
错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid token 无效 404 application_not_found Application id not found:app_001 应用不存在 403 application_disabled Application is disabled 应用...


T429SR 429 Throttled by SERVER Flow Control T429MR 429 Too Many Requests,throttle by `${Description}` A403IP 403 Access denied by IP Control Policy 被`IP访问控制插件`阻止访问 A403IN 403 Access from internet is disabled${...


错误码 HttpCode Error Code 错误信息 说明 400 invalid_token Access token is not valid token 无效 400 MissingParameter.xxxx The specified parameter:xxx is required!缺少 xxxx 参数 400 InvalidParameter.xxxx The specified ...


诊断 400 OverQuota The Total is over the quota,or Your account balance must not be less than 100 yuan.-诊断 400 OverQuota The Total is over the quota.总数超过了限额,请您减少数量后再重试。诊断 400 ServiceUnavailable The ...

报错FAILED:ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-The task is ...

本文为您介绍 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-The task is not in release range:Merge 的报错原因及处理方法。问题现象 在您使用MaxCompute过程中,当您尝试执行下面的SQL语句来合并小文件:set odps.merge.cross.paths=true;set odps.merge....


错误码:ODPS-0420095:Access Denied 错误1:You have no privilege to create external project-you have to be owner,super admin or admin of the referred project.错误信息 ODPS-0420095:Access Denied-You have no privilege to ...


用户时间和服务器时间不在15分钟内请检查您的时间戳设置,确认时间戳和服务器时间的差值是否在15分钟内。诊断 400 MissingQuotaActionCode QuotaActionCode Is Miss 参数QuotaActionCode缺失。诊断 400 InvalidThresholdType The ...


MySQL问题 ECS实例中的MySQL安装后登录正常,但远程连接MySQL数据库时失败,提示“1045-Access denied for user 'root'@'*'(using password:YES)”错误怎么办?问题现象 ECS实例中的MySQL安装后登录正常,但使用相同账号和密码远程连接...

退信提示:502 Mailfrom account is a local account

问题描述 阿里邮箱用户发信失败,退信中包含以下信息:502 Mailfrom account is a local account 问题原因 1、阿里邮箱用户使用本地客户端发送邮件时,需要设置指定的发送邮件服务器地址 ,端口为25(加密端口为465)...


返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 Code Integer 200 返回码 Message String Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.错误消息,仅错误时返回错误信息。RequestId String 4F68ABED-AC31-4412-9297-D9A8F0401108 请求唯一ID Success ...


返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 Code Integer 200 返回码 Message String Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.错误信息,仅错误时返回错误信息。RequestId String 4F68ABED-AC31-4412-9297-D9A8F0401108 请求唯一ID Success ...


返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 Code Integer 200 返回码 Message String Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.错误消息,仅错误时返回错误信息。RequestId String 4F68ABED-AC31-4412-9297-D9A8F0401108 请求唯一ID Success ...


返回数据 名称 类型 示例值 描述 Code Integer 200 返回码 Message String Your request is denied as lack of ssl protect.错误信息,仅错误时返回错误信息。RequestId String 4F68ABED-AC31-4412-9297-D9A8F0401108 请求唯一ID Success ...

阿里邮箱在Outlook 2010的设置方法

6、单击 发送服务器,勾选 我的发送服务器(SMTP)要求验证 和 使用与接收邮件服务器相同的设置。7、单击 高级 选项。勾选 在服务器上保留邮件的副本(L),单击 确定。说明 虽此项非必需,但建议您进行勾选,以保证您在设置完Outlook后,...

阿里邮箱在Outlook 2007上的设置方法

6、单击 发送服务器,勾选 我的发送服务器(SMTP)要求验证 和 使用与接收邮件服务器相同的设置。7、单击 高级 选项。勾选 在服务器上保留邮件的副本(L),单击 确定。说明 虽此项非必需,但建议您进行勾选,以保证您在设置完Outlook后,...


更换专有网络时产生报错的详细信息如下:错误一:InvalidDependence.GrantAccess:The Specified operation is denied due to grant access 错误二:InvalidDependence.NextHopOfCustomRouter:The Specified operation is denied due to ...

如何提高Nginx Web服务器的安全性

本文介绍如何提高Nginx Web服务器的安全性的操作步骤。背景信息 Nginx是一个轻量级的,高性能的Web服务器以及反向代理和邮箱(IMAP或POP3)代理服务器。它运行在UNIX、GNU、linux、BSD、Mac OS X、Solaris和Windows各种版本。根据调查统计...


请确保环境变量ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID、ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET已设置。AccessKey ID,阿里云身份验证标识。properties.put(PropertyKeyConst.AccessKey,System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID"));AccessKey Secret,...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录



403 OperationDenied.InvalidMntStatus The operation is denied due to invalid protocol mount targte status.-403 OperationDenied.InvalidPtcStatus The operation is denied due to invalid protocol service status.当前协议服务状态...


400 InvalidParameter.KMSKeyId.KMSUnauthorized ECS service account have no right to access your KMS.-400 DRYRUN.SUCCESS This request is a dryrun request with successful result.您设置了预检此次请求,并且检查通过。403 ...


