false:The exchange...


问题描述 在使用老版本图片服务将图片按原图格式返回时,设置的an参数无效。问题原因 an参数取值为0,1外的其他值。问题示例 GET/example_animation_image@100w_10an.src ...

Quick BI数据填报点击管理数据报错:"You have an ...

问题描述 Quick BI数据填报点击管理数据报错:"You have an error in your SQL syntax;check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mod,`creator`,`modifier`,`create_time`,`...


如果在创建云手机时您没有配置公网IP,您可以单独申请EIP地址,并绑定到未分配公网IP地址的弹性云手机上,使云手机可以访问公网。本文介绍如何绑定和解绑弹性公网IP。背景信息 阿里云弹性公网IP(Elastic IP Address,简称EIP)是可以独立...


UpdateInstanceFail 500 An error occurred while updating the instance 修改实例失败 UpgradeInstanceFail 500 An error occurred while upgrading the instance 实例扩容失败 FetchQuotaError 500 An error occurred while retrieving ...

Quick BI使用SQL创建数据集报错“You have an error ...

问题描述 本文主要介绍Quick BI使用SQL创建数据集报错“You have an error in your SQL syntax;check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'option from 001产品信息”。问题原因 ...


The GPU attribution of an instance type:amount:The amount of GPU of an instance type.category:The category of GPU of an instance type.burstable_instance-The burstable instance attribution:initial_credit:The initial CPU ...


Creates or modifies an alarm contact.For information about alarm contact and how to use it,see What is alarm contact.->NOTE:Available since v1.99.0.Example Usage Basic Usage#You need to activate the link before you can ...


镜像为云手机提供操作系统、初始化应用数据和预装的软件,通过镜像可以创建云手机。本文为您介绍云手机的镜像类型及其如何创建自定义镜像、复制镜像、共享镜像、删除镜像等操作。镜像类型 云手机镜像包括自定义镜像、系统镜像和共享镜像。...

云数据库RDS MySQL版的会话中存在“Waiting for an ...

概述 在使用云数据库RDS MySQL版时,发现会话中存在“Waiting for an event from Coordinator”线程。详细信息 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据安全。如果您对实例(包括...


SysOM是基于内核行为深度定制和剖析的操作系统专业运维平台,提供比一般监控更为智能的监控、告警和诊断能力。当您通过监控中心监控某个主机时,必须先开启SysOM插件。成功开启SysOM插件后,您可以查看其版本。前提条件 OS监控与诊断处于...


xxxxx 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"instanceId":"idaas_ue2jvisn35ea5lmthk267xxxxx","organizationalUnitId":"ou_wovwffm62xifdziem7an7xxxxx","organizationalUnitName":"name001","parentId":"ou_wovwffm62xifdziem7an7xxxxx",...

Dataphin集成任务同步失败报错:"You have an error ...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务同步失败报错:"You have an error in your SQL syntax;check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?RegTime from co_base1 where(DATE_FORMAT(RegTime...


诊断 500 CreateInstanceFail An error occurred while creating the instance.创建实例失败。诊断 400 CurrentIndustryNotSupportThisScene The current industry does not support the specified scenario.当前指定的行业信息不支持指定...


FREE_LOCK()Whether the named lock is free IS_IPV4()Whether argument is an IPv4 address IS_IPV4_COMPAT()Whether argument is an IPv4-compatible address IS_IPV4_MAPPED()Whether argument is an IPv4-mapped address IS_IPV6()...

访问Windows系统的云虚拟主机提示“An error occurred...

An error occurred on the server when processing the URL 问题原因 云虚拟主机默认设置了不显示完整的报错信息。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据安全。如果您...

RevokeToken-吊销 Token

400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


本文介绍了如何通过阿里云ECP Java SDK调用DeleteInstances删除一台云手机实例。前提条件 您必须至少创建了一台云手机实例。注意事项 实例释放后数据无法恢复。代码示例 以下代码适用于删除华东1(杭州)地域下的一台云手机实例,参数 ...

Dataphin集成任务同步失败报“ invalid host 'xxx...

问题描述 Dataphin集成任务同步失败报错:“The connection string contains an invalid host 'xxx;xxx'.Reserved characters such as ':' must be escaped according RFC 2396.Any IPv6 address literal must be enclosed in '[' and ']' ...


手机手机的能力集。功能集 功能 功能描述 参考文档 云手机规格 基础版 适用于轻量级负载应用场景,如微信、微博等APP场景。手机规格 普通版 适用于对云手机性能要求较低的场景,如APP仿真测试,移动办公场景。手机规格 性能版 适用于...


AccessEngineFailed 500 An error occurred while accessing the search engine.访问引擎失败。InternalOssError 500 An internal OAS error occurred.内部OAS错误。InternalSwiftError 500 An internal SWIFT error occurred.内部SWIFT...


System.out.println("Caught an OSSException,which means your request made it to OSS,"+"but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");System.out.println("Error Message:"+oe.getErrorMessage());System.out.println...

Quick BI调用Open...An internal system error occurred...

概述 Quick BI调用OpenAPI(QueryDatasetDetailInfo)报错"An internal system error occurred"详细信息 Quick BI调用OpenAPI(QueryDatasetDetailInfo)报错"An internal system error occurred。要加上这两个传递参数,返回参数,即可...

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6" is an unknown k

本文介绍在Linux系统的ECS实例中,执行 sysctl-p 命令时提示“error:"net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6" is an unknown key”错误的原因和解决方案。问题现象 在Linux系统的ECS实例中,执行 sysctl-p 命令时提示如下错误。error:...


400 InstancePermissionCheckFailed An error occurred while validating the permissions of the instance.Please verify the account that created the instance and its permissions settings.实例权限校验失败,请确认MQTT实例的所属...


创建云手机后,您可以通过控制台管理云手机的运行情况,包括开机、关机、重启和释放云手机。本文为您介绍如何开机、关机、重启和释放云手机。开机云手机手机的实例状态必须为 已停止。登录 云手机管理控制台。在左侧导航栏,单击 云手机...
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