400 OperationDenied.NotSupportAcl The operation is denied because The single Tunnel or any Tunnel loadbalancer does not support config AccessControlList.操作被拒绝,原因是Single Tunnel和Any Tunnel 类型负载均衡实例不支持...

Access denied for user”错误

问题描述 连接RDS的MySQL实例时,提示如下错误信息。ERROR 1045(28000):Access denied for user 'XXX'...例如,在命令中使用-p 'XXX'。...ERROR 1045(28000):Access denied for user 'XXX'@'XXX'(using password:NO)适用于 云数据库 RDS MySQL 版

Access denied for user”错误

问题描述 连接RDS的MySQL实例时,提示如下错误信息。ERROR 1045(28000):Access denied for user 'XXX'...例如,在命令中使用-p 'XXX'。...ERROR 1045(28000):Access denied for user 'XXX'@'XXX'(using password:NO)适用于 云数据库 RDS MySQL 版


403 InstanceExpiredOrInArrears The specified operation is denied as your prepay instance is expired(prepay mode)or in arrears(afterpay mode).实例已过期或者欠费,请您续费或者结清后再进行操作。403 IpInUse The specified IP is...


403 OperationDenied.AlreadyExists The operation is denied due to IdirName already exists in parent path.创建的目录名在父目录中已存在。403 OperationDenied.TooManyFilesets The operation is denied due to too many fileset in ...


403 OperationDenied.InvalidPtcStatus The operation is denied due to invalid protocol service status.当前协议服务状态不支持该操作。403 OperationDenied.InvalidState The operation is denied due to invalid file system state....


400 OperationDenied.HealthCheckClosedForMasterSlaveMode The operation is denied because of HealthCheckClosedForMasterSlaveMode.操作被拒绝,原因是主备模式下要求必须开启健康检查。400 IllegalParam.HealthCheck The param of ...


诊断 404 InvalidSourceStorage.PermissionDenied The source storage access permission is denied.无源端存储访问权限,请检查SLR授权、源存储的访问tag。诊断 404 InvalidSourceStorage.Unreachable Source storage cannot be accessed....


诊断 404 InvalidSourceStorage.PermissionDenied The source storage access permission is denied.无源端存储访问权限,请检查SLR授权、源存储的访问tag。诊断 404 InvalidSourceStorage.Unreachable Source storage cannot be accessed....

Quick BI数据集预览报错“Access denied for user ''@...

产品名称 Quick BI 产品模块 数据集 概述 本文帮助您解决遇到“Access denied for user ''@'*.*.*.*'(using password:NO)”之类的报错的解决方案。问题描述 数据集刷新时报错:Access denied for user ''@'*.*.*.*'(using password:NO)问题...


创建外部表时报错:Access denied by project ip white list:sourceIP:'xxxx' is not in white list.project:xxxx 问题现象 当您在 Hologres管理控制台 使用HoloWeb创建外部表时报错提示“Access denied by project ip white list:sourceIP...

Quick BI使用sql创建数据集报错 Access Denied

Access Denied:Access denied for CREATE VIEW,check db/table is XXX,user:XXX host:%has privilege:UserPrivilege{globalPrivileges=[SELECT],dbPrivileges={},tablePrivileges={},columnsPrivileges={}} 解决方案 这个报错的意思是用户...


403 OperationDenied.ConflictOperation The operation is denied due to a conflict with an ongoing operation.与当前的文件系统操作冲突导致无法创建数据流动。403 OperationDenied.DataFlowNotSupported The operation is not ...

java.sql.SQLException:Access denied for user ''@'*...

问题描述 本文主要描述了Quick BI导入资源包以后报错”INTERNAL:java.sql.SQLException:java.sql.SQLException:Access denied for user ''@'*.*.*.*'(using password:NO)“的解决方法。问题原因 资源包导入后,数据源还没有正常连通。解决...



云数据库RDS使用“load data...Access denied for user”

ERROR 1045(28000):Access denied for user 'XXX'@'%'(using password:YES)问题原因 云数据库RDS默认不支持file权限。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意实例的容灾、容错能力,确保数据安全。...


400 OperationDenied.MasterSlaveGroupLogEnabled The operation is denied because of MasterSlaveGroupLogEnabled.操作被拒绝,原因是主备服务器组日志已启用。400 OperationDenied.OnlyIpv4SlbSupport The operation is not allowed ...


则返回失败的代码 Data Boolean false 是否移除权限成功 Message String Access denied for user 'user002' to revoke 'CREATE' to user001 如果请求失败,则返回失败的详细信息 RequestId String 9BEAC206-0795-4DE3-B1FD-964BEF432B23 ...


如何设置POP协议的邮件收取范围 安卓版阿里邮箱APP中开启邮件提醒 常见的错误/问题 在Outlook中通过SSL加密登录时系统提示“目标主要名称不正确”设置Foxmail邮件客户端时系统提示“553 authentication is required”错误 邮件客户端无法...
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